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[SALE] Selling my collection!

I checked with the mods a few days ago and I believe this type of post is allowed on Sundays.
A few years ago I was into crystals, but my interest has waned and I've moved on to new hobbies, so I'd like to unload my stones onto someone who might get more enjoyment from them. They were originally purchased from eBay, Etsy, rock & mineral shows, or stores specializing in crystals/minerals. I don't have prices in mind (except for a couple of the slightly more valuable ones) so make me an offer. I'm in Canada, so keep in mind that any shipping anywhere within Canada or US is likely going to be in the range of $10-15, depending on what you'd like and how I'm able to package it (maybe a bit more if someone wanted to buy everything, for example). I'm wiling to refund excess shipping. I didn't think it was worth posting these to eBay.
Obviously some of the tumbled stones are not worth the shipping fees, but if you wanted to take several I think there's opportunities for good deals, and I'm motivated to sell. My ideal situation would be if someone wanted to offer me a price for everything. Alternatively, I can see it being worthwhile if people are interested in some of the individual more "special" crystals if the other still go in large groupings. Make me an offer!
I am reasonably confident in my IDs, but it's possible I have something wrong. Where I'm unsure of a stone, I've identified it.
Photos I know the photos aren't the greatest, I had 3 light sources but still got some shadows. I didn't want to artificially enhance the photos. If there's something you'd like a better photo of, please let me know.
Larger, or "special" stones:
Small rough stones (not tumbled):
Tumbled stones (all approx 1" diameter or under):
edit: Because I've had questions via x-post and DM, I'd say the retail value of the entire collection is about $220-250USD (in terms of what I paid).
submitted by mc_cheeto to Crystals [link] [comments]

Steven Universe and the commodification of media representation.

It's no secret that the show's biggest claim to fame has been "diversity" or "inclusion" or "progressivism" or whatever you want to call it.
It's a show famous for its queer characters, and its fat characters, and its disabled characters, and also its main character -- a wholesome, friendly, unproblematic Soft Boy specifically defined within the fiction by his empathy, and his kindness, and his near-total willingness to be openly vulnerable -- a very deliberately un-toxically masculine dude.
Millions of words have been written about this, and not coincidentally, the moment that really put the show on the map, the moment that went viral and practically doubled the size of the fan base overnight, was the moment where it was revealed that one of the other lead characters was literally the physical manifestation of glorious lesbian love.
It's a Thing.
And it's the backbone of the show. The series' creator is a bisexual woman who's specifically talked about how the driving message, the entire purpose, of the show's existence is to speak to kids who feel like they don't belong and tell them it's okay to be different.
Let's be honest.
Do we -- and when I say "we," I mean the fan base at large, collectively -- do we actually care?
Like, do we actually give a shit about marginalized voices and marginalized issues?
Or do we just use that as an excuse to pat ourselves on the back and praise the show whenever it's convenient?
More and more, I feel like it's that last one.
I remember a thinkpiece from a while back, written by a Black person, about how the show fails its Black-coded characters, how almost all of the show's most prominent Black-coded women -- Garnet, Jasper, Bismuth, Sugilite -- are all portrayed as physically much bigger, much more violent, and much more stoic than their most immediately comparable non-Black counterparts, feeding into and stemming from dehumanizing and defeminizing anti-Black misogynistic stereotypes.
That piece was posted here, and the fan base was having none of it.
We didn't just disagree.
We refused to listen to begin with.
And began to attack the author of the piece.
Now, I myself am a non-binary person, and I've had a bit to say about the way the show approaches non-binary representation.
I like Stevonnie. I like Smoky Quartz. They are both beautiful and perfect for what they are, I'm glad to have them, and they're certainly better than nothing... But at the end of the day, if it really came down to it, I would trade them both, in a fucking heartbeat, for an actual, human non-binary character.
See, the representation is muddled by the fact that our only non-binary characters don't really exist on their own terms. They only exist for moments at a time, and only as literal fusions of other characters, and mostly only in fight scenes. They never get the chance to grow into their own people, and they just don't...get own lives.
Hell, even the basic fact that they use "they" and "them" pronouns is muddled by the fact that they're each literally multiple people. Stevonnie using "they" becomes less significant when they also use "we" half the time. They're plural people, and that blurs the message at least sometimes to the point of unrecognizability.
I love them for what they are.
But if there was just one Beach City citizen who quietly used "they" and "them" -- or, dare I suggest, even neo-pronouns -- that would mean so much more to me and be so much more of a clear step forward.
Cue those posts immediately being downvoted into the negatives.
Cue the personal attacks.
Cue the accusations that I'm "trying to get the show canceled."
Cue the "attack helicopter" memes.
Cue the cries of "go back to Tumblr."
And cue wave after wave of cis people telling me to sit down, shut up, and be grateful to have what little I have.
More than once, people have told me, "How dare you attack the most progressive show on television?"
Well, I'm here to tell you that critique is not an attack -- and that if it was actually the most progressive show on television, it would be open to criticism because part of being "progressive" is understanding that you do have blind spots in your point of view and that there's always going to be more progress yet to be made.
It's not about slapping the "progressive" label on yourself and using it as a shield -- or a cudgel.
It's about making that commitment to improve continuously.
To make progress.
And this brings me to my bottom-line point:
We love to talk about how much "representation matters" when we can use that to lift the show up and make it sound important.
But we don't genuinely value the voices of the people affected by this stuff.
Right around the time I made that post about the show's non-binary representation could be better, there was another thread by another talking talking about how good the show's non-binary representation was. Predictably, mine was downvoted into oblivion. Theirs was openly applauded.
We only care about marginalized voices when they're saying something we already agree with, or something that makes us feel good.
In a more just world, that wouldn't happen.
The users on this sub wouldn't separate us into good enbies and bad enbies, or tell the "bad enbies" to "shut up" and "be grateful." They would equally value the input of enbies on enby issues regardless of whether or not we happen to be praising the show you like.
But, no, I'm the bad enby.
I'm the shit-stirrer.
I'm the one you have to send hateful DMs to and try to chase off the sub.
It's amazing how, when praise is happening, "representation matters," but when critique is happening, "it's just a show."
We only care about the voices of the marginalized when they validate what we already think and feel.
submitted by Crystal_Clods to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Blind Reaction to Steven Universe Episodes 19-20

Episodes 1-2 Episodes 3-4 Episodes 5-6 Episodes 7-8 Episodes 9-10 Episodes 11-12 Episodes 13-14 Episodes 15-16 Episodes 17-18
Hey guys! Back with episodes 19-20. I’m going to try to get these out when the new episode isn’t airing, so either a few hours before or after it. I guess you guys will already know, but I don’t yet, so… There’s that. Also, please keep your discussion spoiler free! I’m trying to go into this show with as little knowledge about it beforehand as possible, so as to keep my reactions as, well, reactionary as they can be! Anyways, let’s get into the episode!

Episode 19- Rose’s Room

A new room is unlocked in the Temple that grants Steven's every wish, but such power threatens to teach him a lesson.
Written and Storyboarded by Joe Johnston and Jeff Liu
Steven did not love it.
Actually, that’s my new headcanon. Onion and Sans are one.

Closing Thoughts-

This episode had some unexpected horror! You know how I feel about horror, so this episode was really fun for me. The music was fantastic. It had this constant glitchy vibe going on, with musical cuts and distortion, and the song that plays when Steven is exploring the town is absolutely serene. I loved how the town was drawn in this episode! I hope we get to see more scenes in the nighttime, because I love how it looks in this show. This episode was really good, one of my favorites so far! It’s definitely on my top 5. Let’s move on, shall we?

Episode 20- Coach Steven

Steven is resolved to get super strong and takes physical training to a new level after witnessing Gamet and Amethyst's fusion into Sugilite.
Written and Storyboarded by Raven M. Molisee and Paul Villeco

Closing thoughts-

This episode was, start to finish, incredible. The animation was fantastic, the music was unbelievable stellar, and the voice acing… the voice acting! MMMM! The song, which was wonderful sounding, was used as a motif throughout the rest of the episode, and it was so powerful! I loved Sugilite; Nicki Minaj was born to voice act for that role. Pearl’s acting, too, was absolutely incredible. She put so many different and complex emotions into her lines, and it’s really incredible to watch. Let’s get into the episode ranking! My top five episodes are-
  1. Coach Steven
  2. Laser Light Cannon
  3. Giant Woman
  4. So Many Birthdays
  5. Rose’s Room
That’s right! Laser Light Cannon is officially, for real this time, actually dethroned! As for my musical list, it goes as follows-
  1. Strong in the Real Way
  2. Giant Woman
  3. Let me drive my van into your heart
  4. Cookie Cat Rap
As always, thanks for reading! Please, please, please keep your discussion spoiler free! I want to go into this show as blindly as I can. I’m already very irritated at the sub. Even though I have subreddit style turned off, I can still see the reddit alien variation for Steven Universe, so now I know that there is going to be both a blue and a red gem. Still, I’m looking forward to meeting them! Finally, a question-
[EDIT] I had originally asked for what episode you guys were most excited about me seeing, but then realized that it might get spoiler heavy, so I changed it to-
Until next time!
Episodes 21-22
submitted by elecathes to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Rose Quartz is Pink Diamond Masterpost

Edited 05/08/2018: Now that The Truth Is Out, I wrote a formal version compiling foreshadowing on The Geekiary here!

I HAVE UPDATED THIS IN A SEPARATE POST HERE. I'm keeping this one up so that we can all have a good laugh about it once the full truth comes out. But as of today, Jan. 25, I will no longer be updating this particular post.

THEORY: Rose Quartz was Pink Diamond, former member of the "Diamond Authority" (ruling entity of Homeworld)
Note: There are many variations on this theory, the most common being "Diamond is a title, not the name of the gemstone." Most of these points can be used for most RQ = PD theories, but I will specifically be presenting evidence on the veracity of Rose (and now Steven) being a literal Diamond.
In addition, I am conflating Rose = Royalty (or whatever the Gem equivalent is) with Rose = Pink Diamond theories, as I believe they go hand in hand.
manny_funk on the variations of this theory:
We don't know if she was called Pink Diamond or Pink Debbie. Pink Diamond is just a name that stuck with fans because of Ronaldo. Ignoring the names... the main crux of the theory was that there used to be 4 ruling parties of the Homeworld, one of them being pink and post war, now there is 3, with pinky erased from the symbol. Who do we know whose distinguishing color is pink in the show? Rose. Thats what we're debating is true or not. Whether she was called Diamond, Betty, Sue or whatever are details we don't know yet.

And if you are still hung up on the semantics, check out rooktakesqueen's The Pink Rhombus theory

1) The "Diamond Authority" symbols from various episodes seem to indicate there once was a pink component, but now there is not (say if she rebelled against her Homeworld...)
2) Real life rose quartz gemstones are lighter than pink diamonds.
3) (Pink) diamonds are rare and very hard, like Rose's shield.
4) In the original pilot, Steven's Gem has a gold ring around it.
5) Several pieces of clothing have pink diamonds on them
6) Rose is bigger than any Gems we've seen except for Yellow Diamond.
7) Pearl is kneeling before Rose in her holo-flashback in Rose's Scabbard. Pearl tells Connie to bow to her "liege" in Sworn to the Sword.
8) The sparklies at the warp pad are pink diamonds in Rose's Scabbard.
9) The mural in Serious Steven.
10) There are pink diamonds on the shields at the Strawberry Fields.
11) Rebecca Sugar packed these pins for SDCC this year
12) Greg's van has a diamond window. The lighthouse has a diamond designs as well.
13) Royalty foreshadowing in Watermelon Steven
14) Royalty foreshadowing in So Many Birthdays
15) Lion's original design was a heraldic lion
16) The pink stuff all over the space ships in Friend Ship (ty, argentarachnids)
17) Pearl calls Rose "one of a kind" in the Guide to the Crystal Gems
18) Rose doesn't have much in common with the other confirmed quartz types, Jasper and Amethyst
Why would Jasper say "you have the power of Rose Quartz!" and not "You have the power of Pink Diamond!" ?
Wouldn't an actual Rose Quartz Gem exist?
I don't get it. Why would Rose change her name at all?
I think Pink Diamond is actually _____!
Ugh, I hate hidden royalty cliches. It seems too obvious
Question: Is it disheartening to the crewniverse if a fan theory predicts events in the show?
Matt's response: No. What fun is a mystery if audience isn't given the clues to figure it out themselves?
My concluding point: Not only is there a lot of evidence, (some undoubtedly more convincing than others), there is a good narrative value to this theory. This show is about Steven Quartz Universe--whoever his mother was has to impact him directly. But think about it--Steven coming into his "magical destiny" as the son of an ancient alien ruler and some primitive primate joe schmo, one of a kind in a species in the whole universe, the bridge between magical and mundane, made from love <3
submitted by LadyRavenEye to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Rose Quartz is Pink Diamond (Post StevenBomb 4 UPDATE)

Edited 05/08: Now that The Truth Is Out, I wrote a formal version compiling foreshadowing on The Geekiary here!

Original Masterpost

Hello lovelies! I've been dragging my feet about updating this post, but here I am, finally doing it. I have decided to redo the post entirely, since there is all sorts of new context for the theory, and I thought it might be fun to preserve the "original" theory for posterity.

THEORY: Rose Quartz was Pink Diamond, former member of the Diamond Authority

Note: There are many variations on this theory. Rose + Bismuth = Pink Diamond, Rose mutilated her Gem to be Pink Diamond, all Diamonds are secret Fusions and Rose is only a component--etc. To make it easier for myself, I'm still presenting the potential evidence that supports Rose (and now Steven) being a literal Diamond, but please note that this evidence can be applied to most theories if you tweak the interpretation. Quite honestly, much of this evidence can also support Rose being a high-ranking member of Pink Diamond's court. Only time will tell!
Here is an excellent summary of the post-SB4 misdirection of the theory by tumblr user oathkeeper-of-tarth.
1) The Diamond Authority symbols from various episodes seem to indicate there once was a pink component, but now there is not. In rough chronological (in terms of Gem history) order:
2) The mural in Serious Steven.
3) Real life rose quartz gemstones are lighter than pink diamonds.
4) (Pink) diamonds are rare and very hard, like Rose's shield.
5) In the original pilot, Steven's Gem has a gold ring around it.
6) Several pieces of clothing have pink diamonds on them
7) Royalty foreshadowing
8) The sparklies at the warp pad are pink diamonds in Rose's Scabbard.
9) There are pink diamonds on the shields at the Strawberry Fields.
10) Rebecca Sugar packed these pins for SDCC this year
11) Greg's van has a diamond window. The lighthouse has a diamond designs as well.
12) The pink stuff all over the space ships in Friend Ship
13) Pearl calls Rose "one of a kind" in the Guide to the Crystal Gems
14) Rose doesn't have much in common with the other confirmed quartz types, Jasper and Amethyst
if Rose is a quartz, why is that she's much more friendly looking, and has protection/healing powers if she's built to fight? Ian Jones-Quartey: quartz soldiers are intended for armies, meaning some of them need defensive powers as well. they can't all be tanks.
Does this mean that Rose is definitely a quartz? Ian Jones-Quartey: Yo her name is Rose QUARTZ
15) It Could've Been Great
16) There exists a famous diamond named "Pink Star Diamond") ty, u/noordleoordle
17) You can hear Blue Diamond-like tones in Rose's music
I. Skinny mural legs! Other Diamonds have a kite cut! No one recognized her during The Answer! She's way smaller than Blue or Yellow Diamond! Jasper said: "You have the Power of Rose Quartz!"
II. The Guide lists Steven's Gem type as "Quartz"
III. Peridot calls Steven "some kind of quartz" in When It Rains
IV. Wouldn't an actual Rose Quartz Gem exist?
V. I don't get it. Why would Rose change her name/form at all?
VI. Ugh, I hate hidden royalty cliches. It seems too obvious
Question: Is it disheartening to the crewniverse if a fan theory predicts events in the show?
Matt's response: No. What fun is a mystery if audience isn't given the clues to figure it out themselves?
My concluding point: Not only is there a lot of evidence, (some undoubtedly more convincing than others), there is a good narrative value to this theory. This show is about Steven Quartz Universe--whoever his mother was has to impact him directly. But think about it--Steven coming into his "magical destiny" as the son of an ancient alien ruler and some primitive primate joe schmo, one of a kind in a species in the whole universe, the bridge between magical and mundane, made from love <3
submitted by LadyRavenEye to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Pony Blindly Reacts to Steven Universe, Episode 20

Hey guys! As promised, I'm getting my Coach Steven post up today! I guess I had a lot to say, so I hope you guys enjoy it!
If you're looking for past episodes, you can find them here:
Episodes 1 - 3 | Episodes 4 - 6 | Episodes 7 - 9 | Episodes 10 - 12 | Episodes 13 - 15 | Episodes 16 - 18 Episodes 19 & 21
And a quick reminder that I'm new to the show, and have remained unspoiled so far - so please, PLEASE keep that in mind! Make sure to tag your spoilers in the comments below, and if you're not sure whether it's a spoiler or not - well, it's better to be safe than sorry.
Let's get this show on the road!
Season One, Episode Twenty: “Coach Steven”
Closing thoughts on “Coach Steven:” Holy shit this was an awesome episode! The hype you guys gave it was well deserved. This easily makes my top five of the series - maybe not number one, but definitely a contender for at least number two. There was so much to this episode - a new fusion, Nicki Minaj, a touch of lore, more understanding on fusion and how it works, some fan-fucking-tastic music, a great song, the revelation that Pearl’s VA is a phenomenal singer, character development, gorgeous animation, some humour, enough emotion to make me tear up - just damn dude. DAMN. I could have screenshot/giffed every other moment. But this episode deserved it. So much did it deserve it. Ughhhh. So good.
This episode was superb. What was there not to love? We had silliness in the beginning, then fusion hype, then Pearl's saltiness, Sugi's attitude, a song, a bit more understanding of fusion and how it works, a FIGHT, beautiful music, tears, the biggest comeback this side of the Atlantic Ocean, and so many more questions. I think I said all this already, but it was SO. GOOD. This episode is on par with Giant Woman - kind of came out of nowhere and was super engaging. I think Giant Woman might still be my favourite episode, but Coach Steven is on its heels.
So again, next three episodes are Steven and the Stevens, Monster Buddies, and Indirect Kiss. I have no idea what to expect with any of these, except that Monster Buddies aludes to something to do with the gem monsters I assume? Which I'm totally down for. I can't say when or what order they'll come out, or if all three will come out together - I'm still doing this with 3 episodes per post in mind, but that's no guarantee.
And as always, mailing list is still a thing: message or comment if you want added. And more importantly: THIS IS A SPOILER FREE BLIND REACT SERIES. Please keep this in mind when discussing in the comments below, and please tag any spoilers or anything you think might be spoilers! The less I know, the better it is for me AND you!
And since I still have plenty of room left to spare...
...aaaaand that's enough of that.


submitted by PonyForYou to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Zach Callison AMA Table

Link to original AMA
Want it more condensed? Click here! (Thank you LadyRavenEye and dragon-elexus!)
This is a table for Zach Callison's AMA that took place 13th of April 2016 on this subreddit. For the context of those viewing this in the future, this AMA took place during the hiatus after Log Date 7 15 2 aired.
The table is in order of when the questions were answered, with the first answer at the top. (some questions are cut for length. Just click on Zach's answer for full context)
Question(s) Answer(s)
RotomGuy: Hey Zach! Welcome to our little subreddit.I hope i'm allowed to ask this, but how far away is your favourite episode from airing? Of the unreleased ones, there's actually one in the next batch that's one of my favorites, but I won't say which one for now. I tend to like eps with a good balance of goofy, offbeat comedy and dramatic elements, so Space Race and Steven and the Stevens are two of my picks for older eps!
Weaby: Hey Zach! First of all, thank you so much for doing this AMA and giving us all this opporunity! I have over thirty questions I want to ask, but that wouldn't be very fair of me, so here's just two. What was the audition process like? What did you think of the show before and during the audition? What was your favorite episode to record lines for? Hey there! The initial audition was sent to me, with some early drawings of Steven, 10 or so lines of dialogue from the original pilot, and Rebecca's demo of the old title theme, (what is now known as) the extended theme. I recorded it with my longtime VO coach, focusing on creating a vocal sound for Steven first, then adding in the emotional elements afterwards. There were 1 or 2 callbacks at Cartoon Network, and shortly thereafter we recorded the pilot!Steven and the Stevens jumps to mind, seeing as I had to voice every Steven you see on screen...even in the last scene. It was near chaos, having conversations with myself, which is why I loved it so much. Any episode where I get to record audio for other characters is a blast as well, Onion, etc.
ThePugProgrammer: Hey Zack! I have 3 questions for you: 1. What's your favourite episode that has currently aired? 2. What's your favourite video game? 3. Which meme do you feel is superior? 1. Speaking as a viewer, Space Race and Jail Break are definitely favorites of mine for a couple reasons. They have a lot of character development, dramatic elements, but find ways to sneak in comedy and beautiful visuals. And of course...Estelle. As for game, Undoubtedly the Mass Effect trilogy, but I couldn't pick just one of them. These games have had a HUGE impact on my life, and how I view gaming as a medium. Plus, we have Gunnery Chief Ashley Williams herself in our SU cast. :) 3. If any of my friends are reading this, I'm terribly sorry for all the times I've said "suh dude" to you in the past few weeks
illdrawyourface: Hey Zach, I drew your face with the colors of the crystal gems! Question: What is your favorite Steven face? Have any other favorite funny faces from the show? Hey, that looks awesome!, thank you! Keep up the art :) My favorite Steven face is the Together Breakfast one. Where he's holding the plate? It's just another level of ridiculous.
theneverendinghiatus: What got you into voice acting? A happy accident! I moved to LA in 2007 with the intent of being a film and TV-only actor, but I ended up getting a few voice acting auditions a couple years later...and eventually booked a role on the radio show Adventures in Odyssey, which lasted five years and taught me a ton about VO.
uiop60: How closely did you get to work with Nicki Minaj? What was that like? Sadly, I didn't get to meet her, as she recorded via phone patch from the east coast. I was really hoping to meet her. She did a really great job though, she put an awesome flair on Sugilite!
MKotter: Hey Zach! Was really excited when I heard you were doing an AMA so I have a bunch of questions: I'm sure you saw this question coming but how different is it for you doing on-camera acting versus voice acting? do you have a preference? Any alternate takes or improvised bits you can recall from SU that didn't make it into the final production? kind of (?) related, but I saw some video on Twitter of a joke that you did that got cut from the Goldbergs episode. I don't watch the show but I was curious what the joke was, cuz I didn't get it out of context haha I saw some interview with Deedee and Michaela laughing about "boodles of fun", and I was wondering if that's why Pearl says "boodles of fun" in Sworn to the Sword? Any other inside jokes like that make it into the show? who's your Super Smash Bros main? Hey there! There's actually a much bigger difference than people realize; VO, for me, requires so much...precision. The only part of me that ends up in the final product is my voice, so it's all about micromanagement of my tone, pitch and inflection. On-camera is the product of multiple things including the above, as well as body language and facial expression. The uniting factor between the two is definitely the emotional side. I could never pick a favorite, though...I intend to do both as long as I possibly can! Oh, tons. In the studio, we love trying bizarre takes and reads of certain lines, just to try out. Some of these bits are sprinkled throughout the show...but many don't make it. I'd really love to hear a blooper reel one day, if any of those takes are still around. Basically, in the episode, I say a line while playing D&D: "My move is, I change my name to Dick Biggens". The alternate jokes were basically just other goofy names that were cut, Max Bonerstein, etc. :P I wouldn't be surprised if they took that line straight from Deedee, it's absolutely perfect for Pearl. We're all a good bit like our characters; I've definitely heard Deedee say things to her kids in a Pearl tone. I'm dreadfully bad compared to my friends, but I always came back to sanic, he's fast and stuff I'll be at Momocon next month! Tweet at me if you get a chance, maybe something can be worked out
W4RD06: Hey Zach! Good to meet you! My question is: If you had your own army of watermelon Zachs, what would you do with them? Turn them into a choral group and arrange songs for them to sing. Also, for any that misbehaved, make them into my food runners Chipotle and Poquito Mas down the street.
Witterson: Hey Zach, thanks so much for taking the time to do this! My question is: On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being full-on, starry-eyed Steven, how excited are you for us to experience everything that's to come? 11/10, with an extra Garnet third eye. The new stuff has been blowing me away! Crewniverse is ridiculously talented, and it really feels like they've gotten even better since the show started. I'm very happy to be a part of this crazy awesome show for a good while!
Casaham: Hey, Zach! I know that you think of yourself as a singesongwriter. Have you ever asked about writing a song for Steven? You know, I haven't...I don't think I'd do it justice. I'm still new to the songwriting part, and I'm still trying to figure out how to write songs for me, much less for another character. It sounds like fun, though, as well as challenging!
uiop60: Steven's voice has changed considerably over the course of the series. How much of this change has been done deliberately, and how much is it a product of changes in your own voice (if there have been any)? What has it been like being a teenage male voice actor (i.e., while your voice changed)? This is a really good question. It's a mix of both, really; my voice changed about six months or so AFTER we started recording episodes. I actually couldn't do a couple of my characters anymore, but Steven's voice was different. Back when I sounded like a chipmunk, I used to pitch my voice down for SU, and up for other, younger characters. When my register shifted into my current voice, I adjusted Steven by pitching him upwards instead. As a result, while the voice is somewhat consistent since the beginning in inflection, he does sound noticeably older. It has made for an interesting mirror between Steven and I, though...we've both grown up a lot as the show has gone on.
ManSpider95: Thanks so much for doing this! My question is this: Steven Universe has become something big. The show is one of the innovators of great lgbtq representation in shows, while having really great storytelling that everyone can enjoy. How do you feel about being a part of this? It's incredible! I honestly had no idea that the show would explore so many of these things when we began, but I couldn't be happier. I really feel like Rebecca and the crew have pushed the limits on what cartoons are capable of as a medium, whether through deeper storytelling or relevant themes. I do feel like I'm a very small part of something special, and for that I'm very grateful.
TheRealSlimSaiyan: Are there any parts of your own personality that make their way into Steven through your voice? I'd say so, yes. Even though Steven has grown older and more mature, he still has a sense of childlike wonder in his voice; I try to go back in time to a younger me and remember what that was like.
OfficialCasualCat: Hey Zach, you're amazing and I'm so glad you're the voice actor for Steven. And on behalf of the MtF transgender community, would you be able to explain how you get your vocals so high pitched? Is it from singing or is it a talent you built for your voice acting? Do you have any tips? or recommendations on where/how to train our vocals? Thank you! Great question, by the way. It's undoubtedly from singing; I've been taking lessons since I was 7. I used to have a crazy soprano high end. I lost nearly all of it when my voice changed, and I was quite distraught for a while. Thankfully, I started seeing my singing teacher again, and now my vocals are in a better spot than they've ever been. Vocal lessons take a long time to show improvement, but with daily practice and patience, you'll see results. EDIT: Oh, and also, if you end up taking vocal lessons, make sure you let your teacher know what your goal is. If they know what they're doing, they'll cater the exercises to fulfilling that purpose.
SubwayBossEmmett: I have a quick question for you, in Steven's birthday, how close was Steven's "mature" voice compared to your regular voice? Were there anytimes that you were surprised by the script and what was happening in the story? Thanks for doing this The "professional beach hunk" voice is relatively close to mine, with a little more bass and cockiness added to it. While recording that ep, we referred to it as "Superman" voice :P
WowwhyOFTW: Hello Zach! My question is...What has been your most memorable experience with a fan? Alright, story time... When I was about six years old, my longtime friend Ben was having a birthday party at the mall, back in good ol' Missouri. We ate like kings in the food court, and scurried around in excitement because of our next activity: a trip to the movie theater, to see none other than Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed. Yes, the live-action one. We were ecstatic. As we all started to file into the concessions area, my dad put a hand on my shoulder to keep me in place. I was confused, then he said "C'mon Zach, we have to go home now." Even more perplexed, I whined and asked him why. "This movie isn't appropriate for someone your age, it's time to go." Oh, I wailed. I kicked, I screamed. I was very much up in arms. Dad! It's rated PG! I SAW THE FIRST ONE! ahem I ended up going home that day. I held a minor grudge over the incident for YEARS, never forgetting the injustice. So, how on earth is this a fan experience? This isn't the first time I've told this story, for context. I've related it a couple times in interviews, thinking nothing of it. That is, until this past January. I was doing an appearance at Sac Anime, a convention in Sacramento. We had a panel that Saturday, with a good number of Steven fans. One came up to ask a question, but before she sat back down, she said (paraphrased): "Hey, so this is really random but...I saw this interview you did a long time ago, where you talked about not seeing the Scooby-Doo movie? I felt bad so I brought you this." She had actually gone out of her way to buy the DVD, just to avenge six-year-old me. I was shocked, but so very excited. It's still on my shelf; I'm waiting until I can gather a group of my closest friends for a viewing party. To the gift-giver: thank you so much! tl;dr: Steven fans are rad people
Acksor: Hey Zach! Welcome to the sub! My question to you is how difficult is it to maintain your Steven voice? In "Steven's Birthday", Steven's voice gets noticeably deeper while he is stretching himself out. Is there a certain "normal" voice that you use for him, and the rest is done in post-processing? "Kid/Normal" Steven has remained fairly consistent, but it's easy to tell that Steven is growing up by the way you have changed your voice for him over time. Is there a situation in the show where we hear your normal speaking voice as Zach? Keep up the amazing work! fennric is correct, the narration at the end of Garnet's Universe is my normal voice. The voice for Steven is unedited, which is why is has gone through some changes as my own voice has changed. Thank you for the compliments, and keep up the voice acting dream! :)
ReallyCreative: Hey Zach! I'm so happy you're here! I have several questions I've been developing since the annoucement. 1) I know from stalking following your twitter that you are a big League of Legends fan! What's your favorite role, and what are some of your favorite champions?2) I love how you, the Crewniverse, and the other voice actors are like a big happy family on social media, what's your favorite story from the recording studio involving them?3) Do you have a favorite SU shitpost?4) Who is your dream guest star for SU? (Personally, I would give up my firstborn child for either Sia or Sufjan Stevens)5) Of the episodes that have aired so far, which one was the toughest to voice? I haven't been playing for a while because things have been so busy, but LoL was a huge part of my life 2013/2014! I'm a support main, which is why I have back problems. I have a soft spot for Leona! A few weeks ago we actually had a girl from Make-A-Wish come into the studio, and it was memorable to say the least. We had a pot luck, watched some episodes, and did an impromptu record in the booth. Michaela, Shelby and Estelle all made it, and Deedee skyped in from her If/Then tour stop in St. Louis! (represent) Funny story, because we were standing so far back from the camera, and I've grown a decent bit, Deedee had no idea who I was while I was talking to her. 10 minutes in, she asked "Where's Zach? Did he make it?" and we all died laughing. The theme song one...with Garnet in a panel with Kyogre and Groudon? beauty Both of those are AWESOME choices, honestly. If we're talking music...I think my pick would be Nai Palm of Hiatus Kaiyote. (One of my favorite bands!) Steven and the Stevens was tough from a logistical standpoint, because I basically had to have a conversation with myself the whole time. One of my favorites, though. Also, any episode that recorded while my voice was mid-change was really tough, especially if it had a song. Coach Steven comes to mind
homer878: Would you be willing to work on a SU movie, if CN ever decided to make one? With our same cast and crew? I would be open to that. Any excuse to work with these guys more!
CookieCatSupreme: Hi Zach! I absolutely love Steven Universe and I love how endearing all of the characters are - especially Steven! Thank you so much for doing this :3 I just have two questions for you: 1. what was your favourite song to sing on the show? 2. what's your favourite subreddit? Cookie Cat rap is up there, even if it isn't singing! It's also one of the things that gets requested by fans most often, so I keep it in my back pocket and rap it in the shower. Toss up! For dank memes, /youdontsurf . For my hobbies, /baseball , /cardinals , /listentothis and /musictheory . Oh, and a shout-out to /civbattleroyale secret obsession. HAIL SIBIR
CasnoGaming: Who has been your favorite character to voice act in your VA career? And how did you get started with voice acting? I'd say Steven! I've never had the chance to really be with a character for this long, and it's been fascinating to observe how he's evolved over the past few years. I started by accident, with a few chance VO auditions coming through from my film/TV agent. Adventures in Odyssey was the gig that really kicked it off
EverybodyHatesDipper: Best flag? For vexillology! Hey, I've visited there before! I used to be obsessed with flags as a kid. The only correct answer is Nepal, for going against the rectangular grain.
Pickardie: Hi Zach! When you do recordings, how often do you do group recordings with the other VA's? How often do you record with Grace, Matthew, or Kate, or do a lot of the secondary characters get their lines recorded solo? Usually every week I'm recording with at least one other person, but it varies. I see Michaela more than anyone, and Deedee when she's not off doing cool theater stuff. Every now and then I'll get to record with a Matthew or Kate, but it's been a while unfortunately. Grace flies down from college usually once a month or so.
cooperklebba: Before I ask my questions, let me just say that you are an AMAZING voice actor! Steven's not only my favorite character in SU, but also my favorite character in fiction PERIOD! You've got a bright future ahead of you! Question 1: What's your process/method of creating a character's voice? (Example: How did you decide on Steven's voice, mannerisms, etcetera?)Question 2: What do you feel are Steven's greatest strengths and weaknesses?Question 3: What's the biggest difference between Steven and Rose. (Besides the obvious things like overall skill.) Wow, thank you! I appreciate it :) I created the voice for the first audition with my voice acting coach, Tony. It only took about 10 minutes to get the vocal tone and quality down; reading the lines and finding the right emotional core for Steven was the bulk of the challenge. The original breakdown for the pilot encouraged some off-the-wall reads and inflections, so we decided to do some super goofy reads and roll with it. Steven's greatest strength and weakness is the same, IMO: his love for all beings, benevolent or not. He's a natural protector, and cares deeply for his friends and family. He assumes the best in the people he meets, good until proven evil. This backfires often, though...he sometimes places trust in people too easily. The gems are far more cautious in their interactions with outsiders. Rose, like the other gems, was around for a LONG time; she had gained so many years of experience and knowledge of Gems and the Earth by the time she's even shown in Steven Universe. Steven is brand new to all of it, and he's not yet equipped with everything he would need to be like his mother.
Zinko999: Hey Zach! Big fan of the show. Without spoiling anything, what's your favorite line that you've recorded so far? So, so many choices. Here's a few random ones that come to mind: "Arrivederci..." "If you need-a great-a-actor, you've-a come to the right-a guy-a! "Skills!"
nameistoohardtosay: Which gem fusion is your favorite? Sardonyx! I love her voice, I love her colors, and her weapon is the coolest one yet, IMO. My favorite part is her broadcasting shtick; it just works so well with who Garnet and Pearl are together.
TheGeek100: Hi Zach! I have one question for you: Team Captain America or Team Iron Man? Iron Man, purely because RDJ's Tony Stark
confusedasterisk: Hi, Zach! I have a few questions: Best/funniest moment(s) that have happened in the studio? How often do you get asked to do the Steven voice? How much do you get told of upcoming episodes? (Not asking for any spoilers) How much (if ever) do you get to improvise? I answered this one a bit here Quite often! Especially when I'm doing meet and greets, most people ask and I'm always happy to oblige, even if I'm sick and it sounds weird sometimes! My acting teacher has been doing it as of late as well, for some comic relief during class. A pretty good amount; if there's upcoming episode info that's relevant to the ep we're currently recording, Rebecca always tells us that. Occasionally I'll ask her about certain things coming up, but the Crew obviously has the much larger picture as to what's going on in the future. We don't improvise too much on SU, actually. I'd blame the talent of the writers and storyboarders; we really don't need to very often because the jokes and beats are so solid already. Instead, we tend to to take the lines they've written and get a little crazy with them; the zany reads are my favorite part of doing Steven's voice alongside the darker, more emotional bits.
Dragon-Elexus: If you could have any of Steven’s powers, which one would it be, and why? Healing spit! I'd basically become Wolverine the miracle worker at that point.
unicorndeathrace: Hi Zach! Which crystal gem do you relate to most? Any chance of coming to the UK for a con in the future? Amethyst, for a number of reasons. To me, she represents a lot of teenage behaviors and thoughts, and is reckless and rebellious a lot of the time. As someone who's in that phase of life, I understand why she does a lot of things she does. No plans yet, but I'm definitely open to that! I still haven't been to the UK.
RotomGuy: Would you rather spend a day with an angry Ruby or an angry Sapphire? Angry Sapphire. It'd give me an excuse to wear the winter coats I like that gather dust here in, less aggressive. :P
citrusalex: Hi! I'm Alex from Russia and I'm representing Russian community of Steven Universe. Here're the questions from Russian fans, translated into English. I hope you will answer to at least some of them. 1) Which song from SU is your favorite? 2) What is your height? 3) How have you came to voicing Steven? Who found you? 4) If characters from the show would suddenly become real, with whom would you most probably make friends with? 5) In which things you're similar to Steven? 6) If you would gain ability to shape-shift like gems, what would you shape-shift into first? 7) Tell us about your first day when you came to studio for voicing Steven. 8) Do you think the show changed your life somehow? 9) How often people recognize you? Do they at all? 10) Do you have any funny or creepy stories involving fans (people, not spinny things)? 11) If you could choose a new outfit for Steven, which clothes would you pick? привет, Alex! (My Russian is a little rusty!) To listen to, it's definitely Stronger Than You. The whole ep is gorgeous, Estelle sounds incredible, and it's such a great piece of story for Garnet. 5'10"! We'll have to have a non-American friend switch that to metric for me :P My agent sent me the audition in an email, I recorded it with my coach and sent it in. So, I suppose Cartoon Network and Rebecca found me, if indirectly. Amethyst because shenanigans, Peridot because geek-kin. I think both of us place great value in our friends, and treasure them. At the core of it, we're both very protective people when it comes to those we love, albeit in different ways. A jazz pianist, if I gained their skills too! Ha, the pilot was a long time ago, so I don't remember a ton...but our first day of the actual show, when we recorded Laser Light Cannon, I wore the LOUDEST shirt in my entire closet by accident. What I mean by was this brown button-up, that made friction noises every time I moved my arms or torso. For anyone who has seen me do VO, I flail my arms a LOT, so this became a problem! I ended up holding my arms up at shoulder height for a good portion of the record, because of whatever god-forsaken material that shirt was made out of. I think I outgrew it and it ended up at Goodwill... Absolutely! It's the most impactful project I've worked on in my career, in a number of ways. I've never done a lead on a TV show before this, so that's been exciting. It's also improved me as a voice actor tremendously, especially when it comes to the emotional bits. Every now and then, but it only started happening last fall. The first time, I was walking to a restaurant with my mom, and some guy driving by recognized me because he followed me on Twitter, and pulled over just to ask for a pic! That was a pretty cool one, and there have been a few since then. It's almost always a Steven fan, too! I told a little story here Joggers and some cool shoes, for comfort and functionality on missions!
randomjoshencounter: Hi Zach! 1) Do you plan on voicing Steven until the show ends? 2) Are there any other cartoons/shows that you would like to provide your voice for? 3.) Does voicing Steven affect your normal life? For instance, fans recognizig you? Have a good stay! I'd love to, this show has been one of my greatest experiences in life! I've been a fan of Cartoon Network shows since I was a kid, so voicing Steven has been a dream come true. I love the style of the current CN shows, so I'd certainly be open to more of that. Something I'd love to do more of would be video games and foreign dubbing; recording for Miyazaki's The Wind Rises was a breathtaking experience. Definitely, but never in a bad way. Any time someone has recognized me, they've been very kind, respectful and appreciative afterwards, and I am very grateful for that!
Basedgodanon: Is it hard to sing in Steven's voice? It's gotten easier as time has gone on, but it's still far and away the hardest part of Steven for me. Recording some of the songs while my voice was changing was very challenging for me. Thankfully, my range has finally stabilized and singing has become a lot less tough for me.
throwyourshieldred: Rebecca has mentioned that Steven is based on her brother. Did you study him to absorb any of his Stevenisms? I didn't meet Steven until we had recorded a handful of episodes already, but I definitely see how the show's Steven was modeled off of him; he smiles often, and has a bright, positive aura about him :) Also, I had no idea there was a real Steven at first, and I was shocked when Rebecca told me. It was even cooler when I found out he worked on the show!
tintin4506: Zach I have to ask, though this might be asking for a spoiler. In just one word, what should we expect in the future episodes of Steven Universe. shenanigans
TheCoralineJones: Hey there, Zach! What is your favorite subreddit? (not including this one, of course!) /civbattleroyale at the moment, /baseball is always a favorite, and /musictheory is my newest pick!
Loocifer: Hey Zach, thanks for coming on here to do this. Does pitching up your voice to play Steven irritate your throat after a while? Is it difficult? My voice gets tired after records, especially if I'm a little sick that day, but never painful. I have to make sure I'm warmed up, though!
hedgehiggle: Related question, has it gotten more difficult to voice Steven as you've gotten older? Not more difficult, just different. I have a completely different speaking voice than when I started doing Steven at 14, so it's been a challenge to skirt that. I also feel I've improved as a voice actor tremendously since I began, which makes playing Steven a little easier even.
Langstonian: Are you friends with Jeremy Shada? Yes! I've had the pleasure of hanging out with a lot of the AT cast members, usually at SDCC or other conventions. Jeremy, Tom Kenny and Olivia Olson, namely. All awesome people, and very talented! Jeremy's band plays a good show as well, Make Out Monday
len482: Hey Zach /╲/( ͡° ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ͡°)\╱\ Do you like spiders? NOPE
komo-rebi: Cookie Cats or Lion Lickers? Also, would you ever eat a together breakfast? Cookie Cats, they are indeed a pet for your tummy. And, absolutely! Just need to find the time to make it these I need to buy special dubstep strawberries?
89kbye: What is the best fan theory you've come across? I love the show. Love your work! Keep it up! The Onion = Yellow Diamond one, because of my slight obsession with Onion
TheConchNorris: Zach, do you enjoy and/or partake in shitposts FUNposts? I've been known to browse these dank funposts you speak of, from time to time ;)
CaptainGem: Favorite Homeworld Gem? Peridot, simply because I relate to her in a lot of ways. Also, clods
LoveBug50: What's your dream vacation? Are you ticklish? If so, top 3 most ticklish spots? If you could have a superpower, what would you choose? What's your favorite cartoon besides Steven Universe? What's your favorite number and letter? A motorcyle trip from Prudhoe Bay, AK to Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. classified, that information has been used against me in the past for the purpose of torture. Shapeshifting, no doubt. No cats, though! Of the shows on right now, Regular Show comes to mind; it's a smart show that somehow still gets me with goofball humor. Growing up, I was a huge fan of Codename: Kids Next Door! 34, and Z of course! I've always had a soft spot for K, however
TheHarpyEagle: Looking at the huge amount of new cartoons coming out on CN and elsewhere, are you excited about the future of animation? Are there any upcoming animation projects that you're interested in being a part of? Absolutely! Animation is in a really good place right now; there's so many platforms and networks for new content, which means more creativity and more artists. While there are certainly a TON of people that I'd love to work with, at this point I'm interested in doing a huge variety of projects! I've had fun doing radio, dubbing, video games and promo work in the past, so those are other avenues to explore outside animation.
re-elocution Hello there, what are some of your favorite movies and video games? Hey there! My two favorite movies are Zero Dark Thirty and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. (Which was on TV last night, much to my enjoyment!) Video games, I have a lot...Mass Effect trilogy is king, but I've always been a big fan of Bethesda's work, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, etc. The Last of Us was probably my favorite standalone game, and LoL also played a huge part in my life.
davidamccoy: Hiya Zach, wondering about the day-to-day job. 1) Do recordings happen daily/ what do you do when you're not recording? 2) When recording songs, do you listen to a demo, read sheet music, or what? Hiya! We usually have a record once a week, occasionally taking a week off. When I'm not recording, I'm usually in acting/music classes, auditioning, filming/recording projects or working on my own music. I've always listened to demos of Rebecca or someone else singing my part, and go off of that! I'm not a great sightsinger yet, but I am able to read music. Usually the demo is more than enough to cover our bases, though, so sheet music isn't necessary.
cectvfan18: Zach, what do you think of Garnet's eyes? Creepy or Stylish? Stylin' oB)
SyphTheMighty: These are the questions I have for you, my vocally revered friend: What advice would you give to someone who is interested in voice acting? What is your favorite scene you have recorded so far? If you were a gem, what would your weapon be? If the Gems played league, who would they main? Remember, even if you love it, it's still hard work! It really takes years of training before the results will come. In the end, however, it's more than worth it. If your heart is in it, it becomes easier to not lose sight of the prize. Find your love for the work, and relish in that; that's the journey :) It's hard to remember all of them, but one that just came to mind is Onion Trade, when Onion crashes the motorbike and approaches Steven with the background in flames...utterly terrifying and the last thing you'd expect from a kid's cartoon. Which is why I love it! Definitely a Gunblade, ala Squall. This time with less shotgun and more lasers, though. Garnet would play Zac jungle, no doubt. Amethyst top, probably Darius orsomething equally annoying. Lapis mid, as Atlantean Syndra. Pearl as the neurotic Ashe ADC, and Steven losing his mind trying to keep the team together as Taric support. One of these days I'll write this fan day.
dogs_6111: What is your favourite movie franchise? If we're talking franchises, I've always loved Harry Potter. I grew up on the books and movies!
Mesleth: Did you do any vocal training before getting into voice acting? Yes! I've been singing and doing performances since I was 7, and have kept up on over the years. I've been doing a lot more singing for various projects lately than ever before.
submitted by Weaby to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

The 2nd /r/stevenuniverse Olympics - Analysis

Here are the results for the Theory Category!
1st - Team White Diamond (Team #1)
2nd - Team Blue Diamond (Team #2)
3rd - Team Pink Diamond (Team #3)
4th - Team Yellow Diamond (Team #4)
This brings the point total to...
Team White Diamond - 225
Team Yellow Diamond - 225
Team Blue Diamond - 375
Team Pink Diamond - 175
Here are the users participating in the analysis category. Wish them luck!
Team White Diamond - theneverendinghiatus
Team Yellow Diamond - Pydyn17
Team Blue Diamond - kerfufflekerfuffle
Team Pink Diamond - tyzoid

Team #1

Images being analyzed appear here:
Symbolism in Nightmare Hospital Nightmare Hospital is one of the eposides of Steven Universe which has the most significance to the development of Connie’s character. Prior to this episode, she must keep all her activities with Steven a secret from her parents, for fear that “if I didn’t hide it, you wouldn’t let me see Steven ever again.” This episode represents Connie’s coming clean to her mother about the goings-on of her adventures with steven, and in a way, reconciling her divergent identities – ninja by night, unsuspecting student by day.
There is quite a lot of symbolism in this episode, as are in all episodes of Steven Universe, however I would like to take a close look at the scene in which Connie is jumping upwards, trying to reach the sword that her mother is holding out of reach. This one particular scene is important, because this is the moment where these two divergent worlds of Connie’s collide, and her internal struggle becomes evident. I do this through the lens of Semiotic Analysis, using the groundwork laid out Ellen Seiter in her essay “Semiotics, Structuralism, and Television.” The basic premise of this type of analysis is to identify symbols in an image, and piece them together to identify how they build up meaning together. There are five categories of symbols that are commonly identified when studying imagery in Television: image, graphics, voice, music, and sound effects, and we will take a close look at each one.
Image In this scene we can see two people, Connie and her mother, connie with an angry/frustrated expression on her face, and her mother with a surprised/worried expression. Her mother appears dressed in a white lab coat, with shoes, pants, and a collared shirt. Connie, wearing glasses, is dressed in shorts and a T-Shirt. Connie appears in the middle of a jump to try to grab the bag or sword. This takes place in front of a red curtain and on composite checkerboard-patterned floor. Behind the curtain on the left, we see a mirror, sink and soap, along with some sort of medical illistrutation.
Graphics Graphics is usually simpler, but there are still important features to identify. The detail in the sword, the logo in the center (partially obscured) which matches the emblem of Rose, The imagery on the medical poster, which labels parts of the eye (seen more clearly in an earlier scene, included for reference). When originally aired, a small Cartoon Network emblem appeared in the bottom right hand corner.
Voice The dialog of the scene plays out as follows: Connie: Mom! I really, really need that sword! Dr. Maheswaran: Connie, no. Now is not the time. * banging on door * Connie: Now is the perfect time, mom! Dr. Maheswaran: Connie! What has gotten into you! You know I never go back on a rule, young lady. Connie: There have to be some exceptions; I’m not some… rule driven robot!
Music The music in this scene features a low pitched synthesizer, ominously playing two different notes close in range. A deep drum beats in the background periodically, but not in any discernable pattern.
Sound Effect This scene is a haven for sound effects of many different kinds. The foley of the bag shifting around in Dr. Maheswaran’s hands, and of Connie jumping and landing on the ground anchor the scene into reality. The banging of the monsters on the door bring a sense of urgency. The instrument build up towards the end of this scene, and the screeching of the monster that comes out from behind the curtain build suspence, fear, and shock.
Piecing Together Meaning The expressions in each of Connie and her mother’s faces highlight the emotional aspect of this struggle, with connie’s jumping and the sword held above her head being the physical manifestations of the struggle. The imagery in the scenery – the curtains, the poster, the sink and mirror, the floor – all point to a hospital environment. Connie’s mother is anchored into this environment by her attire, especially the lab coat. Connie appears very much out of place, owing to her T-Shirt and shorts. Connie’s glasses here represent two things: both a call back to the episode where Steven heals her eyes, showing her relationship to Steven, and her hiding this special relationship from her parents.
The music and sound effects, while building a dramatic and ominous mood for the impending monster attack, also serve to build up the emotional tension in the scene, concentrating the viewer’s focus on the struggle of Connie to obtain the sword, and to a greater degree, face her mother about the training she is receiving and the secret identity she holds. The dialog plays into this, with the choice word of “robot,” as she tries to reason back the sword to no avail. This both can be in reference to the robotic nature of the gem fusion experiments, and to her regimented life.
The sword as a symbol has many different possible interpretations: As a remaning physical manifestation of Steven’s Mother, of Steven’s trust to Conne, and of Steven’s respect of Connie’s swordskills. In this scene, the sword represents an aspect of Connie’s secret life that her mother finds out about, and is subsequently trying to get rid of.
There are a few overarching themes to this episode, family, friends, trust, bravery, and fear (particularly of the unknown). This scene is an intense highlight of how trust and bravery in one relationship, ex. friendship, may appear completely differently in that of another, ex. family. From these symbols, we can start to understand a larger picture of the role that this scene, and more generally, this episode plays in Connie’s development as a character – both in the context for adventures with steven, but also in the context of her relationships.
After this episode, and I would argue, as a direct consequence of the events of this episode, we can see this dynamic change completely, and a huge weight can be seen to be lifted off of Connie’s shoulders – she appears more relaxed and at ease with the Steven’s adventures, doesn’t wear her glasses anymore, and appears to talk to her parents in a more engaging and meaningful way. This scene represents the collision of Connie’s prior secret identity as a swordfighter and her identity as a student/daughter, and merges the two, allowing Connie the freedom to explore both herself, and her passions without the overhanging fear of being “found out.”

Team #2

Gem Harvest is an episode I feel is criminally underrated. I understand why, people were expecting something plot-heavy from their double length episode. What the episode lacks in plot, however, it makes up for by being the only episode to prominently feature a similarly underrated and quite complex character: Andy DeMayo. In this analysis, I’ll walk through Andy's part in the episode in an attempt to break down his character and show what makes him tick.
Andy is introduced in the episode as a typical older conservative man. He makes such comments as: "A hobo's a man's job!" "What're you doing socializin' this fine American barn?" "You couldn't even marry an American?" "What do you mean you weren't TECHNICALLY married?" This doesn't exactly paint him in a positive light, but it is a realistic one. The people of Beach City are a very accepting bunch, but in reality there are a lot of people like Andy out there.
Andy comes to visit his parents' barn in hopes of reminiscing on his past, but instead finds it defiled by Peridot and Lapis, who have been living there for some time. This makes him extremely angry, until Greg is called to the scene. Greg introduces Steven as his son, which causes Andy to immediately change his tune, bringing Steven in for a hug and insisting he call him "uncle". He then ribs Greg for ditching the family and never mentioning his son.
Based on this and later interactions, it is clear that Andy values his family above all else. He will refer to various family members and things they used to do in the past. He also shows a clear disdain for Greg since he abandoned the family to pursue his music career. There is nothing more important to Andy than his family. Andy is a proud DeMayo.
And then Greg basically spits on this by explaining that he has changed his (and by extension Steven's) name from DeMayo to Universe. Their family name, the very thing that ties together the family that Andy cares for so much, and Greg just threw it away like it was nothing. And to something as silly as Universe, of all things! This is about as personal as an insult can get for Andy. He denounces Greg and demands that the gems leave the barn forever...
But then Steven appeals to Andy's values by offering that the gems participate in a long-held family tradition (basically Thanksgiving) with him. "you'll have to admit they're family. And would you kick family out of the family barn?" Andy melts at the request, and agrees to participate.
Things seem to go smoothly for a while as Andy observes the Gems preparing the food for dinner. However he then sees what Peridot and Pearl are using to cook the dinner: an amalgamation of plane parts, including his parents' engine. This sets Andy off again.
It's TERRIBLE! That was the heart of the legendary wings of the "Daring DeMayos." I learned to FLY on this plane!
The plane had a lot of sentimental value to Andy, and they disrespected it. To him, the plane was a symbol of his parents and his time with them. And here the Gems are calling it junk. Andy leaves the situation, saying he can't look at it.
Later, however, while peeling potatoes with Steven, Steven pays him a compliment regarding his potato peeling skills. This gives Andy an opportunity to reminisce on his time spend with family doing the very same thing. He softens up a bit after this, and is able to cool down enough to concede that it's ok what the Gems did to the engine, at least someone is using it.
Andy opens up a bit with Steven and Greg, and this is where we first get our most important piece of the puzzle that is Andy: his loneliness. He has this to say regarding getting to travel the world:
It's really something else, you know? Just you and the hum of your engine up in that thin air, no other people, no living things around to uh, keep you company. But you know, it's not like there's much for me on the ground these days either, so...
Andy has turned to travelling the world because there’s no family left for him back at home. This is key - Andy takes such pride in his family, and yet the family as he remembers it no longer exists. This seems to have eroded away at his attitude and turned him into a bitter person.
After seeing the Gems make an attempt at participating in human traditions, he is willing to try to become a part of their family by spending a thanksgiving-type dinner with them. Unfortunately, this goes horribly for him, as he is completely alienated from the rest of the group throughout the conversation. None of the gems will join him in eating, then they begin talking about events he is unfamiliar with and then cracking inside jokes amongst themselves. To twist the knife further. they begin to pass thanks around the table and completely forget to include Andy at all. Andy is now visibly bothered by this, so Peridot tries to offer him some thanks as well:
Hmm... thank you, Andy for.. showing up! Because of you, everyone came out here to the barn, and now we're all here for the first time in a while. And it's actually... pretty great! So.. Cheers!
While Peridot means this as a sincere thanks, this strikes a wrong chord with Andy. He was able to bring a different family together, but what he really cares about is his own, which has split apart. It's the last straw for Andy, he immediately removes himself from the situation and flies away.
When Steven gives chase and asks him why he left, Andy has this to say:
I'm the only one who didn't! It was your goofball father who was the first one to hightail it outta here! Then after him it was Aunt Deb, she and her partner got the RV! No reason to stick around with that thing! Grandpa moved to the keys! Too old to make the drive anymore! I was the only one who tried to keep things the way it used to be! I knew what it meant to really be a family! And look what that got me, huh? NOTHING!
When Steven falls of of Andy's wing, Andy freaks out and rescues him. Steven acts like it's nothing, but Andy has this to say:
DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT COULD HAVE HAPPENED TO YOU?! What good to are you to me as family if you're... Sorry. Look I just-I'm just glad you're safe. It just doesn't feel fair, everything got so different. I wanted everybody to stay the same, but they-they just didn't.
One by one, each of his family members have left him behind. He was happy with the status quo of his family, but everyone else moved on in their lives to different things, leaving him alone. He's taken to traveling the world alone because it's not like there's anyone to spend time with at home anyway. This has eroded away at Andy, making him a sad man who is quick to anger.
Andy doesn't exactly have a happy ending here, and he doesn't learn any particularly meaningful lessons. He now knows that he has a family in Greg and Steven that he can visit whenever he wants, but he is still a bit of an outsider to their own family. He does however seem more comfortable with their presence, and he has acknowledged that he could make a change in himself, as well.
In summary/TLDR
Andy is a man who values his family and tradition above all else. He was very happy with the way things were when they were together, however his family eventually went their separate ways, leaving Andy behind by himself with no one to share his traditions with. He travels the world, but this does not cure his loneliness as he longs for the way things used to be. He meets Steven but is horrified by the way the gems treat his family's old possessions as junk. But in the end, he is touched by Steven's desire to become a part of his family.
I find Andy to be a good character in Steven Universe because he feels so real. He doesn't line up with the type of person the average SU fan enjoys, but he has his own issues and values that he upholds. He's not a monster, he's just ignorant and is nowhere near unreachable. Andy shows us that we should think twice before judging this type of person by their cover.

Team #3

Amethyst is one of the most conflicted gems on the show. While initially she is seen as the reckless, impulsive, garbage eating comic relief, it is soon revealed how many insecurities lie beneath her surface. One major issue she dealt with throughout the series is feeling alone, as if she does not belong anywhere. This major inferiority is caused by her inability to connect to garnet and pearl, the circumstances of her birth in the kindergarten, and being defected. In fact, all of her insecurities can be analyzed through her song in “On The Run” (lyrics)
It is instantly seen that this song represents Amethyst’s feelings of being alone just by looking at the pronouns. When glancing at Steven’s portion of the song, he always uses inclusive pronouns. He sings how it’s time “for us to have some fun,” that “our adventure’s just begun,” and that “We’ll be thinking ‘bout our friends as we chase the setting sun.” Yet by looking at Amethyst’s parts, she sings that “I don’t care,” “I guess there are some things,” “I wish that I could say,” and that home’s “a place I have never known.” By having these singular pronouns immediately after Steven’s inclusive ones, it strengthens the fact that she considers herself alone. And while it ends with “That’s why we’re on the run,” this use of “we’re” may only be used since Steven had sung the previous line with Amethyst; if he did not, Amethyst may have continued with the singular I.
Now that it is established that the song represents Amethyst feeling alone, we have to wonder why she feels alone. The first time we listen to the song we have no knowledge of the kindergarten, and therefore must interpret it another way. Since the only previous episode highlighting one of Amethyst’s emotional problems is “Tiger Millionaire,” this reference will be in mind. Throughout that episode, it is revealed that Amethyst feels out of place with Garnet and Pearl, even leading to her telling Steven “you can't let anyone make you feel like garbage.” This implies that the other crystal gems often make her feel insecure and worthless. Even though the episode ends with the gems making up, most likely there will still be lingering feelings.
With this perspective, let’s dive line by line into Amethyst’s part. First, we look at “I don’t care about what all the others say.” In this way, the “others” clearly respond to Pearl and Garnet. But by labeling them as “others,” Amethyst is distancing herself from the rest of the Crystal gems, signaling her loneliness. And what they “say” would mean that she is immature, selfish, brash, or as put before, garbage. Following this, “there are some things that will just never go away,” means she has been dealing with this problem for her whole life. This would imply that she has tried to fit in with them for the hundreds of years she has been alive, but to no avail, she still feels out of place. Next comes the line “I wish that I could say that there’s no better place than home. But home’s a place that I have never known.” By not feeling like she belongs with the other gems as a family, it would be true that she has never had a home. In which case “why” she’s on the run is to get away from the Crystal Gems that do not accept her, leaving her alone.
After rewatching the episode immediately afterwards (which should be done because it is fabulous), the knowledge of the kindergarten clearly reshapes how the song is seen. Now in the first line, the “others” stay the crystal gems, but what they “say” is now them blaming her for the atrocious situation behind her birth. When Amethyst screams at Pearl “You think I’m just a big mistake,” later in the episode, it shows what terrible thoughts she assumes the other gems say behind her back. Then the following line’s “things that will just never go away” refers to her never being able to change the circumstance of her birth. It will always be lingering in her mind that she was made to destroy the Earth and the Crystal Gems, no matter how much she grows. No matter how many times she saves the world, she still knows she was meant to destroy it. Furthermore, the “home’s a place that I have never known,” would easily describe her never living in her intended home, including never knowing homeworld nor any of the other kindergarten Amethysts. This divide of everything she was intended to be further makes her feel alone. So now “why” she’s on the run is to try to run away from her terrible birth, which ironically leads her face to face with the kindergarten.
Finally, rewatching the episode after the Jasper arc, the song instead shows her insecurity about her defectiveness. As seen in “Too Far,” when Amethyst finds out she is “defective,” she becomes distant and defensive, even angrily stating to Peridot “Are you saying I’m wrong!” This new insecurity intensifies as Jasper returns, representing what a perfect Amethyst could look like, act like, and be like. This feeling of inadequacy climaxes in “Earthlings” where Amethyst, defeated by Jasper, pleads to Steven “I can't win. No matter what I do, no matter how hard I work, she came out right, and I came out... wrong…” By admitting she is “wrong,” it shows that she has lost to her insecurity and let her defects define her. She became a frail, emotional mess. If it wasn’t for Steven to talk her out of this mindset, she may have never gotten over her defectiveness.
Using this interpretation, the song again means something different. Now the “others” in the first line would include all other gems met, including Crystal Gems, Homeworld Gems, and specifically Jasper. They are the gems that were made correctly. In fact, this also implies that Garnet, Pearl, and Rose most likely at some point discussed her defectiveness since they all knew what a proper Amethyst looks like. If so, they would have intentionally kept it hidden from Amethyst, thinking that she could not handle the truth (which is right, she couldn’t handle it). Along with this, she imagines they would “say” that she is weak, wrong, and destined for failure, such as the time Jasper screamed “You could have been me! And what are you instead? Just a joke.” Next, the “things that ... never go away” refer to her unable to change her defections. No matter how hard she trains, she will never be as strong as Jasper; even Steven, who has been training as a crystal gem for less than two years, has already surpassed her. When Stevonnie beats Jasper without her help, Amethyst somberly declares “Oh good! You didn’t need me at all.” This further shows how she believes her defects prevent her from being good enough. Finally, the “home’s a place that I have never known” refers to a family that she feels she’s on par with. Garnet, through the unconditional love of ruby and sapphire, is more than just her parts. Pearl, through hard work and determination is much stronger than any homeworld pearl. And Steven is shaping up to one day be better than Rose. For her to fit in she would need to be Jasper, but she is not. All Amethyst can think of is all the ways she’s not Jasper, showing she is inferior to all her teammates. So naturally, she is is on the run to escape the fact that she’s flawed.
Amethyst is a troubled gem that has dealt with problems that have left her feeling weak, defective, a mistake, and ultimately alone. However, through defeating Jasper as Smokey Quartz, meeting the famethyst, and growing stronger as a gem, she has grown more confident and feels accepted. She even gets to the point that she no longer needs to wrestle anymore, stating “I mean, I needed it when I felt like eh I wasn't good enough. But I don't feel like that anymore.I don’t feel like that anymore. It seems her issues, like this analysis, is over, isn’t it?

Team #4

Hello everyone. I have decided that for my portion of the SU Olympics, I’m going to analyze Cry for Help, the first episode of the Sardonyx bomb. It was the first bomb that I ever watched lived, and it's my bomb in all of Steven Universe. I figured that it would be fun to analyze why the Sardonyx bomb worked so well, and why I feel it is when of the best things SU has ever done. Without further ado, let's begin.
Cry for Help is the first episode in the Sardonyx bomb. Naturally, it needs to create the conflict that the rest of the bomb is based around. Cry for Help does more than that however. It also hints towards how certain characters are going to act once everything goes wrong.
Cry for Help does this from the moment the episode starts. The first line in the episode is "I don't get this cartoon man. Why don't they just eat the ice cream off the floor? They don't have to cry about it". While on the surface this doesn't mean much (the bomb is about Pearl tricking Garnet into fusing, not eating ice cream), it does say a lot about Amethyst, and what her reaction is going to be to the conflict. She will want the conflict to end quickly, for Pearl and Garnet to quickly make up. She will not understand why they can't just move past it, and will see the others as just being dumb. So while this line doesn’t hint towards the plot of the episode, it does foreshadow Amethyst's feelings during the entire bomb.
The next important moment comes when Steven says that Garnet and Amethyst should fuse. Amethyst's reaction is while at first a bit unsure, she convinces herself that it would be a good idea to form Sugilite, and gets excited. This is important for one reason. If Amethyst didn't want to form Sugilite, or didn't care, then the pain she would feel watching Sardonyx fix her mistake a lot less. However, because she does want to fuse, she is that much more hurt when Garnet rejects her.
Another thing I want to bring up is the brilliant idea of using the communication hub again. This is obviously the place where Amethyst and Garnet fused. This creates an obvious parallel between the two fusions. It also allows Amethyst to view the Communication Hub as her failure. She thinks it's her fault it's still working, and it hurts that much more to watch Sardonyx fix her "Tower of Mistakes".
There is a very good reason why Amethyst is the main focal point of this episode. The bomb mostly focuses on Garnet and Pearl, and how this affected them. What's sometimes forgotten about is how this whole thing affected Amethyst. She does get two episodes that talk about how she feels (Cry for Help and Onion Friend) but they're often overshadowed by other things in those episodes (Pearl's trickery and Onion's weirdness). In the bomb alone this is important because when two people fight, everyone around them is affected. It is very important to remember that. It also fits into one of Amethyst biggest problem, that her emotions are ignored by everyone except Steven. She is constantly put to the side in favor of someone else, and this bomb is no exception.
Sardonyx's reveal is great. Its purpose is to drive home the idea that Sardonyx and Sugilite are very different. Everything about that scene does this. Steven's "You're so articulated", the music, the way she summons her weapon, the way she takes down the Communication Hub, to her line "Smash is the word one would use to describe what... someone else might do". This is gives Amethyst even more reasons to doubt herself. Another important line, also centered around Crying Breakfast Friends, is "I'd forgive Pear, wouldn't you?". Garnet's response to this is to basically blow it off, implying she wouldn't forgive Pear. This is hinting towards the fact Garnet does not forgive Pearl after she fucks up. Like Amethyst line from the beginning of the episode, this is foreshadowing Garnets emotions in the bomb. (As a small note, having Amethyst pick up a rock shaped like Peridot’s gem during Tower of Mistakes is a nice touch, hinting towards her "solution".)
Amethyst reaction to the entire thing is interesting. While they could have shown her gleeful that she could rat on Pearl, they chose instead to have her conflict. She wants to tell Garnet, but at the same time she doesn't want to hurt Pearl. This shows a huge growth in character, as season 1 Amethyst would have no problem with telling Garnet. And not only does she not want to tell on her, she tries to stand up for Pearl. It doesn't work, but again it shows how Amethyst's character has changed. A good example from 1A is Secret Team. In that episode Amethyst wants to tell on Pearl, until it would hurt her too.
The final fusion between Amethyst and Garnet changes the name of the game. For most of this episode it was all about Amethyst and how she's feeling. Now all of a sudden it centers more on Pearl and Garnet. This is what most of the bomb is going to be centered around, with a bit of Amethyst and Steven mixed in. More than anything else this episode was showing how much Pearl messed up, showing how she hurt Amethyst and Garnet.
So, in conclusion Cry for Help is a great start the Sardonyx arc. The episode accomplishes its main and most important task, which is setting up the main conflict of the bomb. It also does an excellent job of foreshadowing how the characters are going to react to the future conflict. The episode also needed to focus on Amethyst more, because they need to make sure people realize that Pearl’s action’s hurt everyone, including Amethyst. Plus, by focusing on Amethyst it really shows how much her character has evolved over the entire show.
VOTE HERE for which team you thought wrote up the best Analysis. See you on Sept 8 for the Fanart Category!
submitted by WowwhyOFTW to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Frustration with Garnet

Please forgive me upfront, or at least be gentle rebuking me if some of the following sounds insensitive. It all makes sense in my head, putting it into words may screw up he meaning.
Since the blasted Hiatus started I've been mulling over the percieved Peri-demption drama, and Peridots interactions with the Crystal Gems. To preface, I want fully on board with the Peri-demption train, but I fully acknowledge she's currently blunt, mild-to-moderately offensive at the best of times, and needs to be forced to confront the wrongness of the fusion experiments/the cluster in general.
All of this led me to a thought about Garnet, or better put, how the fandom percieves Garnet. In Too Far, Peridot asks Garnet to Un-Fuse because it "makes her uncomfortable." While I think her request was her wildly over-reaching, she had the forethought to ASK. This wasn't a demand, this was a very careful request for personal comfort; selfish yes, wrong.... maybe.
Garnet reacts by leashing her to a fence post. We all share a laugh, and we move on, but this has started bothering me. I'm NOT suggesting that Garnet is obligated to do anything. Garnet has every right to refuse this request, but she behaves as if unfusing for an instant is just unthinkable. I understand that Garnet is/has become an LGBT icon for the show, and some would liken Peridot's request as "have you tried not being a fusion." But as I think the fandom has general consesus on, Fusion represnts relationships in general; platonic, romantic, etc... I interpeted it more as a request for a couple to stop being so... coupley all the time. For example, if I knew two people who were dating and they were always making out, and I wasn't able to talk to one, I always had to talk to both, they were never apart, morning, noon, or night; I don't think it would be wrong to point out my discomfort at this situation.
Peridot's later routine with Amethyst drives this point home. Peridot, while being very insensitive, said nothing untrue; beyond being incredibly, coldly clinically blunt. Its not that Ruby and Sapphire fuse that seems to bother her, its that they're ALWAYS fused.
Thinking about all this fusing/un-fusing led me to one thought. Garnet only exists on the whim of Ruby and Sapphire.
The Fandom treats Garnet as if, barring physical destruction, she will always just be around, but that is patently untrue. We saw in Keystone that a lover's spat divided her; what happens if Ruby and Sapphire just, for lack of a better term, get a divorce! Beyond lamenting wanting to see them more often, the fandom has no issue with the Crystal Gems using Opal, Sugilite, Sardonyx, even Rainbow Quartz for mere convenience or necessity, and then unfusing. Sugilite is the only fusion beyond Garnet that seems to want to stick around. The only reason we value Garnet more than the other fusions is screentime.
At this point we acknowledge that Garnet is her own person, but does this mean that Ruby and Sapphire are obligated to stay fused? If they did un-fuse, and adamantly rejected ever fusing again, are we to mourn Garnet as if she died. More darkly does Garnet have some control over Ruby and Sapphire's ability to be fused and avoids the un-fusing to prevent them from enjoying their individuality.
TLDR: Peridot's a jerk that I love, and Garnet's existance leaves me with a lot of questions that I don't think get asked because of the pedestal she's put on
submitted by bizarregnosis to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Various (Real World) Gem Fun Facts

Random Fun Facts About Familiar (Real World) Gems:

Feel free to add to the list, what fun facts about real world versions of our favorite gems do you have?
submitted by Edymnion to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

value of sugilite video

Size also has little impact on value, since it is quite common to find large sugilite stones. You will often find pieces weighing as much as 10 carats. Note that it is difficult to estimate the value of translucent sugilite because the glassy form of the stone is quite rare compared to the cloudy, mottled form. Sugilite Value, Price, and Jewelry Information - International Gem Society Everything you ever wanted to know about sugilite. Find value guidelines, scientific data, expert comments, and more in our Gemstone Listings. Sugilite Value. View Price. Tanzanite Value. View Price. Titanite Value. View Price. Topaz Value. View Price. Tourmaline Value. View Price. Turquoise Value. View Price. Wulfenite Value. View Price. Zircon Value. View Price. About. The International Gem Society (IGS) is the world's top resource for gem professionals, enthusiasts, and industry Buy Sugilite Gemstones Online At Wholesale Prices. Sugulite (also sugilite) is a purple stone that is most often opaque, but occasionally translucent. Due to its rarity, the translucent Sugulite is more expensive. It was found and named in 1944 in Japan. It is also found in Canada and South Africa. What Is Sugilite Worth And Why Is It So Expensive? Sugilite is available in large quantities. However, like purple diamonds, the stone is rare and not easy to find. The most important factor when grading sugilite is the colour of the stone. As with many other gemstones, the deeper the colour, the higher the value. Sugilite will work with you until you feel like yourself again, and it will bolster you with all the lessons you’ve learned from your experiences. Sugilite will show you the meaning of unconditional love. It will give you a different and broader perspective about love. It will teach you to become more loving, patient, understanding, and forgiving. A combination of traits, such as color, Mohs hardness of 5.5 to 6.5 and chemical composition can be used to identify sugilite. Chalcedony has a lower density (2.58 to 2.64) compared to 2.76 to 2.8 for sugilite. Therefore, testing for density can separate the two or provide some indication of the chalcedony content. It is said that sugilite strengthens the heart, aids physical healing and reduces stress. It is a balancer of mind, body and spirit and encourages peace of mind, a general feeling of well-being and spiritual love. It is also suggested that sugilite seems to protect against and dissipate anger and other negative energies. The most important factor in grading sugilite is color. The deepest color receives the highest grade. A mottled appearance under close inspection doesn’t affect the overall value, provided the overall color remains deep. However, lighter areas mixed with dark purple will lower the value. Sugilite is available in fairly large sizes. Sugilite is a handy gemstone which can be used as beads, inlay, drilled-gemstones, faceted gemstones and cabochons to produce a range of beautiful jewelry. In fine jewelry, sugilite is often set in yellow gold, which provides an interesting contrast as purple and yellow are complementary to one another.

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