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BSG(RBH+IRO) 7: Professional Consortium Mediator

Correct Option: We pardon Reginald and take him out of prison
RHM looks suprisedly back and forth between the five other people in the room. He mutters out two words: “You serious?”.
Dave looks back at him, “Absolutely”.
RHM gets out of his chair. “After this is all done you’re turning my weapons back on”.
Galeforce gets out of his chair. “Deal”. The two lean over the table to eachother and shake hands.
Back at the launch site, Steven Willis listens hacks into the PA System. Dave speaks over Steven’s heaset! “We got a message from the General. Put out the signal”.
The PA system blasts out. “Attention all Toppats and Government soldiers. We have an announcement. We have created an official truce”. Soldiers and Toppats stop their fighting and turn their heads to the sky. “Everyone evacuate the launch site. We’ll announce the details of out treaty once we return from a short trip”.
We cut to Charles’ helicopter, flying towards a maximum security prison, located in an island surrounded by open ocean. It lands on a helipad and the building is suprisingly barren-looking. Henry, Dave, Rupert, Galeforce, Right Hand Man and finally Charles all exit the helicopter. Galeforce guides them down several hallways of metal and cement before coming to a large metal door. Galeforce enters a secret passcode on a keyboard next to the door and it opens.
Inside is a nicely furnished bedroom. Reginald Copperbottom lays on the bed but the noise instantly brings him back to reality. He looks and notices the six, he quickly runs up to RHM and gives him a large hug. RHM reciprocates.
“Oh my lord I missed you so much,” Reginald sputters.
“I missed you too,” RHM responds.
“What did it take?”
“I mean, stopping the Toppat Clan for good”.
“On the bright side, we’re all pardoned from all crimes from here on out”.
And the two continue to hug.
After a while, we cut back to the government base. Toppats and Government agents crowd around and look up at a makeshift stage. On the stage, Henry, Dave, Charles, Rupert and Reginald sit on chairs in the back while Galeforce and RHM stand in the center next to a microphone.
“Let’s get right into the news,” RHM grumbles, “The Toppats have all been pardoned from all of the crimes that we have commited. However, we have agreed to give up all of our assets and disband the orginization”. As he finishes the sentance, people on oth sides of the army gasp in shock, unable to believe what was just said.
“I know that’s unfortunate for us Toppats,” RHM continues, “but this orginization is now officially over. I don’t know what will happen next, but at least we aren’t constantly running from the law”. The Toppats and the government soldiers look at eachother with a newfound respect.
The screen fades to white and a montage of the lives that now are able to flourish after the peaceful end to the Toppat Clan.
Cuppa Joe is seen running a coffee house with many of the government soldiers and old Toppats visiting his establishment. Red Crimson and Thomas Chipz work in the establishments as cashiers.
Herb Stokes is seen in employment at Big Bob’s Tow Co. Bob himself gives Her a thumbs up as he demolishes an old house next to a lake. Sven and Leif stand in front of that house with a blue print labeling their plans to reuild.
Carol Cross is seen playing poker in a casino with Mr. Macbeth, The Leprechaun, Thomas Chesterchire, Earrings and Fredrick Muenster. Carol pulls out a winning hand and she takes all the bet chips.
Charles is seen at a game night with Burt Curtis and Quentin Alabaster playing a game of Pictionary. Charles draws a bunch of scribbles that make no discernible sense and the other two are completely dumbfounded.
Rupert and Dave talk in what used to be the Natural Museum of History and Culture’s Tunisian Exhibition but is now filled with a ton of priceless paintings and valuables stolen by the Toppats. Ted McAdams and Winston Davis chat as well, meeting eachother after a long time apart.
Galeforce stands in front of a group of Toppats in the process of joining the military for various reasons, including Ahnoldt Schwarz, Jacked Hughman, Wallace Dagwood, Sureshot Sherman and Cool Joe. Henry sits in the room, smiling.
Right Hand Man and Reginald Copperbottom sit together on a large comphy couch under a blanket in a small cottage. As the two watch a movie in a wall-embeded television. Reginald looks over to RHM and says “Do you ever miss being a part of the Toppat Clan?”.
RHM looks back at him and says… “A little. But I like this new life”.
Ending: Professional Consortium Mediator

Start from the beginning:

[PiC is next. I've written the opening already and will post tomorrow :D]
submitted by InfiniteCatAccess2 to HenryStickmin [link] [comments]

WATCH LIVE: Gov Edwards COVID-19 Press Conference at 2:30 PM on 11/24

Louisiana is backed in Phase 2 (modified)

This conference was announced last Thursday

Pre-Conference Question - What do you think he'll announce?


NOTE: The summary of this press conference is transcribed LIVE. The summary may contain spelling and grammatical errors which until it is able to be corrected once the conference concludes.
NOTE: The summary may contain spelling and grammatical errors.
Dr Kanter

Questions for Dr Kanter about data

Related to Halloween? Seems people are willing to gather for Thanksgiving. Are we going to see a worsening 2 weeks after Thanksgiving
We are already seeing just about as steep of an increase as we can get it really can't get much steeper than that. I don't know, looking back to Halloween, it was part of it. I think increases from other states was bleeding over into our particularly in Northern LA. Plus we are tired, COVID fatigue is real, and it's easy to get complacent. Even without Thanksgiving coming ahead we will continue to get worse. I don't know how much worse it gets with Thanksgiving. I cannot emphasize this more than enough if you need to make a decision for your family talk to someone who has had it, experiencing the disease, or someone who has worked in the affected healthcare facilities during those two surges.
How much is being driven by small gatherings indoors and if so it doesn't seem restrictions matter than much
Small gatherings have been a larger component than months ago, there is no question about that but that is just one slice. We continue to see a lot of cases tied to bars, restaurants, events, and churches as well. Mitigation measures are going to be significant in their effect but not absolute. The other side is that people really need to make responsible decisions when no one is looking. No one will police who parities but I want families to take it seriously and know what the real risks are and make an informed decision. The more families are informed the more they will be likely to say for this year, for my family, it is just not worth it.
Gov. JBE


Epidemiologists in Louisiana say we may be getting diminishing returns on our introduction of restrictions than what we previously saw. Are you concerned that the impact of the introduction of these restrictions will be more gradual and the implications that may have
I am concerned about an awful lot as it is related to COVID19 and this pandemic. There is not one easy decision I have made nor one that has brought me joy. I am convinced that if the people of Louisiana will embrace these mitigation measures and restrictions, be patient and selfless, and ensure compliance that we will flatten the curve again. That is what I know. There are no magic tricks to be worked here. The only way to stop a surge is with restrictions and mitigation measures. So with the numbers increases here and around the country as they are the sense of urgency that you see coming out of leaders in Washington right now, as seen with Vice President Pence and the Coronavirus Task Force the other day, everyone should understand that this a very very serious situation. We have to do our part in order to slow the spread. It has to be a collective effort. No one should say is 99% of the people do it that's good enough I don't have to personally do it... that doesn't work. We all have to see it as a common effort that we all play our part. If someone would have presented a better option to flatten the curve I would have taken it. I know we have COVID fatigue here and around the country. If there was something other than wearing masks, washing your hands and staying home when you are sick, and so forth I would embrace it. It doesn't exist. That is why you hear this coming out of Washington and all the other healthcare workers how important these are. So let's do it. Let's flatten the curve again. I feel very comfortable that in several months, not sure when we will have enough of our population vaccinated that I believe we can start putting in the rear view mirror. Until now and then we have to do what is necessary. I do not know if there is another surge after this one, I pray not, but we know we are surging now.
Are you trying to change the way enforcement has been handled on these public health issues. Obviously the problem is people aren't following previous guidelines.. so are you making changes to enforcement?
We will continue to work with businesses of all types and venues to ensure that they understand that the restrictions are what rules they have to abide by. Individuals and businesses can get more information at and you will get more information. Will there be enforcement? Yes, there will be, but I am going to say what I've said back in March and every time since then, if the people in Louisiana insist we enforce our way through this we are doomed to failure. There are 4.66 million Louisianas and 10s of thousands of business and quite frankly we cannot enforce our way through this. We are going to be asking people to comply, do compliance visits, respond to complaints, and where people refuse to come int o compliance you can expect enforcement. That will not get us through this surge. That will not protect the health of our fellow Louisianans, it is better than not doing any enforcement. We need to have people doin this because it is the right thing to do. They need to embrace it, not because it is pleasant but at the end of the day this about people's lives are talking about. We are doing our very best to strike the balance between lives on one hand and livelihoods on the other. When it comes to economy, to business, to employers, to livelihoods, the best thing we can do is put this virus behind us.
Are the rules for temporary conditional permits allowing bars to operate as restaurants remain in effect?
Yes and we currently have 372 bars using conditional permits to operate as restaurants. They are not a hybrid, they are not part bar or part bar. They operate as restaurants if they are operating properly and they follow all rules for restaurants. For other establishment that continue to operate as bars they need to follow the way we outlined bars operate today.
What are you doing for your Thanksgiving celebration. You have a son who is coming home from college because LSU is going virtual for Thanksgiving
Yeah I have a son who actually lives here in Baton Rogue and he will likely be coming home to spend some time with us. I will tell you we will stay in baton Rogue at the mansion and have a Thanksgiving meal that consists of the immediate household. We will gives thanks because even during this pandemic which has been so tough on people, even after the 3 hurricanes that hit this year, we have so much to be thankful for. God has truly blessed us. Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks and that is important to me and my family and we are going to do it, but last year I remember my 84 year old mother came, my 6 siblings all came with their spouses and children and grandchildren. We had 80 or 90 people. You will not be seeing that this year and you will not see it at Christmas either. I hope and pray that if you are with me on Thanksgiving Day of 2021 you will see that. I believe that you will, but between now and then we all have to do our part.
Did you tell Legislative leaders about these new restrictions before you came out here today? What was their response?
Yes, I did. You need to know that I routinely send data and information to the Speaker and to the President. We have complete transparency on the data we are relying on because we update it every day aside for Saturday. We also have sent Legislative leadership, and I believe every member of the Legislature, every White House Coronavirus Task Force report whenever we get them. This morning in a addition to those things we presented all gating criteria slides to the Speaker and the President. We talked about where we were especially in light of our hospital capacity and our need to go back to a modified Phase 2 in order to flatten the curve again. They asked some questions, expressed concerns to makes sure whether the Fire Marshall or ATC will work with proprietors and bar owners to maximum extend possible so they can know hat is expected of them and be given an opportunity, if they are operation in good faith -- of which the overwhelming majority of businesses are -- to come into compliance. That has been our approach throughout the pandemic. We have always bent over backwards to make sure individuals know what the rules give them every opportunity to come into compliance and only after persistent shortcomings/refusal to do any real enforcement actions like citations take place. I assured him our approach would not change.
Does the influx of new vaccines change our prognosis at all
We have a draft plan in Louisiana that we continue to update and revise daily. The reason it is a draft plan is that we still don't know the day that we will get the first vaccines nor the number of doses that will be there. I have every expectation that around mid-December we should receive some doses of the Pfizer vaccines first. We don't know how many it could be as few as 30,000 or might be 60,000 we do not know for sure. We think the first doses of the Moderna vaccines would come weeks later, perhaps with a smaller number available initially. We continue to work with our federal partners. We were on the phone with Azar yesterday and talked about the logistical aspects of Project Warpspeed. Once the vaccine gets the EUA from the FDA we will have the vaccine in route to our location(s) of choice in 24 hours. The first shipment will be prioritized to healthcare workers, then high-risk groups (nursing homes, assisted living centers, congregated shelters), then the list expands from there out. Ultimately we want to get to a place where we put a call out to the general population they can go to their health unit (hospital, doctor's office, or pharmacy) and get the vaccine. This is not a one and one vaccine, it requires a second dose, depending on the manufacturer that could be between 21-28 days later. More vaccines may come only over time and some of these things may change. I do not want talk of the vaccine, it is critically important and no one is more excited than I am, but I do not want the talk of the vaccine to cause people to not pay attention to what is imperative right now. That is why you hear Dr. Birx, Dr. Fauci, Azar, talking about the term of bridging to the vaccine and needing to double-down on measures until the vaccine is widely available. The vaccine will not be here in the numbers we need soon enough to reverse the trajectory and numbers we went over today.
I do want to mention I have every confidence that when the FDA issues that EUA that that vaccine will be safe and effective. I hope my fellow Louisiana will embrace the vaccine. A vaccine saves 0 lives but vaccination can save a lot of lives. The vaccination requires the vaccines and an individual to receive that vaccine in two injections. So please understand the FDA has not cut out any steps required to evaluate the safety and efficacy of these vaccines. In fact, the trial sizes were 5x-6x more than one would normally see in a trial. They took steps consecutively instead of sequentially to make this vaccine thereby shortening its time for production. They started the mass production while trials were still happening. So if that authorization comes they have the vaccine to distribute and more to be distributed and you don't have to start that manufacturing process up from the beginning. So I really want people to embrace this and understand they will be safe and effective once the call goes out to start vaccination.
Does the state have enough cold storage for the vaccines or does the state have to put in some money for that?
We've identified the cold storage capacity that we need pursuant to our plan to administer the Pfizer vaccine. Its a combination of cold storage capacity and dry ice. We will be in good shape there. This is why you have to have really good hard work going on hard in advance. That way working with hospitals and universities you are able to identify all the cold storage you have, where is available for these vaccines and then you plug that into your plan. That will not be a limiting factor in terms of receiving the vaccine. Logistically it makes it more complicated because you have to receive it at those sites and distribute it from there. They are still evaluating how long the vaccines remain stable once they thaw out. We will be all over that so we will make sure if that vial falls out it will be administered while it is stable and making sure that people come and get the second dose as well.

Closing remarks

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Non-Nevada casino minimums (COVID edition) part 5

If you are reporting about a casino, could you please try to include the following:
The more information we have, the better off we will be.
We all know that tables can change rapidly. I saw a table go from 25 to 15 to 100 at the Flamingo in the course of a few hours. I'll try to keep the mins what is reported the most and add other information in the comments like "found this table at $5 on graveyard shift" so people konw that isn't the norm
These tables can be a pain to maintain, so please provide as much information as possible. An informed roller is a beter roller.
OtherNV Casnio WeekDay Min WeekNight Min WeekendMin WeeknightMin MaxOdds Field Pay Sidebet Dividers/Per Side Last Update Comments
Wind Creek (Wetumpka, AL) 15 25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4 to a table 7/31
Sycuan (San Diego, CA) 10 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Barona (So Cal) 10 15 10 10-15 5X 2 Dub 3 Trip Fire/Sharpshooter 2 per side 10/2 dealers managing bets for players. ($10 at times) - Digital table . $10, double the field with Hot Shooter Bet.
Harrahs (So Cal) 15-25 15-25 15-50 15-50 Unknown Unknown Unknown No 7/31
Ameristar (Black Hawk, CO) 10 10 15 15 10X Unknown Unknown Unknown 10/12 Colorado law, max bet $100
Golden Gates (Black Hawk, CO) 10 10 10 10 20X Unknown Unknown Unknown 10/12 Colorado law, max bet $100
Monarch (Black Hawk, CO) 10 10 15 15 10X Unknown Unknown Unknown 10/12 Colorado law, max bet $100
Saratoga (Black Hawk, CO) 10 10 10 10 20X Unknown Unknown Unknown 10/12 Colorado law, max bet $100
The Lodge (Black Hawk, CO) 10 10 10 10 10X Unknown Unknown Unknown 10/12 Colorado law, max bet $100
Foxwoods (CT) 10 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4/side 8/22
Mohegan (CT) 15-25 25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Harrington (DE) 15 15-25 25 25 10X Unknown Firebet 2/side 10/1
Rivers (Chicago, IL) 15 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8/2
Blue Chip (Michigan City, IN) 5 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown ATS Unknown 5 minimum prop bets, 5 min ATS bet.
Caesars Southern IN 10 15 15 25 Unknown ATS & Fire Unknown Unknown 11/15
French Lick Resort (French Lick, IN) 15 15 25 25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8/5 Tables open at 11am and close at 3AM.
Harrah's Hooiser Park (Anderson, IN) 10 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Hollywood Larenceburg (Larenceburg, IN) 10 10 Unknown Unknown Sharp/Lucky Shooter Unknown Unknown 4/side 11/15
Indiana Grand (IN) 10 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No
Hollywood casino Lawrenceburg (IN) 10-15 10 -15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Rivers (Chcago, IL) 10 15
Belle (Baton Rogue, LA) 5 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown one half sized table sometimes they open the big one. $5 small table and $10 big late at night
Hollywood (Baton Rogue, LA) 5 10 Unknown 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown 7/24
L’auberge (Baton Rogue,LA) 15 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No 8/2
L’auberge (Lake Charles,LA) 15 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No 8/2
El Dorado (Shreveport, LA) 10 10 10 10 100X Unknown Unknown Unknown 8/17
Horseshoe (Shreveport, LA) 15 15 15 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8/17
Margaritaville (Shreveport, LA) 15 15 15 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8/17
Sams Town (Shreveport, LA) 10 10 10 10 20X Unknown Unknown Unknown 10/10
Ocean Downs (MD) 10 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8/17
Maryland Live (MD) 25 50 50 100 Unknown Unknown Unknown Yes, 4 per side 9/6 Electronic craps 15 min
MGM @ National Harbor 50-100 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Yes No bubble craps or low roller options.
Firekeepers (Battle Creek, MI) 10 15+ 15 25 Unknown Unknown Unknown No 8/17 $3 Bubble Craps.
Four Winds Casino (New Buffalo, MI) 15 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Digital craps table 5$ min
Gun Lake (Wayland, MI) 10 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No No
MGM Grand Detroit (Detroit, MI) 15 25 unknown unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Yes
Turtle Creek (Traverse City, MI) 5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Soaring Eagle (Mt Pleasant, MI) 10 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Yes, 5 per side
Hollywood Casino, Maryland Heights (St Louis) MO 15 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4 per side
River City (St. Louis, MS) 20 20 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 4 players per side You have to have at least a $20 bet for every throw to "hold your spot"
Beau Rivage (Biloxi, MS) 25 25 25 25 unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10/18 3 tables
Boomtown (Biloxi, MS) 10 10 Unknown 15 10X Unknown Unknown Unknown 10/10 1 table
Hard Rock (Biloxi, MS) 25 25 25 25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Updated 9/4
IP (Biloxi, MS) 25 25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Scarlett Pearl (Biloxi, MS) 15 25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No
The Palace Biloxi, MS) 10 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Golden Spike (Tunica, MS) 10 15 15 25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10/27
Horseshoe (Tunica, MS) 10 15 15 25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10/27
Treasure Bay (Biloxi, MS) 10 10 10 10 10X Unknown Unknown Unknown 10/10
Harrah’s Cherokee & Murphy 15 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown No Unknown
Harrahs River Valley (Murphy, NC) 25 25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Ballys (AC, NJ) 10 15 10 10-25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Yes 9/22
Caesars (AC, NJ) 15 15 Unknown 15-25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7/29
Harrahs (AC, NJ) 15 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7/29
Hard Rock (AC, NJ 15 25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7/29
Resorts (AC, NJ) 15 25 Unknown 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Yes 7/29
Ocean (AC, NJ) 10 15 10 15-25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Yes, 4 per side 9/4
Buffalo Creek (NY) 15 25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Seneca Niagra (NY) 10 15 15 25 Unknown Unknown Unknown No 8/22
Jack/Harrah's (Cincinnati, OH) 25 25 25 25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Cocktaw (Durant, OK) 10 Unknown 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8/22
Winstar World Casino (Thackerville, OK) 5 5 Unknown Unknown 3x/4x/5x Unknown Unknown Unknown 10/10
Hollywood (Columbus, OH) 10-15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Hollywood (Grantville, PA) 15 25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Harrah's Philly (PA) Unknown Unknown 15 25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8/10
Meadows (PA) 10 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9/4
Mohegan Sun (PA) Unknown Unknown 25-50 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 8/3
Rivers Casino Philly (Philadelphia, PA) Unknown 15-25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Double field Unknown Unknown 10/9
Seneca Allegheny (PA) 5 5 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9/4
Windcreek (PA) 10 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Mount airy (Scotrun, PA) 10 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 10/2
Valley Forge (PA) Unknown 10 25 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 9/12
Parx (Bensalem, PA) 15 25 15 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Yes, 3 per side 8/22
Mardi Gras (Nitro, WV) Unknown Unknown 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 7/28 Usually open on weekends
Part 1. It's getting buried so I figured we would make a new one.
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
submitted by necrochaos to Craps [link] [comments]

WATCH 2:30 PM - Governor Edwards COVID-19 Announcement on Response to COVID-19

WATCH 2:30 PM - Governor Edwards COVID-19 Announcement on Response to COVID-19


Gov. John Bel Edwards
  • Cases that come back positive hospitalizations are increasing.
  • Clear to me that the current restrictions are not enough. The appeal to the Louisiana citizens is not producing the results that are needed.
  • Yesterday was the highest day of new cases.
  • Today we report 2,166 new cases and a case positivity of 11.3%
  • Both yesterday and today exceeded 10% for case positivity.
  • Yes, we are testing more people. This is good, a test does not create a case it tells you where you have cases. So yes we are seeing more of the cases that are out there.
  • Thus far in the month of July, we are 11 days in, and we have almost met our monthly goal of 200,000 tests with over 195,000 tests reported as of today.
  • As recently as June the 19th we were 10th in the country for cases per capita now we are number 3.
  • Our rate is not just higher for Louisiana but for all of those states that were previously ahead of us.
    • We are number 3 behind New York and New Jersey.
  • We cannot go back to a time where we are running out hospitals and ventilators.
  • Yesterday alone we added 75 new inpatients today was 65 more.
  • June the 13th we had 532 people in the hospital today we have [____].
  • Fauci says we need better compliance with mask usage, physical distancing, and limiting crowd sizes.
  • We have been extremely patient to have compliance from the community but we are moving a little further.
  • Trying not to ever move back to Phase 2 or Phase 1.
    • Need to balance between the virus, the economy, and opening up schools.
  • Staying in Phase 2 until at least July 24th with some changes starting Monday.
    • Masks are mandated statewide for 8 years of age or older unless they have a health condition that prevents them from wearing a mask.
    • Strongly suggested that children between 2-7 wear them
    • Parishes can opt-out of this mandate if they do not have a high incidence of COVID-19 only 3 parishes currently qualify:
  1. Grant
  2. Red River
  3. West Feliciana
  • All bars closed to on-premises consumption but may do curbside pickup.
  • Indoor social gatherings are limited to 50 people.
  • 50% occupancy remains for businesses.
  • Informal backyard gatherings are the largest contributor to spread think birthdays, baby showers, weddings, etc. Instances where you only invite your close relatives and close friends. But your close relatives and friends may have COVID-19 and they are not part of your immediate household.
    • If you have these types of events you need to keep them as small as you can, wear masks, physical distance, and try to hold them outdoors.
  • Changes go into effect Monday night right after midnight so there is time to comply. Orders will stay in place until at least July 24th.
    • Mod Note: Monday at midnight for this instance means 12:01 AM Monday, so it will start right after midnight today.
  • These decisions are based on White House guidance and guidance from public health experts.
  • Vice President Pence will be coming Tuesday and the White House Task Force been encoring the public to follow local and state orders to follow mask mandate. They encourage mask mandates for where cases are increasing rapidly [like here in Louisiana].
  • Face masks order follow CDC guidance. Masks are mandated statewide for anyone 8 years of age or older.
  • Exemptions to mask-wearing:
    • Have a health condition that prevents you from wearing a mask.
    • Anyone eating or drinking.
    • Anyone communicating to the speech impaired.
    • Anyone who is giving a public speech.
    • Anyone removing face covering for identification purposes.
    • And anyone who is part of a parish who has opted out of the mandate.
  • High incidence of COVID = 100 new cases per 100,000 people per 2 week period.
  • 3 parishes are below that threshold, Grant, Red River, West Feliciana Parish.
  • Even if your parish opts out it is strongly encouraged that everyone wears a mask when outside the household. Just because these are the least affected parishes does not mean there is not COVID there. There is COVID-19 in every parish.
  • If you have are vulnerable you are always safest at home. (Those over 65, diabetes, obesity, etc.)
  • At the end of the day, while I know this will be unpopular and controversial with some, we know face masks work. It is that simple. The vast majority of the spread of this disease comes from people talking, sneezing, coughing, and the mask helps contain the virus from being spread to neighbors.
  • None of these steps were ones that I wanted to take, but they are essential.
  • Typically there is a 14-day lag between a change in behavior and when that change shows up in the numbers and there is an even longer lag time for the change in deaths. So we will not see any changes [from mandating masks or closing bars] in the near future.
  • (We have no reason to believe the numbers we have been reporting are going to get any better, they are likely to get worse.)
  • Bars have been proven to be hotspots for the spread of coronavirus. It may not be true for every bar, but it is true for many of them. Thanks to the many bar owners for complying with restrictions, this is not meant to punish anyone.
  • Identified at least 36 outbreaks from bars impacting over 400 people. We know that number is much higher. All of this has happened in Phase 2 when bars were opened. We also know that leading the spread in recent weeks has been a younger age group more likely to frequent bars. This age group continues to be a big driver of cases.
  • Younger people are spreading COVID19 to older people who are becoming ill in growing numbers.
  • Public health officials believe that bars have a higher risk than other businesses due to the social aspect, having to speak louder over music, keeping the mask off to drink, etc. Alcohol diminishes decision making.
  • I know this will be challenging and unpopular but it is necessary and the right thing to do under these circumstances. We cannot let this illness win. If you, like me, are interested in keeping most of our economy opened and not regrew back in phases, or open schools next month, these things (wearing a mask or closing bars) is a minor price to pay.
  • This should not be a political issue. Someone how there has been a political issue that has come up around masks. You will see that people of both parties will be stressing the absolute importance of wearing a mask.
Dr. Joe Canter (LDH)
  • At the end of the day this I about the perseveration fo human life.
  • Mask mandate follows CDC guidelines for high incidence.
    • High incidence of COVID = 100 new cases per 100,000 people per 2 week period
  • 61 out of 64 parishes currently meet this definition.
    • 3 parishes are below that threshold, Grant, Red River, West Feliciana Parish.
  • The level of COVID incidence is high in the overwhelming amount of parishes of Louisiana.
  • If you are battling a disease you need to know what you are fighting and where it is, which his what testing does. If you do more tests you will find more positives. When we look at cases we look at multiple measurements like percent positivity, which is increasing. The large spike at the end of March and April when CPR increases to 30% is when we were highly restrictive in who we tested which artificially inflated the percent positivity.
  • Over the last week, (Jun 22-July 5th as measured by date of collection, the percent of positivity was 15.3%. Highly concerning number.)
  • A lot of people who test positive are asymptomatic and spread it to their community or other family members.
  • Young adults aged 18-29 accounts for the largest grouping of COVID cases.
  • Over the past week or 2, we are seeing what we feared we would see which is further spread from younger adults to older individuals.
  • COVID has a real propensity to spread, we had no expectation it would stay within the 18-29 age bracket. The most recent data is now showing us that the virus is indeed spreading from those younger adults to older individuals.
  • **(In Phase 2 if you have a vulnerability, are increasing in age, or have a serious underlying medication condition, the risk to you and your personal health is greater and you need to think twice about the risk you take on.
    • Maybe you shouldn't go out. Maybe someone should make food for you.
    • Families should support these individuals.
    • Staying inside and distancing is the safer thing to do.)**
  • We have leading signs and lagging measures. Cases are on the leading sign and fatalities are on a lagging measure. We know that in Louisiana individuals who will die from COVID-19 become symptomatic 16 days before that fatality.
  • Concerned we will see increasing hospitalization and increasing deaths.
  • We have already doubled the number of patients hospitalized with COVID from the middle of June.
  • We have to turn this around.
  • At this point in time, we have more cases coming in than when we were at our peak.
  • Differences between these two peaks are the first time around it was focused on New Orleans, shows the case growth to date without New Orleans. This is a statewide problem and we look similar to Florida or Texas were. We are not as far along but we need to turn this around.
  • The good news is we have already beaten this once we can do it again.
Dr. Neal of OLOL Regional Medical Center
  • We knew when we went to Phase 2 we would see a little more community spread resulting in a few more admissions so we were prepared for that.
  • We were not prepared for the steep escalation in hospitalizations we began to see 10 days ago and cases have not quadrupled.
  • We have too many people in our hospitals.
  • When our hospitals get full it is incredibly hard to care for everyone.
  • Of our patients that are in the hospital, 1/3 are in the ICU.
  • The youngest is 25 and had no medical conditions when they entered the hospital.
  • Patients in their 20s, 30s, 40s are in the ICU struggling for their lives.
  • This is a nightly occurrence in the hospital.
  • **(This takes a tremendous team to do that work and that team can no longer offer care to all those who need it.
    • Those that need for bypass surgery, joint replacement -- they haven't been able to walk in 6 months, or those that have a mass that may be a malignancy.)**
  • We cannot allow this in the community anymore, we have to be better stewards so the whole community is healthier from all of their illnesses, and not just COVID19.
  • We all need to wear masks by doing that we protect our community, each other, and our families. This is how we continue being safe in our homes and not wind up in the hospital as patients with COVID19.
  • Think about each and every interaction you have with another individual, keep your distance, try to have that interaction by Zoom, or by phone.
  • We know that this works, and we know that if you do it we can continue to provide everyone the continued quality of care we expect every day.
Dr. Rainey Winfield Sports Medicine Physician
  • Truly concerned about overwhelming the healthcare system as it exists today.
  • Seen COVID in all demographics.
  • Symptoms have evolved from 3 symptoms to 9 symptoms.
  • New symptoms in the Millenials of migraines headaches, stomach issues, and diarrhea.
  • Increased mental health issues in the community are being seen as well.
  • Assure you that the healthcare system cannot be successful unless the public plays its part by socially distancing, washing hands, and WEARING YOUR MASK
  • Mask wearing works. Respiratory droplets can go up to 12 ft so if you wear wearing a mask it protects those around you. We are in a position now that we are losing lives by something that can be prevented.
  • Take this seriously and listen to what is going on.
Gov. John Bel Edwards
  • Misspoke, this is in effect Monday morning not Tuesday as previously stated. It goes into effect at 12:01 AM Monday morning.
  • Shout out to the medical professionals. There has been no one who has stepped up as tremendously and it runs the entire gamut of the medical profession.
  • As Louisiana, we owe it to them to not overburden them.
  • We can prevent it, we have done it before. We do not need to go back to other Phases to do it. We need to follow the CDC and White House Guidelines to slow the virus.
  • Let's be good neighbors and realize we all have a role to play.
  • This opportunity will not last forever, now is our time. You cannot. wait till next week or next month or there will not be time left by then.


Is mask mandate for indoors only or outdoors as well. How will be it be enforced
It is indoors and outdoors when you cannot be physically distanced from others. When you go into an office building or retail establish or restaurant etc unless you meet one of those exceptions that mask needs to be on. If you are outside and are in close proximity with others you need to have a mask on. This mandate applies to all locations. There are exemptions for individuals and those 3 parishes if they choose to opt-out. If they were to opt-out, CDC guidance does not change and everyone is encouraged to wear masks if they can.
Businesses will be required to tell people they need to have a mask on. Businesses can accept a representation from someone saying they meet one of those categories of exceptions. Other than placing law enforcement officers at every building there is no way to do it. There is not a goal to go out there and write citations. We want people to comply. We want businesses to make the effort to put up the signs and if someone does not meet the exception and refuses to wear a mask and if they don't leave they are trespassing. The mandate applies to churches but we will not be enforcing it in churches. WE will not be writing up pastors or doing those things. They are encouraged to understand that that setting where people are there for over an hour it is important for those individuals to wear a mask.
If you were to cite a business what would the penalty be? Is it a fine? If so how much?
I'll get that answer to you. That will not be the first resort. When we go to a business we remind them of the requirements. The first efforts are always going to be to pressure compliance and not a fine.
Will citations be for business owners or..
The owners.
Will you be pulling back on elective surgeries
The office of public health has not told me that that is something they are recommending right now. There are hospitals around the state who have different staffing issues and they may choose to make a different decision for themselves. This has not been raised to a statewide level where I, the governor, would need to consider that.
There are 3 major issues hospitals are facing:
  1. Testing turnaround times.
  2. Remdesivir availability.
  3. Staffing.
Medical exemptions for earring a mask. DO people need to carry a doctors note if they meet one of the exemptions
Business owners have the right to ask you to put on the mask so if you have someone that can document that it would be good to have it on your person but owners are not required to ask you for that.
Conditions that meet exemption for mask-wearing. Tiny minority fo people meet these.
  1. Respiratory issues where wearing a mask puts you in danger.
  2. Children are younger than 2.
  3. Case by case basis.
**The larger point to be made, if you have a condition that you think makes it untenable to wear a mask, it is also likely the case that you are at increased vulnerability for COVID. You really need to look at your own risk profile and if it is worth doing the activities that you would like to do. [(Mod note: aka why are you going out if your respiratory function is that comprised that you cannot wear a mask)]
In terms of casinos will they be limited
Limitations only have to do with social gatherings, not businesses. Phase 2 occupancy requirements remain in place for commercial businesses. The only businesses that are affected by the new occupancy limitations are bars and event spaces.
Why bars and not restaurants
Data we have shows that restaurants do not pose the same risk of transmission as bars. Restaurants with bars in them can seat people at the bar as an extension of the seating area for the consumption of food.
Does guidance apply to State employees
Yes, both to employees and the general public entering a public building.
Texas has begun to send ATF out to shut down businesses. We haven't issued any penalties it's more a warning system. Do you think this is working? Why not be stricter with enforcement
Well, I just announced I am closing every bar. I do not know how to be more categorical than that. Last time I got an update we visited more than 3,100 commercial establishments. What I can tell you is that the vast majority of those were not out of compliance and if they were they got into compliance quickly. Likely it was something simple like employees wearing masks around their necks and not their faces. I have instructed that for repeat business offenders to start issuing citations so I believe you will start seeing that going forward.
I've said from the very beginning a public health emergency of this nature if the people of Louisiana are going to insist that we enforce our way through it we will not be successful. We will continue to have people unnecessarily spreading this disease and then other people through no fault of their own, they may be the most responsible citizen out there, they may contract it because someone in their vicinity is choosing not to be a good neighbor. Then these individuals will go to the hospital and fill that bed and cause all of the problems for the hospital system and its providers, affecting not only the COVID community but anyone that's in need of medical service. To those people of Louisiana who say "well, we are not going to listen to any of that and we are going to make them enforce our way through it. Then we will be unsuccessful but I believe in Louisiana, we are better than that. Our people have always been good and resilient. We are faithful people. We know what it means to be a good neighbor. Now is a good time to be a good neighbor. If you don't like the mask mandate then don't like it, but wear your mask anyway if you are going to be out in public. If you want to criticize me, then criticize me. I understand this is going to be controversial. So be it. It the right thing to do. It's the essential thing to do. But don't sit back and say we will only be successful if we enforce our way through it. That is the wrong attitude.
Can you talk about how the decision for the VP to come to Baton Rouge came to be and the testing issues that may be discussed?
Many things made Louisiana an obvious place to come. We are back to #3 in the country for COVID19 cases per capita. They picked BR specific to do surge testing, one of 3 areas around the country to get above our baseline of 5,000 people. We haven't met that yet, but we are working towards it. Because of the steep increase in cases in BR but even steeper increase in positivity in BR. Louisiana has been on radar front and center for the White House Coronavirus Taskforce since the beginning. We have never come off their radar. I think that is. why he is coming here.
While he is here he will talk about higher education and what we are doing to safely resume on-campus in-person instruction on time. What that mix of education of in-person and distance learning will look like. Plus LSU is the current national champion and he gets to come down be on that fine university. We will meet in a large space in the club on the south end of the stadium.
Did you talk to Clay about the new mandate or the petition gaining speed because of this?
I speak to lawmakers frequently and had the opportunity to talk to them specifically about the proclamation I am signing today. I make sure they are getting regular updates and they see the number and trajectory they are on. So by the time we make these decisions, it is in their mind that this is something we may do. Yes, I had the opportunity to speak with them.
The first time we have a surge in the state there was an awful lot of people who said that only affected Orleans or Jefferson Parish and not us, but that is not the case today. This is literally statewide. The hottest area in the state is in Lake Charles and the second hottest is in Lafayette.
I think the petition would be a tremendous mistake. For us to be the only state without a public health emergency when we are number 3 in the country cases per capita, our positivity is over 15%, we have the highest case growth we've had in the entire public health emergency, our hospitals are filling up again, and all the coordination and resources we need to make available, and all of the coordination we need to do with the Federal government, not to mention making sure we are able to take advantage that they can only send to Louisiana IF we have a declared public health emergency, and the ability to take advantage of the Stafford act? All that would be threatened by a silly partisan petition. They can do if they want but that would be a tremendous mistake and the people of Louisiana will pay a higher price. I urge members not to sign it and if they did sign it to have their names taken off of it.

Final Comments

  • We've been here before, we can get back on top of this and start driving cases down.
  • We all have a role to play.
  • Be a good neighbor.
  • Being a good neighbor means do not make that personal visit. You wear your face mask when you re outside your home and are in proximity to others who are in your household. Wash your hands often. Stay home when you're sick. Take care of those people whoa re especially most vulnerable.
  • You are safer at home always.
  • If you re out and about do not patronize a business that is not operating safely.
  • Pray for our state and our country.
  • Confident we will get through this.
  • It'll be easier and quicker if more people comply with what we are asking you to do.
submitted by WizardMama to Coronaviruslouisiana [link] [comments]

Report your table minimums here (COVID Edition)

6/17 Edit: Great info guys. Keep it coming! If something changes, please let me know.
I reached out to the mods asking about putting together a post to collect minimums for craps tables in Vegas and other places.
If this post gains traction, it may get a sticky. It may also help cut down on the amount of posts asking for this info.
I'll try to keep the body of the post updated. If information is correct, let me know.
Update 6/18 - Nevada Gaming Board announced masks required at table games in Nevada. I haven't heard that this is being enforced yet.
6/30: Keep reporting, especially any of you heading to Vegas. We would love to hear what the mins are on the strip
Let me know what casino, day or night and the minimums:
Vegas Strip Casino Day Min Night Min Dividers Comments
Aria 15 25 Unknown
Bellagio 10 25 Yes, all tables Poker tables open
Caesars 15 25 No Poker tables open
Casino Royale N/A N/A N/A Table Games not open
Cosmo 100 50-100
Encore 50 100 Yes, on some tables Updated 6/16
Excalibur 10-15 Unknown 10 crapless, 15 regular
Flamingo Rare (5) - 15 25
Harrah's 15 25 No Confirmed no dividers per 6/16 Youtube video
Linq 15 25 No
Luxor 10 15
Mandalay Bay N/A N/A
MGM Grand 10 25 Yes, all tables
NY/NY 10 15 Yes, all tables
Osheas Unknown 15
Paris N/A N/A No Opened 6/18 - Masks required at tables.
Planet Hollywood N/A N/A No open date announced
Rio N/A N/A No open date announced
Strat Day 10 Unknown
Treasure Island 5 15
Venetian Unknown 25 No
Wynn 25-50 50-100 Yes, on some tables Updated 6/16
Downtown Casino Day Min Night Min Dividers Comments
Binions 10 10
California 10 10
The D 10 15 No glass
El Cortez 10 10 Yes, some tables 2 tables
Four Queens 5 5 No Confirmed thru 6/14 Youtube video
Fremont 10 10
Golden Gate 5 5 From 6/9 on Vegas Message Board (no carnival games)
Sams Town 15 15 1 table
Offstrip Casino Day Min Night Min Dividers Comments
Aliente 10 10
Boulder Station 10 10
Cannery 5 5 up to 2 tables, a mask was provided but not required
Ellis Island 5 5 1 table
Gold Coast 5 5
Green Valley Ranch 10 10 2 tables open
The Orleans 10 25 up to 4 tables, I was asked to wear a mask
Palace Station 10 10 Unknown
Palms N/A N/A No open date announced
South Point 5 5 2-3x tables w/ only one $5 buy in
Strat 5 10
Sunset Station 5 5
Other NV Casinos Day Min Night Min Dividers Comments
Edgewater (Laughlin) 10 10
Harrahs (Laughlin) 10 15 no
Atlantis (Reno) 5/10 5/10 2 tables with different mins
Cal Neva (Reno) 5 5
Circus Circus (Reno) Closed Closed Closed table game pit
Eldorado (Reno) 10 10
Grand Sierra (Reno) 15 15-25
Peppermill (Reno) 10 10 3 craps tables
Silver Legacy (Reno) 10 10
Hard Rock (Tahoe) Closed Closed Currently closed
Harrahs (Tahoe) 25 25
Montbleu (Tahoe) 10 15
Non/NV Casino Day Min Night Min Dividers Comments
Foxwoods (CT) 15 25
Mohegan (CT) 10-50 10-50 2 were 10, 2 $15, 1 $25, 1 $50. Plus a high rollers table
Harrington (DE) 10 15-25 Must wear mask and face shield
Blue Chip (Michigan City, IN) 5 10 5 minimum prop bets, 5 min ATS bet.
L’auberge (Lake Charles,LA) 25/50 25/50 2 $25 min and 2 $50 min tables. 1 bubble craps $5 min
Harrahs (Shreveport, LA) 15 25
Margaritaville (Shreveport, LA) 25 25
Ocean Downs (MD) 10 15
Maryland Live (MD) 25 50 Yes 5 tables, 4 per side. Electronic craps 15 min
MGM @ National Harbor 50-100 Yes 4 craps tables 2 were $50 and 2 were $100 mins. Not bubble craps or low roller options.
Firekeepers (Battle Creek, MI) 10 15+ No dividers, only distancing 1-2 tables depending on demand, did see it at $15 during the day $25 on Fri/Sat night. Masks required, no smoking. $3 Bubble Craps.
River City (St. Louis, MS) 20 20 Unknown 4 players per side. $20 min. You have to have at least a $20 bet for every throw to "hold your spot"
Beau Rivage (Biloxi, MS) 25 25 unknown 3 tables
Boomtown (Biloxi, MS) 10 10 Unknown 1 table
IP (Biloxi, MS) 25 25
Scarlett Pearl (Biloxi, MS) 25 25
The Palace Biloxi, MS) 10 15
Treasure Bay (Biloxi, MS) 10 10
Hard Rock (AC, NJ 25 25 Yes 2 tables
Resorts (AC, NJ) 15 25 Yes 1 table
Ocean (AC, NJ) 15 25 Yes 4-6 tables
Hollywood (Columbus, OH) 10-15 Unknown Unknown 2 tables, masks required
Hollywood (Grantville, PA) 15 25 Unknown 2 tables, masks required
Meadows (PA) 10 10 2-3 tables.
Sycuan (San Diego, CA) 10 10 Masks required
Barona (So Cal) 5 5 3 tables, dealers managing bets for players.
Harrahs (So Cal) 15-25 15-25 Bubble craps $5 min, Interblock bubble $3 min, 1 electronic table $5 min
Viejas (So Cal) N/A 15 1 table
Southland Casino Racing (West Memphis, TN) N/A N/A Yes 4 tables all closed. Other pit games open with plexiglas dividers. Bubble craps $5 minimum.
Last update 7/9
There is a similar post for all games on the Vegas Message Forum
submitted by necrochaos to Craps [link] [comments]

WATCH LIVE: 2:00 PM - Gov John Bel Edwards COVID-19 Press Conference for the explanation of Phase 3

WATCH LIVE: 2:00 PM - Gov John Bel Edwards COVID-19 Press Conference for the explanation of Phase 3
OFF-TOPIC: there is a disturbance set to move into the gulf | Spaghetti Models

Phase 3 Information:

  • Businesses will have 75% occupancy.
  • Mask Mandate.
  • Parishes that have a 5% positivity rate for 2 weeks can opt-in to on-premise alcohol sales.
    • Bienville
    • Jefferson Davis
    • Orleans
    • St. John the Baptist
    • Plaquemines


  • Storm entering the gulf (information is available above).
  • Moment of remembrance for September 11th.
    • Asks that people remember the sense of unity that we had post 9/11 we should be able to gain that unity without having that tragedy.
  • Restaurants, churches, salons, spas, gyms, and other businesses can open at 75% occupancy with social disgracing distancing required.
    • Bars have been closed for on-premises consumption. We have done what we can to help them realize revenue. Know there is still a number of them that are closed to on-premises consumption, want to provide a responsible framework for them to open as it is safe to do so. Looking at White House Taskforce guidance...
  • Bars will remain closed in parishes with a high incidence of COVID-19
    • As recommended by Coronavirus Taskforce.
  • Bars can open to on-premises consumption in.. parishes with a positivity rate of 5% or lower for 14 days if the parish gov opts-in. The two-week data is updated by the Dept of Health. The next update is on 9/16.
    • Bars can open with 25% capacity at 50 people total indoors.
    • Customers have to be seated for table-side only service.
    • Only 50 customers outdoors.
    • Social distancing required indoors and outdoors.
    • Outdoors have to be seated for service as well.
    • Live music still not allowed.
    • Sale and service of alcohol must end at 10 PM with patrons cleared by 11 PM.
    • Individuals younger than 21 are not allowed in a bar. 18-20-year-olds are not permitted in bars.
  • Other social gatherings indoors will be limited to 50% capacity with a max of 250 people with social distancing requirements.
  • Outdoor crowd sizes are limited to 50% capacity up to 250 people if people will be in close proximity and social distancing is not possible.
  • Casino limitations will not change under the new order. Casinos remain at 50% capacity / 75% of the gaming positions.
  • Sporting events will operate at 25% capacity with social distancing required and no alcohol sales.
  • Alcohol consumption at all venues will end at 10 PM.
    • Include restaurants, event centers, weddings, and casinos.
  • A statewide mask mandate remains in place.
  • CDC Recommendations remain in place for those at high-risk
    • should not go out, are safer at home, and should avoid large crowds unless they need to get food or medical care.
  • The order will be in place for 28 days expiring on Oct 9th.
  • Nothing will change for nursing home visitations.
    • Nursing home population remains at high-risk.
    • 40% of all the fatalities in Louisiana from COVID-19 have occurred at nursing homes.
    • Congregate living --the type at nursing homes-- is where the virus spreads easier and these individuals with their age and comorbid health conditions are a higher risk of the virus and are more likely to have a poorer outcome.
    • LDH in consolation with CMS is working to finalize plans for a pilot program to see if we can allow for some visitation, specifically outdoor visitation. It would be a 28-day pilot program. Nursing homes will have to be located in parishes with 5% positivity or less and the home has to have 0 cases in the last 14 days to participate. Additional details to be provided.
    • People at the Department of Health are putting forth great effort to make sure we are doing this in a safe and effective way.
Dr. Billioux
I will upload a better version when I can
  • Data we are looking at when we look at the upper left we see COVID-like illness (people presenting to an ER with symptoms of COVID), below is a graph showing the volume of testing and organs bars show the percent positivity gray line is the 10% line, upper right is the epi curve (new cases remove every day by collection date) black line is the average of incidence over time, bottom right blue line is the hospitalizations and the organ line shows the last 14 days.
  • We always look at 14 days because that is the recommendation for the gating criteria from the White House.
  • COVID-like illness has been on a steady decline across every region since we had the mask mandate.
  • The testing graph shows the interruption that happened as a result of Marco and Laura, the state needed to redeploy its resources and its National Guard partners meaning we could not do community testing at the level we wanted. So you can see the decline from the week that represents the storm, and you are beginning to see a rebound from that due to our wonderful National Guardsmen redeploying our testing sites. However, we are not seeing the line come up very high very quickly.
  • The people of Louisiana need to know:
    • Testing is widely available.
    • Get tested if you have symptoms.
    • Get tested if you've been exposed.
    • Get tested if you evacuated due to Hurricane Laura.
  • As you can see the percent positivity has been declining, we are at about 6.79% right now, which is well below the 10% recommendation for the state.
  • The epi curve shows we have been on a steady decline since the mask mandate and bar closures.
    • More recently there has been an uptick in the state. Some of that reflects a decrease in testing with a new increase in testing and some of that reflects quite frankly new cases that we know are evolving in settings like universities and schools, but not over a 14 day period. We have not made that criteria of a 14 day period.
  • Hospitalizations have been on a steady decline since the new restrictions.
  • Strictly speaking, looking at the data we have met the criteria for moving into Phase 3.
  • However, there is data we don't see/know, that is what we need to be watching out for
    • Impact of Hurricane Laura
      • We had a week we didn't have visibility for because of decreased testing.
      • Frankly, there is not as much testing happening as we would like to see from shelterees and evacuees right now. We do not know if transmission of the virus has happened because we are not catching it because we not seeing people taking advantage of the testing.
      • Testing sites in Lake Charles and Sulphur.
      • Testing available at points of distribution.
      • Testing sites in New Orleans and Baton Rouge in hotels.
      • There is a significant amount of asymptomatic spread, please get tested and protect your family.
    • Schools reopening - the impact of K-12 going back to school and universities reopening. Part of that is because we paused testing and because people went back home and now they have returned to school.
      • We know not everyone has gone back to full in person.
      • Most have done hybrid learning.
    • Labor Day Weekend - because there hasn't been enough time.
      • Most people stayed home and celebrated with their household.
      • Some people didn't and we won't know the impacts until 2 weeks from now.
      • Hopefully, we will find people by large did what we asked. That cases and hospitalizations stay down because as you saw we have a very active Atlantic season right now. Not a good time for us to face multiple disasters as we have more COVID increase.
  • Another trend we are focused on is the increase in cases in the 18-29-year-old age group.
    • The sharp uptick in 18-21-year-old age group.
      • The age group that has gone back to school.
      • Still seeing that group come up even with bars closed.
      • Watch this very carefully especially as we talk about gatherings and football.
    • Saw last time that as this age group leads other age groups followed.
  • CDC released a report of childcare settings and infections of those that the child return home to.
  • Under the age of 21 we really do not want you in the bar setting. You should not be there. You are not of drinking age, and it brings you into a setting where you are at high risk for exposure.
  • COVID like illness is decreasing across the state. When we look at cases across the state it is a mixed bag. There are many regions across the state where we are seeing an uptick in cases but they do not meet the 14-day threshold.
  • Note Region 5 is difficult because it is the SW Louisiana and it is difficult because all numbers plummeted because of evacuation and as they return we would expect to see increases.
  • Concerned as we look at hospitalizations. Our biggest concern is being able to have adequate healthcare capacity to meet the needs of Louisiana.
    • Watching these trends closely.
  • As we move into Phase 3 and there are greater capacity in restaurants and some bars and operate in limited services. It is critical to remember that everything that has gotten us to this point still needs to be in place.
    • The physical distancing of 6 ft or more is really important.
      • When we call you and ask if you have been in 6 ft of someone for greater than 15 minutes... you will still be a potential contact and need to quarantine for 14 days if you have been exposed to a known positive COVID case for more Thant 15 minutes.
    • Continue to wear a mask. More and more data shows that people who are shedding the virus mask usage reduces the risk you spread the tother people. You protect other people by wearing a mask and other people protect you by wearing their mask.


Do you have any idea how many parishes are below 5% or less?
5 out of 64 parishes.
Mechanically does the 2 week period become effective today or does it become effective on the 16th?
As the governor noted we will be updating this, we have been providing these updates and will provide the next one on the 16th. First, the parish has to make 2 (2-week checks at 5% positivity or less so 4 weeks total, and then the parish government has to opt-in.
What does the nursing home pilot program look like?
What you will see us talking about, is decreasing becomes less relevant than what is going on in the community. The percent of positivity is especially important. What is the level of spread in your community? So for the nursing home pilot we are looking at a low community spread so probably 5% or less in the community. We are also working with nursing homes to establish protocols where people are outdoors. People are wearing PPE and it has to be a pretty nicely mandated visitation where you know who and when someone is coming, being symptomatic, isolated, or quarantined for COVID-19 will all be reasons to not see your loved one. Out of the 5,000 Louisianians, we have lost so far 40% have been from nursing homes. As we look to have families reunite we must do this in a way to not put your loved ones at risk. Not only your loved one but those in the rest of the facility as well.
John Bel Edwards
  • A parish has to be eligible so they have to be at the 5% below the threshold for at least 2 weeks.
    • Data is publicly available on the LDH website.
  • Parish has to opt-in.
  • If at some point subsequent to opting in a parish gets to 10% or higher in positivity then those bars will close again. Then it starts over again and they will have to satisfy the gating criteria again.
    • Otherwise, you would reopening and closing bars within a few days or so, so this is a way to do this responsibly and safely under the control of the local government.
  • Today's COVID-data
  • We've had some positive trends that allowed just to make these moves but I have a concern about what isn't reflected in the data which is why this has been the most difficult decision I had to make with respect to applying the gating criteria to the phasing.
  • Encourage people to take mitigation measures seriously.
  • As we reopen more of the economy/our churches, to more occupancy, these things only really work if we continue to wear our masks. Wash your hands frequently. Stay home when sick. Socially distance from that outside for your household
  • Outdoors is safer than indoors.
    • If you want to support restaurant pick up, get delivery, or eat outdoors.
  • People need to understand there isn't a lot of room for movement forward beyond Phase 3 until we get past the pandemic.
    • Until such time social distancing isn't required how do you go to 100% occupancy?
    • We do not go from 75% to 100% until the pandemic is over.
  • Hurricane Laura Info Mod note I am not covering this but if you would like me to please message me.


Missed question
I am concerned about the impact Labor Day will have. Experienced the beginning of the Summer with Memorial Day. We Know that is when we had a surge in cases driven by the younger population, particularly those in the 18-29-year-old group. I hope behavior would be different for Labor Day because everyone saw the impact that behavior had on our state. Dr. Birx was talking about, the White House was talking about it. I am hopeful that won't happen again. I am relieved we are increasing our testing numbers again and having more testing sites coming up and will be watching the data very closely. I am mindful that we have started school. Colleges' campuses have also opened to students. But am comforted that there is still a lot of virtual and hybrid learning occurring. We do not have a lot of school systems fully open for in-person instruction. I believe Louisiana will do what is needed to protect one another from having a repeat of what happened after Memorial Day.
Is there some scenario where we have those Labor Day numbers come in and they are so bad you change your mind and we go back?
There is always [that possibility], whether because of Labor Day or anything else, you watch the numbers. We will not put ourselves on a course where we lose the ability to deliver life-saving care in our hospitals. It didn't happen in the first or second surge and I will not let it happen going forward. Yeah it certainly remains possible, but I am hopeful we will not get anywhere close to that, but if we have to we will. I have said this all along. That is why we keep making the point -- it is not a theory anymore -- we had that huge surge in March and April and we were able to flatten the curve through a stay at home order but, we have shown reducing our curve is not reliant on having to have a stay at home order if people wear their masks, wash their hands, and social distance. You can have a larger portion of your economy open and have and much normalcy as possible without the cases skyrocketing if you adhere to the mitigation measures. It is up to the people of Louisiana to adhere to them. I have a lot of concerns. Anytime you announce you are going to the next phase people tune out all the info they are given that COVID is still here, that abiding by mitigation measures, protecting the vulnerable, all of that stuff and some people will say well we are going forward and that is all they think about. That mindset is what causes us to have real issues as well. Need people to mindful. I ask local leaders to set good examples so we can stay on top of this virus and keep trends going in the right direction.
Will Phase 3 have any impact on the state workforce in respect to the public sector
In order to make sure all sate employees are working where they can be most efficient and productive in the safest possible way. Where you have offices, for example, cannot be at 100% so some of those people will continue to be home. Some agencies work in office spaces that are less traditional where it is harder to work safer in that environment while people on wildlife and fisheries are on a boat and in a safer environment.

Closing remarks

  • Thank you for continuing to cover this.
  • If you look at the Gulf of Mexico to the West Coast of Africa you will see a number of storm systems most of which do not pose a threat to Louisiana. The one off of the coast of Florida does, and too soon to know about the coast of Africa. It will be very difficult for our state if we have to go through another hurricane in our present posture where we have people already sheltered from the last storm which we are still trying to recover from.
  • Lift each other in prayer.
  • Be good neighbors.
  • Do what is required of us to protect ourselves, family, and one another.
  • Next press conference on Monday afternoon.
submitted by WizardMama to Coronaviruslouisiana [link] [comments]

WATCH LIVE 2:30 PM Gov. Edwards COVID-19 Press Conference


The summary is transcribed live, maybe paraphrased, and will contain spelling and grammatical errors until I am able to edit it once the press conference ends.


Dr. Gina Laguard of Regional Medical Director of Region 9 / Northshore
Giv. John Bel Edwards


Now that you won in court do you intend to crackdown, not he BBQ restaurant in Denham Springs?
Yes. We will share that information with you when it is appropriate.
When will that be?
When it is appropriate.
Do you think there will be leftover funding from the CARES Act or Business Grant Program in a time period that could keep the unemployment trust fund solvent?
I do not see in the portion of the CARES Act that we dedicated to local government. There is a certain amount, of the 1.8 billion we received it was my recommendation that 45% of the 1.8 billion be reserved for local government. The house went more or less with that, but then did fund $300 million for the Main Street program, and then a smaller allocation for Front Line Workers. We believe that will be completely exhausted and I do not know if money will be left in the Mainstreet Program. I haven't received a report yet and I think it would premature to guess. They will not begin to issue checks until Aug 15, and I do not know how many applications they received, nor how many qualify. We will know by the end of the month, and it could potentially be there at the end of the month. But even if it is there that money would not tie us over for very long. So the assistance we need in Phase 4 of the Coronavirus Relief that is currently being negotiated is critically important for us. We are communicating this with our Congressional Delegation and there have been a number of conversations with the Speaker discussing multiple ways we could replenish that trust fund. On August the 3rd we put $12 million dollars in the trust fund from taxes fro the quarter. It is just not enough to meet the demand with the claims we have.
Other states have banned smoking in casinos because they are concerned people are taking their masks on and off, has that been discussed here?
I believe that was first discussed in Louisiana as far as I know right now when you just brought it up. My first impression is that makes some sense, but I hate to think out loud because sometimes you get in trouble. I think New Orleans and East Baton Rouge may be the only places where smoking is banned in casinos. That is something I will give some consideration to, but I am not making an announcement today.
You've been hesitant to discuss football, have you had a discussion with their administration?
I have. I have had discussions with their athletic director and most people love LSU football but we have football programs across the state. I have had an opportunity to discuss with Scott Woodward, the LSU Athletic Director, and they are planning for multiple contingencies with what they will be able to do safely in regards to the number of people they can put in the stands for a football game. They do not know what that will look like yet, and I do not know what that will look like yet. Obviously you cannot wait to make that discussion until game day, we will meet with other schools to determine how far in advance they need to know. They are looking at ways to get people in and out of the stadium in and out of restrooms, receive concessions, without having people grouping together. Will need to see where we are in terms of the data to inform what we can safely do here in Louisiana when football resumes. The good news is we have some additional time because they backed up the return of the season.
A number of local bars are applying for temporarily conditional restaurant licenses so they can continue to operate and keep their doors open and a reduced capacity. Can you explain from a public health standpoint why a bar with a newly acquired temporary conditional restaurant license is safer than a bar that does not
Because they have to operate as a restaurant. All the rules that apply to restaurants today will apply to them in terms of the 50% occupancy limit, the need to social distance people who are not in the same household, more than 1/2 of the income must be derived from food sales and not alcohol sales. So they would function like a restaurant which would make them safer. Another indication of the efforts we are making is to allow as many of these bar owners as much flexibility as possible so we are not just leaving them the option of pick up or drive-thru sales. Or allowing them to have 2 video poker machines open if they had inside, but it also allows them to function as a restaurant if they are able to do that. They are receiving these permits very quickly so they can get into operation and realize some income as soon as possible. It will be safer because all of their patrons will have to be seated, to distance, and so forth... its something we are doing in an effort to allow as many of these establishments to remain open as possible, but to do so in a safe manner.
Is there a recommendation/protocol about how many cases college and university campuses can have without having to reduce people from campus?
They are working hard with the Department of Public Health and the CDC to work with education leaders both K-12 and higher education, to determine what to do when there is a case and if there are multiple cases and so forth. We can all assume there will be cases. You cannot have the cases we have across Louisiana, resume school, and not have some of these cases show up in your universities or K-12 schools. It really depends on how many cases, if they are in the same classroom, same dormitory, etc. All of these things are being looked at. I can tell you just recently our higher education community completed tabletop exercises, and a result of lessons learned there they have now gone back and revised their plans and will continue to do that as they learn from one another, and as guidance from the CDC changes.
Will you report data based on outbreaks/cases on educational campuses?
I don't know. I am not sure what means we have to capture that information, but certainly, what we have we will share. We are not going to hide it from anyone. Before I say yes I want to make sure we can capture that through the means we have in place to update you every day, or if additional things need to go into place. I do not know if it will be a situation where I ask you to direct those questions to the particular educational systems and universities while we report the universal numbers. We will get back to you on that.
Is there a point you will use your authority as governor to limit on-campus instruction
I do not intend to have to do that because we know K-12 are doing everything they can to deliver an education that goes along with CDC guidelines. So it is not something I believe I will have to do. Higher educational students, especially vulnerable, will do online or hybrid education. So with everything, they plan to do and oversee.... what they are doing came up they from the Department of Health in consolation with the CDC guidelines. So I do not believe it will be necessary for me to step in.
Shreveport reports its third death of MIS-C?
The medical community trying to determine if that is just what COVID looks like in certain kids, or whether it is a separate medical condition that is tangental to COVID. We've had a number of deaths, but not like the 4,000 from COVID from around the state. So we are obviously concerned about that. It is further evidence that children are not immune to this disease. They are much less likely to have a serious illness, but it does still happens. We see sometimes a young person will get COVID-19 and have a bad result even though there is no identifiable co-morbid condition. It is not the rule, it is very much the exception, but it is evidence that children are not immune. This is why we must make certain the kids are as safe as possible which is one of the reasons why the CDC guidelines are important --- that kids socially distance, have masks, do no co-mingle, they stick to their cohort. That this starts form the moment they get on the bus to the moment they get home. It is critically important we do this if we are going to get children safely back in the classroom.

Closing Remarks

submitted by WizardMama to Coronaviruslouisiana [link] [comments]

RDR2's biggest flaw.

What I always loved about GTA 5 is the fact that there is so much you can do, and how vast the game truely is because of it.
In singleplayer you can watch tv at home, you can engage in past times like golf, tennis, yoga, go to the the fair, and so on. As Franklin you can go out with chop. Once I dressed Franklin up in outdoor wear and took Chop to go hiking on Mt. Chiliad. That stuff was super fun and relaxing. As much as I enjoy rampaging that nonviolent gameplay made GTA much more enjoyable.
Plus, you can hang with friends. Going to the movies with Michael while playing as Franklin was awesome, or playing darts with Trevor. I know you can play cards and dice at camp, and go do side missions with other gang members, but I don't see why they didn't let you do more with them at your own free will.
It would be simple to go to Mary-Beth and say "wanna go see a movie" at the little theater in Valentine, or ask Javier or Charles to hunt or fish with you. And after the main campaign (Spoilers) ask Jack to fish with you, Uncle to go to the saloon, or hell even visit Tilly in St. Denis and ask her to see a show. Maybe write letters to surviving gang members to ask them to come visit for a week and then ask them to do stuff then.
The lack of downtime activity makes RDR2 feel lacking. And oh boy online is worse. The gatekeeping shit they do with the Roles makes it feel so tedious and closed off, not to mention how little there is to spend the money you earn on, and how it is rank locked or costs cold. Plus the stupid outlaw pass.
The fact they set it before the events of RDR2 is really limiting they should have set it either in the period of time between the campaign and epiloge or after RDR1. That would open up the chance for the map to evolve.
Maybe Colter is rebuilt and that expands the snowy part of the map to include more areas and content. Maybe we can take missions from Dutch and even Micah. Or if it is set in 1914 we could see an adult Jack, and the advancement of technology would give the devs more to work with.
Really there is not much to do in RDR online, they didn't even bring BlackJack into online. I want to buy an apartment in St. Denis. I think it would be awesome to buy a cabin in the woods, maybe on a lake or pond. They could let us buy or craft upgrades like a dock and canoe to go fishing. We could hunt new legendary animals and use the pelts to make fancy decorations in our homes.
They could let us buy oil derricks and become tycoons, buy the old mines around the map and make them operational, maybe buy one of the factories in St. Denis. Use that money to buy a sailboat, bring that out onto Flat Iron lake like a yacht from gta, maybe a paddle steamer. Or, have a casino like they opened in GTA, but that's a paddle steamer, like the one in the mission where you play high-stakes poker.
So much potential, so little being done. It sucks doesn't it. The big flaw is that the devs aren't including anything interesting to keep the game alive. The only explanation that would make me feel better is if they are focusing on making a GTA 6. Even then, I would still be pissed that they are letting such an amazing game wither away.
PS. Those fucking bastards didn't give Arthur any good clothes. The new clothes like the Thompson vest and the shirts that John have are my favorite clothes from single player and Arthur can't have them. Also. Let me take Arthur's satchel and seconary holster off, or at least let me put on his hip instead of him wearing it cavalry style. And while I'm at it, if I have a different knife chosen, I expect it to stay there if I switch to my guns and not have it revert to the hunting knife after. PPS. ADD A NEW GAME + FOR FUCKS SAKE! And Director Mode!
submitted by NorthWoodsTraveler to reddeadredemption [link] [comments]

Fear and Loathing in Beaumont, Texas - TDY Edition

This one is a doozy...
So, a fateful day around 2010ish I was in that dingleberry of a swampy butthole of land known as Fort Polk doing my train up for a deployment. That's a fucking story in itself.
Anyhow, the end of the rotation had occurred, the war against whatever made up name country was won, and we were returning from Polky-land to our dependapotamuses. I was on a contact high as I was personally selected to be a part of my Battalion Commander's personal security detachment and all our joes were hand-selected by the Platoon Leader, Platoon Sergeant, and myself so we had a really awesome platoon. How awesome? When we did an escort mission with the Chaplain meeting with local religious leader, at the end, our division chaplain told us that "You guys fucking rocked that shit. Gave me a fucking hardon. That's what this division is all about. Fuck yeah."
Preach on brother.
Fast forward, fast forward.
Anyhow, my Platoon Sergeant came to me and told me I needed to go to the bay where my Commander and First Sergeant were. My first thought was of deep consideration and reflection.
"Shit." This can't be good.
When I arrive, my First Sergeant's first question to me "Do you have government travel card?" I nodded a confirmation from our Operation BS in Egypt. He looks at me and says "No, you don't." What fucking Jedi mindtrick is this? Did I forget to pay off a debt? Will I be summoned straight to the Division CSM for a beheading as seems to be the operating procedure whenever government travel cards payments come into question. Casually, my commander slides a brigade memorandum towards me and motions for me to read it.
I start reading and realize it's a tasking memorandum stating what each company will provide from brigade.
Alpha Company...
Two NCOs and three soldiers. "Suckers."
Bravo Company...
Three soldiers. "Nerds."
Charlie Company...
Three E6 NCOs. "Lol, loooossers..."
Delta Company...
Staff Sergeant Pickleindabutt. "well fuck me in the butt."
BY NAME?! I was the only fucking individual chosen by MY GOD DAMN FULL NAME in this memorandum. How does brigade even know I exist? Why am I being tasked directly? Who put this memo together and how the fuck did they know my name. Who the fuck volun-told my name without me receiving a whisper of such curse. Suddenly it dawned on me and I realized what this tasking needed me for.
Apparently I was the only person in brigade who could effectively fill out the forms for our HAZMAT containers. It started where I was just doing it for the company, moved to me declaring for battalion, and now BRIGADE is tracking me. AMO-62 qualification got me again and I was hand selected because my paperwork was the only one that kept getting cleared so they came after me.
My dudes and dudettes, I literally volunteered for this course to get me out of a field exercise so I could watch the SEC championship - no shit. I was a dumb grunt and I didn't even know what the course was and just wanted to get my Roll Tide on. I get there for class and they're like "This is for declaring hazardous material for shipment by land, sea, air, teleportation pods, Skynet time travel, and rail." My dumb ass E5 self was like "Lol, when the hell does any infantry dude declare HAZMAT. Cake."
A week later I was declaring HAZMAT for my brigade to Haiti so shows how well I could foreshadow things. You know how my paperwork always made it through? Let's break down the process.
Me arrive. Me find MSDSs for hazmat. Me find civilian inspector who is overshadowing the process.
"Yo, how do you want me to fill this out." Everyone else would be digging around the CFR 49 and I was just like "Lol, I can't read. Let me find the civilian who makes a career of this and ask them." And that's how I became the HAZMAT guy.
Fast forward, fast forward.
So now I'm part of a tasking that is ensuring our containers make it out of Beaumont, Texas. I already came to Polk on advance parties where I basically had AT&T screaming at me to stop using data while I watched all the episodes of Breaking Bad that was available at the time. Now I'm not even the rear detachment, I'm the past - I'm on fucking ice basically, a forgotten artifact of my brigade's Polk rotation. "Yall remember that one Staff Sergeant?... He told funny jokes... Whatever happened to him? I seem to recall him telling his soldiers to run over g-men at Polk whenever they surrounded his humvee while blatantly ignoring that a 50 cal was rocking them the whole time and then he just... vanished."
Fast forward, fast forward.
Me and two others will be grabbing a rental and driving to Beaumont. God damnit, I deploy in a few weeks and I'm already getting less time with my succubus future exwife that has a spending habit that makes Target wet thinking about it. Anyway, they move me to the brigade's bay. If you've never been to Polk, they have these hangers where they just stick a metric-fuck-ton of bunk beds when you're field rotation is over and you're either leaving or preparing for war with the g-men. The g-men are the Louisiana equivalent of Taliban and should never be trusted. They call themselves soldiers but they are the true enemy. While you're sludging through the swamps and wondering if you're in Vietnam, they come out of no where with their significantly enhanced miles laser gear and somehow your miles can never kill them. You just hear the beep of death of your gear to inform you that traitorous scum g-men nailed you. Probably for killing a Staff Sergeant they get a three day weekend or something.
So, here I am in the brigade headquarters and we just acquired a rental car with a fellow NCO and fresh out of the officer-oven Lieutenant. Lieutenant asks a fateful question "You guys want to go off base." Unfortunately I came to fight the g-men and did not know I was going to be traveling so I had no civilian clothes. So, we agree to go to Wal-Mart in town so I can buy the cheapest of the cheap threads since my wife at the time absolutely had to buy "live, laugh, love" useless items from retail stores at an alarming rate.
Listen to me, Polk is the middle of no where. It is a fucking swamp. I hated going there. I literally would shake the hands of people stationed there and tell them "You're in my thoughts and prayers." The place has a random wild horse herd and farm animals all over the place because people just dump their animals there. I had never left the base before and when we drove off I was basically like "Oh my..." It was like driving into a Flannery O'Connor novel but with strip clubs. There is absolutely nothing in Leesville but several strip clubs, a Wal-Mart, some shitty steakhouse, and trailers. Listen, I'm from Alabama and I was even like "Fuck. This isn't even deep south this is deepest south."
So anyway, I buy the literal cheapest threads from Wal-Mart for my journey to Beaumont and we decide to go into one of the strip clubs for a few drinks and... holy shit, this place was the most Jabba the Hutt's palace experience I have ever had except instead of Leia they had Jaba on the poles. I quietly order a beer, get propositioned for a backroom dance from a human opossum and could only quietly respond "No thank you I'm Christian" in an attempt to ward off others, and wonder how the fuck am I going to get this LT to drink his beer faster so we can fucking leave.
Fast forward, fast forward.
We finally arrived to Beaumont and check in our hotel. I'm suffering from a wicked hangover from the night before in Lake Charles which had about 10 women for each male at the bar we went to. When we get to the hotel, we all agree that we just want to get some food and the clerk recommends this Cajun themed restaurant down the road. We go there and there were no tables but three open seats at the bar so we chose that. As always, Army guys are only just going to talk about the fucking Army so we proceed with our usual dose of bitching and whinnying.
Suddenly, this older gent leads forward sitting beside us and says "YALL IN THE SERVICE?!"
"Sure 'nuff."
"We have and we're heading back to Iraq in a few months."
"That's not necessary sir we-"
And that's how I met who I will refer to as Chief. I call him Chief because later he told me he was a Navy veteran and later he told me he was a Seal - like 98% of Navy veterans you meet. Chief had his lovely girlfriend with him and was the loudest fucking Texan in a bar full of Texans. He was pretty funny but mind you I'm still dealing with this wicked hangover and really just wanted sleep. We eat our respective meals and have a few more shots and beers.
"We're tired so we were just goin-"
"That's really not neces-"
Well, fuck. Fair point. We ended up driving to this random Chili's after exchanging texts with them and shit. My LT is all worked up and excited like a puppy because he's hoping they're a rich couple who want to rain down upon us the riches of the world for THX 4 UR SERVICE. I'm more in the tune of thought that they're swingers and probably want untie one of our balloon knots in some heated up sexcapade.
All the sudden, this SUPED the fuck up Mustang pulls up beside us.
"HEY YALL SEEN SOME ARMY DOUCHEBAGS!?" as the window rolls down.
"I'm sorry, we're not like submarines or Marines, you can't go down on us sir."
"It's a fucking rental Dodge of course it won't-" his Mustang goes flying off 2 Fast 2 Furious style. The Lieutenant is driving as I watch this Mustang Toyko-fucking-drift into the highway.
"Slow down and ask him the location by text. I don't want to die on the road." So Chief proceeds to text us the location of where they are heading. And of course, strip club. We pull up and it's about the nicest fucking strip club I have ever seen. Polar opposite to that fucking swamp trailer we had seen before. I'm walking in my Wal-Mart bin threads clothes like "Fuck I'm not dressed for this shit."
There's another couple with Chief now who introduce themselves to us. They're roughly around his age and married. Oh yeah, we are totally in a swinger situation. One of us is going to have to pay the dues and it isn't me. We walk in and sit down at this table and this place is two stories. Huge. Multiple dancers everywhere.
"ALL DRINKS ON ME, YOU WANT A DANCE, PUT IT ON MY CARD." He then proceeds to pull out $300 in ones and shuffles them to each of us so we total $100 each. Dude. WTF is this. Then he proceeds to buy a tray of jello shots and puts that on the table. At this time, a Mafiaso looking dude walks up to us in a nice suit.
"Thank you for getting the VIP section. Just so you're aware, you will have to purchase a $500 dollar bottle of champagne or a $1000 bottle." What. The. Fuck. We're in the VIP section of this club? Holy shit, how much does that cost? Here I am dressed in clothes that probably in total cost $17.67 and about to be drinking a bottle of $500 champagne.
"I DON'T WANT CHAMPAGNE! I WANT SOME REAL LIQUOR!" Gents and gentettes, I proceed to watch this man argue with the owner that he wants Captain Morgan over champagne. I am now at a loss of processing this TDY adventure. Finally the owner agrees to Captain Morgan but it will still cost $500 dollars.
He agrees. I just witnessed a man pay $500 dollars for a bottle of Captain Morgan. That I am almost positive that we never opened. I shit you not. I am holding back on throwing this dude's cash around because I'm still worried about the whole swinger aspect and them getting some soldier butthole later in the night when the festivities end.
Fast forward, fast forward.
Night ends. We bid our farewells to Chief and his friends. None of us was required to fuck one of them. Other NCO didn't drink at all so he drives us back to the hotel so we can finally crash. We do. TDY adventure now can get official and we can focus on our containers like professionals...
Hold fast. Rewind, rewind.
It's a Saturday. We don't have shit we can do. I'm awoken early in the morning by a knock at my door in which I answer and the Lieutenant is standing there with Chief on speaker yelling about jet-skis or some shit. wat?
"He said he told you that we were going on his boat today." Umm.... negative.
"MEET ME AT THE DOCKS" Chief yells on the phone and hangs up.
So, we ended up meeting them at whatever lake is near Beaumont and let me tell you what... I would have given up my butthole for the amount of fun we had on his boat and jet skis. Jesus Christ, that was one of the funnest days of my life. I had never ridden a jet ski before but was going nuts on it. In less than two hours of meeting up with him, I'm driving a jet ski for the first time in my life trying to keep up with his fucking boat so I don't lose him. I don't really have much to add to that but god damn jet skis are amazing.
Fast forward, fast forward.
So we get the boat back to the dock and, in case I didn't mention, it was Chief, his girlfriend, and the other couple I mentioned before. I hear them talking about going to some boat casino with a Jack Daniels restaurant. Chief's friend keeps telling me they make a steak that is so good you will want to "fuck it on the floor to relieve your erection" which I believe is a high compliment. They get ready to leave and we bid our farewells.
"THE FUCK ARE YALL TALKING ABOUT, SEE YOU THERE." Well okay, I guess we're going to a boat casino lol wtf. We go to a casino and they park the boat at the docks. I proceed to watch these fools drop mad money after eating a steak that I'm not sure I would call floor fucking worthy but pretty damn good. They then proceed to go nuts on the gambling. I mean fucking leaving me at their table with like $1,000 dollars so they could take a quick piss and I don't even gamble so I just stood there like a lost child. At one point, I notice Chief is missing so I decide to go check his boat.
Lo and behold, there he is swimming in the dock with his boat blaring music loud as fuck. As I am walking towards the concert, there is literally a party of people dancing to his music outside of a hotel room on a balcony. I walk down and he's climbing back in. About this time, the other NCO from my merry band of adventurers walks up to. Chief asks what service-members carry now in the Army and proceeds to pull a glock out of his boat glove compartment.
Alrighty now... I don't really care much for someone to be intoxicated and holding a gun. "Hey you should probably put-"
Mother. Fucker. Fucking. Fuck. FUCK. He totally just fired a round into the water. We are at a god damn casino and on the casino property. We are so about to taken the fuck down into depths of hell that I have never seen before. That dancing crew that I mentioned early, they're gone. Andddddd here comes security. Two behemoths of security guards heading our way. Once again, I go into the fucking zone and start walking towards them.
"Hey brother, that shit scared the fuck out of me."
"It must have been like a boat backfire or something. I thought for sure it was a gunshot at first. I think the water made it sound weird. Scared the fuck out of me."
"How do you know it wasn't!?"
"Oh I'm in the Army bro. That shit made me think someone was shooting at us."
"Oh... Okay... You cool?"
"Yeah, I'm good man. Just spooked me."
"You need a drink? On the house if nee-"
"Nah, I'm good man. Thank you though. Have a nice night."
And that's how I avoided being taken into casino prison.
Fast forward, fast forward.
We bid our farewells and return back to the hotel. Sunday I get a call from Chief's friend who I will refer to as "Victor" calls me and asks if we would like to get a few Sunday beers. We agree and meet at this chill local bar and are just shooting the shit.
District Attorney for the area happen to be sitting in there and buys us rounds. God damn Texas really does fucking love the military, Jesus. At this time another older gentleman that knows Victor sits beside me and greets Victor. He asks me if I had deployed and I told him I had and was heading back over.
"I thought my war was bad, I feel bad for your situation with those bombs they put on the roads. Scary stuff."
"You were in?"
"Army, Vietnam. I was a forward observer."
This dude then proceeds to tell me stories about hiding in the brush from dog handlers who were hunting them down since they were forward observers. He proceeds to mention that if it wasn't for some Native American teaching them how to hide their scent, he would have been found. Basically learned how to rub shit on themselves so they could evade dog handlers. I'm sitting there in dismay at how he felt bad for my war... I may have gone into Iraqi shit creeks more than I cared for but I wasn't purposely rubbing shit in my hair so I could be behind deadly frontlines.
He then proceeds to talk about a battle he was in. How they were being overran at one point by the Vietnamese.
"We lost a lot of good men that day. Lots of friends." A slight tear rolls down his cheek and I saw him brush it away. You can usually spot a bull shitter with their gloats of heroism and valor. You know you're dealing with a man who had seen some shit when eyes water. A man who had seen some real hard shit in the bush. I could be wrong but I got the feeling he was the type that buried his experiences deep into his mind and never really got the chance to express his memories. He was a successful construction owner but I'm sure he still has nights judging by what he was telling me. Only to be probably spit on when he came home.
He asks to be excused so he can piss.
"I never knew he was in the service nor in Vietnam..." Victor says.
"I've known him for over 15 years and I had no clue." Bartender says.
Gentleman comes back and I ask if I can buy him a beer for his service as he had bought one for me. He agrees. Victor ended up picking up the tab before I could pay for that round. God damnit can I not fucking pay for anything here? I give him a firm handshake when I leave and tell him it was nice to meet him. Later I gave Victor my Combat Infantryman Badge and asked him to give it to the gentleman. Tell him I appreciate him telling me stories and mad respect for a man who had been through some real shit. While we were talking, he said something along the lines of not getting anything like infantry guys. Normally this would be debate worthy to me but I'm not saying shit to this gentleman. He's been through it.
"Does it mean anything when I give it to him?"
"Means essentially nothing but maybe it will be something to him."
Fast forward. I'm going to skip the part of going to a Roller Derby team after-party at a strip club where I saw behemoth sized women picking up strippers and toss money at them left and right. That was another doozy of a day. They were more crazy in the strip club than I had ever seen any crowd be.... Coming from a survivor of Fayettenam's strip club venues, that means something.
Alright. I'm on my final day and I've left a fuck ton more shit out of this story that occurred down in Beaumont for respectful reasons. We had to leave abruptly so I was on my last night. I went down to the hotel bar that I had gone into a few times. The bartender Steve was like the youngest 50 year old dude I had ever seen. I thought he was younger than me. Apparently my man Steve is a millionaire with a landscaping business and I ask him why he bartends and he says "Because of the funny fucking stories I get to hear from dudes like you." Oh, okay, word.
This other dude is sitting beside me and asks if I was in the Army as I well telling Steve the shit show of an experience I had since being in Beaumont.
"I was in too. I didn't go overseas or nothing like you did." I then proceed to have a very meaningful conversation with this dude on how he shouldn't look at it that way. He served and if called upon, he would have answered too. I offer to buy him a drink. He agrees and I ask Steve for a glass of their best scotch at the bar for both of us. I'm paying something in this god damn town before I leave. Just fucking something. I haven't dropped a dollar since Wal-Mart basically and this place has been so fucking kind to me, I'm putting something into Beaumont's economy. So help me God.
We talk. We finish our drinks. We shake hands. He departs. I look at Steve and realize that this will wrap up this adventure. My precious Beautmont adventure. What a time. You have been so kind and generous to me. Now it's time to pay for something for this town. Here we go.
"Get me tab Steve."
"It's on the house, Pickleindabutt."
I go on this rant about how everyone is paying everything for me and fuck let me just buy a round. Steve is laughing at me and refuses.
I finally convince him to give me $0.00 receipt and leave him a $20 dollar tip.
The next day we get back into uniform and realize we grossly did not estimate our trip to the airport accurately at all so we are speeding away from lovely Beaumont to whatever airport we needed to get to in Louisiana. While speeding we get pulled over by some Louisiana state trooper. He walks up to the passenger side where I am sitting at.
"Who the hell do you think you are speeding like - what the hell, yall going to war or something?" when he sees the uniforms.
"Well, we're trying to make our flight at the so we can go to Iraq."
Ehhh, not a lie necessarily...
"Alright, after you pass the next state trooper at the end of the coming construction zone, you should be able to gun it the rest of the way there. Be safe now!" Wasn't expecting that response but we'll take it.
And that was that. I went back to Fort Bragg. Beaumont's adventure was over and I somehow managed to survive. I came back on a regular workday night and went to bed. Woke up to my Staff Duty desk calling me at like 5am and my dumb ass Sergeant Major was on the line which is not what I wanted...
"Hey SSG Pickle! Were you trying to fucking kill yourself!?"
Dear God, did my Sergeant Major catch wind of all that was going down in Beaumont. I wasn't posting it on social media. Does he know the shennanigans? We got the containers through. Did he catch rumors of his Staff Sergeant parading around in strip clubs, almost crashing a jet ski, partying with Roller Derby girls, having to sit around a hospital waiting area for a day, being selected to be a special guest for a crawfish cook-off... Could they question my professionalism? Am I losing my spot on the security detachment. Did I fill out hazmat paperwork wrong?... What could this mean.
"Uh... negative."
"Oh shit wrong SSG, never mind." Hangs up.
Get a text from my Platoon Sergeant who is acting 1SG at this time and he's basically like "Come in today, now." I get there and he's basically like "Yeah everything has gone to shit for this pre-deployment. I need you in here." Whatever, that's fine. He's solid so I know it's the truth.
"By the way, how was that trip to Beaumont?"
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