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D100 Interesting Weird War II Events and Plot Hooks, Take 3

For those unfamiliar with the genre, the Weird War genre is basically taking a historical war (in this case, WWII) and adding in fantastical or science-fiction elements (If you've watched Indiana Jones, read The Rocketeer, or played either Bloodrayne or Wolfenstein, basically that.)
1) A Jewish deathcamp prisoner attempts to make a golem to kill the Nazis and free his fellow prisoners. However due to unknowingly using clay that was infused with human ashes from the camp's furnace, the negative emotions corrupted the rituals and created a corpse gatherer instead.
2) A batch of dragon eggs is found in Wales. The British military already has plans on using the dragons as weapons against the Axis forces. Potential plot twist is the a Nazi spy has infiltrated the military and is planning on stealing the eggs.
3) The detonation of Trinity results in opening up a portal to another world (Biblical Hell, The Far Realms, or even the Forgotten Realms are all good choices).
4) The US military start fielding weapons that were reversed engineered from wreckage from a UFO crash in Roswell (I know the crash happened two years after the war ended, but work with me here.)
5) Nazi zombies... 'nuff said.
6) A allied soldier is struck by a bullet that lodges in his body. Shortly afterwords he begins hearing a voice in his head. The voice claims to be the bullet and it seems to know things that the soldier cannot of possibly known himself. u/PureLoop
7) A World War I battle is replayed by the ghosts of the dead that participated it, in the middle of a World War II battlefield, causing chaos and confusion among the living. u/PureLoop
8) A single time traveling soldier from after the war returns to prevent the loss of the Allied nations by assassinating Allied leaders. u/PureLoop
9) A poltergeist of unknown origins causes the deliberate misfiring of guns within the confines of rubble that used to be their school. u/PureLoop
10) In order to combat the recently developed biological weapon that is Nazi Zombies, American soldiers become unwitting test subjects of Lycanthropy. u/PureLoop
11) A meteor strikes the heart of a battlefield, causing an enormous explosion. From the crater countless bug like creatures swarm out and attack all living beings near by. Allied and Axis soldiers are forced into a cease fire to defeat the alien foe. u/PureLoop
12) A batch of bad rations cause nightmarish hallucinations for those that ate it. It soon becomes clear the that hallucinations were actually warped premonitions of the eaters fate in the war. u/PureLoop
13) Nazi scientist develop a cannon that ruptures the bonds that hold a soul in place. Unleashing it in battle they destroy an entire allied platoon in one shot, only to be violently torn apart by the vengeful souls. u/PureLoop
14) A decapitated head that appears to be still talking is found in the battlefield. When wind is passed over it's vocal cords it shouts a string of obscenities about Nazi scum and that it will take more than a tank to stop him. Unless the head is destroyed, the soldier remains alive. u/PureLoop
15) Death being overburdened by the war recruits a recently deceased soldier to act as his aid and help him gather the souls from the bodies. The soldier learns that if he does not lift the soul from the body of the mortally injured, they remain alive and in terrible suffering, and thus must choose who among his battalion he has to kill out of mercy. u/PureLoop
16) A Chaplin is the soul survivor of a battle between forces in a small french village. He speaks of a rapture by God who came down and smote all who participated in the heinous war. It comes to light that several of the dead at the battlefield were struck with tremendous force, and have bite marks on their bodies. Eventually it's discovered that the Chaplin was a vampire, though were he is now, no one knows. u/PureLoop
17) Nazi aquatic tanks and APV's suddenly appear on the beaches of Delaware, ushering and new front on the American coast. u/PureLoop
18) Two islands with separate operations occurring on them in the Pacific front begin moving towards one another before colliding. Both islands turn out to be massive sea creatures that then attack one another, utter destroying the armies above them. u/PureLoop
19) In Paris, several off-duty Nazi officers, drunk off of cheap wine, end up getting lost in the catacombs. They inadvertently destroy a shrine or glyphs, resulting in releasing several hundred angry spirits.
20) During the Battle of Hürtgen Forest, several American GIs and German stormtroopers end up becoming the target of a Wild Hunt.
21) A time-traveler, attempting to assassinate Hitler, is captured, and his technology is reverse-engineered to aid the German war effort.
22) The golem of Prague, left dormant until it was needed, is reawakened. u/I_walked_east
23) The head of Bran is buried under the Tower of London and protects England from invasion. The power of the head scuttled the Spanish Armada. Now Nazis plan to steal it in preparation for their invasion. u/I_walked_east
24) The ghosts of victims of Unit 731 are hunted by a sadistic band of exorcists. u/I_walked_east
25) The Spanish fascists find Durandal, the sword of Roland, that has the power to cut mountains. u/I_walked_east
26) The Nazis have captured Baba Yaga, who has been helping the Russian all woman 588th night bombers (aka The Night Witches) repel the German Invasion. u/I_walked_east
27) In the woods surrounding Los Angeles Nazi sympathizers know as the Grey Shirts perform dark rituals at a secret compound. u/I_walked_east
28) At the American naval base on Midway, Private Second Class Leeroy Beck’s last sight as he bleeds out through his slit throat is a Japanese soldier morphing into an exact copy of him, trying to hide a large fox tail within a duffel bag. u/Pretzelbomber
29) Charles de Gaulle was actually a necromancer the entire time, and manages to stall the Germans using the wandering souls of the catacombs. u/OctoyeetTraveler
30) In the face of invasion, occupation, and possible annihilation at the hands of the invading German forces, the elders of a Russian village send their bravest into the forest to meet with the fae folk to make a deal. Will the village be willing or able to pay the price for protection against the Nazis?
31) A Soviet submarine accidentally opens an underwater portal to the Elemental Plane of Water during a nuclear test. The crew must find a way to seal the portal and deal with the creatures that initially made it through. u/JollyGreenStone
32) Elves are found in the Black Forest. The Nazis conspire with the Elves: if the Elves can push back the Russians on the Eastern Front, they'll receive Ukraine and Belarus as a new sanctuary. The Elves agree because they see all humans as inferior and they believe after defeating Stalin they can defeat Hitler. u/JollyGreenStone
33) A mad Nazi doctor in a concentration camp creates lycanthrope soldiers who transform, kill the staff, and take over the village. Invading Allied forces have to save the camp's prisoners from the feral lycanthropes. u/JollyGreenStone
34) On both the Allied and Axis sides, soldiers find themselves unable to die. Made immortal by some strange force which causes them to cling onto death (despite suffering grievous injuries which refuse to heal) all they can do is keep on fighting. Both sides must investigate the cause behind this lest the war never end and devolve into pure, mindless slaughter. u/Sobek6
35) Midway through the war and despite previous reports, the German forces have suddenly gained an advantage. Using new weaponry and possessing new successful approaches to warfare they look set to be unbeatable. It turns out that Germany has finally cracked communications across dimensions and Hitler is receiving advice from alternate versions of himself. (Perhaps there’s room for a version of Hitler that never became the monster history remembers him as to become a potential ally?) u/Sobek6
36) In the Pacific Theater, planes on both sides have been suffering malfunctions on a near regular basis, with both sides accusing each other of sabotage. The malfunctions began after a battle on an unnamed island which ended up destroying a small shrine. Are the malfunctions truly the work of sabotage? Is it gremlins doing what gremlins do best? Or have the island spirits been angered by the desecration of the shrine?
37) The Nazis' occult sciences division have been designing an engine that can run off the souls of the deceased. An Allied spy has been attempting to stall development, but has been reporting that the soul engine is almost ready for deployment in the Russian front. A team must be sent in to extract the spy and either retrieve or destroy the blueprints and the prototype engine. u/Th3R3493r
38) In response to the Polish resistance weaponizing golems with help from kabbalists, the Nazis have been attempting to mass-produce their own golems. So far efforts have been stymied by uncooperative Jewish prisoners, who often sabotage the golems by either making them fragile or programming them to attack their masters whenever they hear German, and the Third Reich's distrusts of "Juden Witchcraft". u/Th3R3493r
39) Due the Japanese's ill-treatment of the Chinese dead in Manchuria, Qui Shen (Chinese wraiths) have been rising in droves and attacking the invading Japanese soldiers. The attacks were originally random, lately they seem to be directed in such a way to be as damaging as possible. Either an exceptionally powerful Qui Shen is leading the attacks, or a powerful fangshi (type of Chinese wizard) has gain control of the undead. u/Th3R3493r
40) Oni are operating as mercenaries in the Pacific theater, selling their services to the highest bidder (typically whoever can offer the best alcohol and the prettiest girls). u/Th3R3493r
41) Having perfected a powerful and easily portable shielding spell, Axis paratroopers are now dropped without parachutes. Holy_Hand_Grenadier
42) Hitler's invasion of England is under way, and the Royal Family has been captured or assassinated. In the country's darkest hour, King Arthur returns, wielding Excalibur. Holy_Hand_Grenadier
43) The UK discovers that the Loch Ness monster is really a plesiosaur and that the bottom of the Loch contains a portal to an alternate Earth ... where dinosaurs still roam. Can the British expedition recover enough resources from this resource rich world to aid the war effort? PutridMeatPuppet
44) The nazi's have perfected an Aryan ritual, thinking it will allow them control over destiny. It instead unleashes an avatar of the demiurge who is rampaging across both frontlines. stamau123
45) Almost an entire batallion of captured Enemy Prisoners of War all spontaneously go catatonic, and then collectively, robotically, begin reciting biblical passages in Olmec, backwards for 3 hours, and 3 minutes every 27 hours and 27 minutes. Every prisoner repeats a different selection of passages and refuses to eat or drink, returning to a catatonic state between cycles. When sedated, additional prisoners fall catatonic and begin chanting where the others left off... those that die continue to move, unless cremated, at which point a new prisoner joins the chorus. MaxSizeIs
46) The metal inside every shell, shell casing, and bullet in Easy Company's ammunition train spontaneously liquified, pooling at the bottom of the containers. The explosives inside were undisturbed. The logistics crew tasked with guarding the train were all struck with dissociative hysterical blindness. MaxSizeIs
47) The local sex workers in the villages nearest the front speak of "La Dame sans merci" wearing a shimmering gown of purest black silk and with a touch capable of freezing a man to death instantly. There have been nine corpsman found dead from an unknown cause within the last 27 days, locally. The sex workers claim it to be her work. MaxSizeIs
48) Our soldiers report sightings of spectral cavalry riding ghost horses during the last battle. The knights wore feathered wings upon thier back. They wiped out all but one member of three platoons, who report as witness. The witness beleives the men were all slashed to death with swords and spears. Autopsy supports this statement. MaxSizeIs
49) An Allied Radio Operator for the 589th Field Artillery Battallion reports receiving requests for artillery strikes calling for a fire mission directly on the calling unit's position a full 24 hours before said unit had actually arrived in the combat zone. The radio-man and a second operator on duty reported details of the battle they heard accurately, before the events actually occured. MaxSizeIs
50) Bomber crews report sightings of unlit and unflagged "Black Bombers" joining thier formation shortly before bombs are dropped, sometimes doubling thier numbers in formation. Missions where such sightings have occured have a 56% higher loss rate than those without these sightings. MaxSizeIs
51) After several hours of listening for enemy radio activity during bouts of heightened ionospheric activty, a handful of Radio Operators develop obsessive compulsions to scrawl out the strangely shaped Hexagramatic runes contained within several Elder Signs. The operators continue to repeat the glyphs until thier fingertips wear off to bloody stumps. MaxSizeIs
52) Eighteen enemy soldiers fall ill and die after desecrating a shrine to an obscure saint in a tiny church a few miles behind the front-lines. A special forces unit of crack troops crossed the lines to help meet and retrieve what they found, only to report the incident. Three of those soldiers found dead were our boys under-cover or were double agents. Just what did they uncover? MaxSizeIs
53) The boffins coming out of SRI in Menlo Park (known in certain circles for powerful 'psychotronic research') have requested OSS (the precursor to the CIA) support for something they're calling Operation MOON WICKET. OSS explains, they need a platoon of soldiers near the front-lines to sit inside a dark water tank for days on end under specific conditions outlined in the mission parameters and to be strictly adhered to! (The common soldiers are to report on thier psychic experiences, despite up until now, never having heard the words: 'psychotronic research') It is critical that the unit's position not be discovered until after the operation has been completed, after which an elaborate counter-intelligence ruse will be perpetrated to obscure any hint of the research-site. The soldiers are told that this is to be their R&R, but the rules are stricter than normal, and punishments for breaking these rules are severe. (Not much of a R&R, if you ask the soldiers, and as the enemy draws closer, internal tension are high.) The OSS spooks, on the other hand, have been told that should the research not be completed before the enemy locates and overruns the village, that the enemy must not be allowed to take any prisoners, alive or dead; whatever the "or dead" part means, the spooks aren't sure. (The pressure is getting to them, which one will crack first?) MaxSizeIs
54) Under orders from the OSS Black branch, upon retaking of the city by US 5th Army Infantry forces, available units must clear out Nazi holdouts in the sewers beneath the Temple of the Magna Mater in Rome, and secure the contents of the temple at all costs; but instead find an infestation of Ghouls, some in SS uniform and armed with automatic weaponry, and seem to be able to dissapear in the blink of an eye. Unfortunately the temple was already looted by the Nazi Karotechia. The contents of the temple could no doubt give the Nazis tools to turn the tide, (should thier occult research be as advanced as the Allies) and possibly allow them to retake much of the ground lost since D-Day. It is imperative that the contents of the temple prior to the Nazi looting be verified in order to gain an understanding of Nazi capabilities. MaxSizeIs
55) According to your most recent orders, Allied Army Airforce planes carrying vital one of a kind equipment, and research personell to support General Chiang Kai-shek in the Chinese Theater's War Effort, crashed somewhere over "The Hump" (The Eastern Himilayas) due to enemy air patrols that shouldn't have been there, according to intellegence. A brief radio message has gotten through, confirming the safety of the pilots; you have been tasked with establishing a hasty expedition to retrieve them and the "package". It is the depths of winter, prey that you and your men do not encounter the dreaded Yeti, or the armed occult forces protecting the secrets of Hidden Shangrala and Kublai Kahn's Pleasure Domes from outsiders; both secret and unknowable threats to a Westerner. MaxSizeIs
56) Dr Moreau's research has been wholeheartedly adopted by the Soviets, creating an entire Regiment of Hybrid Ape-men shock-troops, with Never-Before-Seen Heavy Mechanized-Infantry Weapon systems of a design more advanced than even Axis or Allied Scientists could devise. The truth is, these forces arrived from an alternate future; stop the inciting event from forming a closed-timeloop, and the never-ending fountain of Ape-troops and Super-Science Materiel might stop, and prevent a Future Soviet Union from winning the Cold War (even now a Distant Nightmare Vision in the minds of Allied Oneiromancers; worse even than an Axis victory!) MaxSizeIs
57) Something is destroying Japanese submarines in the pacific at a frightening pace. American warships, equipped with a new sonar technology, have detected an enormous signal that appears to be biological in nature. The size and speed have caused the scientists to speculate about the old stories of giant squids or kraken. PutridMeatPuppet
58) In 1930, Albert Einstein discovers that he is the second reincarnation of Isaac Newton, after a chance encounter with a Romani spiritualist and in the process discovered that Gauss was the first. Guided by his former life's work with Alchemy, he develops the theory on the General Equivalence of Energy Exchange and Matter Creation and launched the search for a rigorous understandings of the underpinnings of High Energy Magicks. In his research, in 1933 Weimar Germany, he is contacted by a war-weary version of his future self, who convinces him he must defect to the United States to avoid a horrific fate. The OSS Black Branch has tasked you, a local operative undercover in Europe to extract Einstein and see him safely to the States; except the current year is 1945; The Black Branch has cryptically warned you that Einstein has been killed sixteen times over numerous timelines, and that it is imperative that he remain unharmed in this one... will the reality of the multiverse tear your sanity apart? MaxSizeIs
59) At sundown on the autumn equinox, 1940; a plucky 20-something female Home Guard volunteer, who up-until-now had not revealed that she was a Witch, managed to hold off a scouting party of at least one Company of German forces in the early days of Unternehmen Seelöwe (Operation Sea Lion), outside the small coastal village of Pepperinge-Eye near Dorsetshire. Her defense bought the small village time to evacuate, (unsupported due to a massive, coordinated assault across the Southern Coast of England by the invading Germans, leading to a general evacuation known as Operation Dynamo II) and for three days and nights engaged the enemy long enough for scattered elements of VII Corps and the 70th Independent Infantry Brigade to arrive. Should the undermanned, undertrained, and under supported Guerilla forces of VII Corps, fail in their defense of the fighting retreat London could have been lost during the Siege. Instead, she (and as it later turned out, other members of the New Forest Coven) helped to bog down the Nazi advance all along their advancing front. Marylinn Myrddin Eglantine-Price was awarded Conspicuous Gallantry Medal for her actions in the battle called "Bedknob Hill". Witnesses report extensive wreckage consisting of household and kitchen items said to be "floating in the air on their own and holding Jerries prisoner, afraid for their lives", as well as dozens of flags and even one bullet-riddled suit of plate-armor! MaxSizeIs
60) An Australian Division has been capturing and training bunyips and releasing them in Asian Jungles for use against the Japanese. Allied forces are instructed to say 'lollipop lick liquor lover like Lillihammer' or anything with a lot of 'L's in it if you hear a bark that sounds like a dog mixed with a walrus as the Japanese forces who do not practice usually do not say 'L's correctly. They are stealthy as the grave and have been seen killing crocodiles with ease. Th3R3493r
61) The Nazi SS Occult research and development have made a "perfect" machine gunner. It is an abomination made of sewn flesh that can hold two hundred kilograms of bullets, two modified MG-42s, is armored to take a large quantity of small arms fire without losing momentum. It lacks a head but has three eyes in their aiming upper arms to aim each gun independently and two sets of arms to reload and fix the machine guns. Where they are getting the bodies are theorized to be one willing living subject and at least 3 undamaged dead bodies. They are questionable loyal to the units and are known to kill friend and foe alike who crosses their lines of fire. Th3R3493r
62) In the early days of the war, both the Germans and Allies made extreme advancements in Optics, driven perhaps by research into early radar prototypes. Progress was also fueled by the need to predict airstrikes before they occur, and the promises of early stage resarch into Applied Occult Prognostication, for both sides. By 1941, two independent programs, codenamed MÍMISBRUNNR and BARONSATURDAY, by the Germans and Allies respectively, were of sufficiently advanced stages as to be applied to the war effort directly. Independently, both sides had realized the importance of extensive pharmaceutical and surgical modification. Should the subject survive the chemical treatments, and surgery, of which denucleation was one important step, the resulting high rates of insanity and chemical dependency eventually led to a curtailment and confinement to asylum of members of both programs before the end of the war. A friend of yours has undergone this procedure, has foreseen the results, and begs you to help them escape their fate. MaxSizeIs
63) War is at a stalemate, both sides are looking for a way to open up new a new front. This brings them to the under dark where both sides try to sway the drow empress to join them. As the drow contemplate wheter to join one side or the other both british and german covert agents wage a shadow war even the drow can't see. AllSeeingCCTV
64) Early on in the war, Himmler and the Thule Society accidentally stumbled across a ritual which allowed them to open portals to other universes. Now the Nazis find their forces bolstered by fascist doppelgangers and malevolent/sympathetic alternative versions of members of the Allied Forces. Rumour has it Hitler himself often seeks audience with a council of versions of himself. Sobek6
65) The Allies begin formalization of a Magician Corps, from priests and rabbis who demonstrably and reliably performed miracles, to so-called "witch doctors", women accused of witchcraft, and American natives rumored to wield their own magic. Some of them don't really have anything truly mystical, while others find that their miracles and magics work so fundamentally different as to interfere with each others' workings. Meanwhile, the Thule Society under Nazi Germany has been regularly unearthing artifacts, which the leadership orders utilized in the war effort without attempting to properly understand each one, leading to mixed and unpredictable results. archDeaconstructor
66) A detachment of advanced Nazi submarines begins raiding the American coast, beaching under the surf and releasing nixes trained as amphibious soldiery. America has its own amphibious horrors as well, though- the Deep Ones, finding their hidden holdings threatened by this new battleground, begin their own off-the-books contributions to the war. archDeaconstructor
67) A shadowy wraith levitates the Shah of Iran and severs his head from his body in broad daylight, days before what would have been the invasion of Iran by Soviet and Allied forces. It is recognized as a kind of specter typically employed by British magicians, and so the full, if still outdated, military might of Iran mobilizes as quickly as it can. It is still crushed, but the Shah's supporters manage to lionize his legacy in the national eye as someone who would have created a more independent Iran up until his death at foreign hands. archDeaconstructor
68) Stregherian witches in both New England and Old Italy call upon their deities to nourish and poison, to send storms and fair weather, and to bring luck and fair fortune to the boys they send to the front lines. archDeaconstructor
69) In the chaos of battle, rifts in time release warriors from centuries past and future. In the Vienna Offensive, Mongols spill out onto the streets and further compound civilian casualties in the confusion. A lone jet fighter from the Pan-Pacific Union spontaneously appears over Japan with weapons white-hot, accidentally taking out two bombers from the Doolittle Raid with charged-particle weaponry before fatally crashing into a third, causing America to mistakenly believe Japan's air superiority and readiness even more powerful than they thought. Small numbers of Ottoman Janissaries are inexplicably found in Greecian cities, helping resist the Italian invasion and later dying to a man in Nazi occupation. archDeaconstructor
70) With British psi intelligence offices having cracked the Enigma code, Alan Turing is brought onto a long-term project few minds have the aptitude for- the development of automated soldiers that could end not only this war, but any war Britain would have to prosecute after. archDeaconstructor
71) Two black American infantry battalions are subjected to vampirism and lycanthropy, respectively, as an initial assessment of the effectiveness of each on logistical, tactical, and strategic levels. There's no way even a word of this can be leaked to anyone back home, though, so they're sent on only the most dangerous, far-reaching covert missions, becoming the bogeymen that every Axis soldier fears. archDeaconstructor
72) The dying Great Clans of Mars can wait no longer, and regrettably must colonize the Earth before the global life support railwork collapses and kills every last Martian. Long-distance radio signals are picked up from Mars, indicating in over thirty Earthling languages that the Martians will offer full military support to whichever faction of primitives can guarantee the most land to the Great Clans. archDeaconstructor
73) Rumor starts spreading about the "seven for one deal"; if you find a pistol magazine with bizarre symbols and untranslatable words on it, load seven rounds, and insert it in your pistol, each of those seven rounds will strike true if it is any way physically possible for them to do so. But after the 7th round is fired, fatal calamity instantly befalls the shooter. Vote_for_Knife_Party
74) Good news: the Army isn't putting saltpeter in the rations to dull your libido. Bad news: they're putting experimental mood adjusters in the rations to get you to associate violence with pleasure, and the squad machine gunner keeps giving you this look while he cleans his weapon... Vote_for_Knife_Party
75) There are no atheists in foxholes, but there sure are a lot of accidental devil worshippers. Demons are having a field day going from fighting hole to fighting hole, ready to cut a deal for survival. Sure, you'll survive the battle, but in the heat of the moment did you think to specify how long? Vote_for_Knife_Party
76) In the highlands of SE Asia, Japanese troops have forced Chinese and British troops to fall back. But something that lives in those mountain passes of the SE Himalayas is mauling the Japanese soldiers at night ... and locals are mentioning the term “Yeti”. PutridMeatPuppet
77) Theories of a Hollow Earth are partially true. Although the Earth is not truly hollow, its more like Swiss cheese with tunnels traveling deep underground and undersea ... and it opens up a new front in the war as both sides scramble to explore these tunnels and move troops thru the core of the Earth to strike at their enemies on the surface. Things take a turn for the weird when both sides encounter species native to these underground travel routes... PutridMeatPuppet
78) An increasingly paranoid Joseph Stalin seeks to recreate the rituals of Koschei the Deathless and become immortal. He has begun to harrase the tribal peoples of Siberea in an attempt to force the secret from them. Patchwork18
79) First contact has been made, and the aliens want... Entertainment? Turns out that they view war as a spectator sport, and start giving out advanced technology to the armies that amuse them the most. Do you try and win their favour? Or perhaps someone should stop them before the war becomes the apocalypse! deadgaiko
80) One day, without warning, every projectile weapon on the planet ceases to function. Guns jam, bombs explode before deployment, even bow strings instantly snap! Chaos ensues as battlefield tactics are forced to adapt. Weeks later, delayed intelligence reaches both sides: The neutral state of Vatican City have discovered a powerful artifact with reality-bending powers... deadgaiko
81) Fiji mermaids are real. They're a boogeyman while out in the Pacific, feeding off those sleeping. The Axis powers are really interested in capturing one alive: They're venom is known to have strange hallucinogenic properties. Thepipe90
82) There is rumors of a circus roaming the Europeon countryside; putting on shows for whoever will take them in for the night. Allied brass thinks they are a bunch of spies. The truth is much worse: The circus is made up of damned souls. The firebreather can do more with fire than just breathe it,The strongman can flip a tank like an end table, and the clowns are ACTUALLY fitting into those tiny cars. All that makeup? Not just to make them look cheery and silly.... Thepipe90
83) The SS’s pagan worship has awakened a lovecraftian eldritch horror TheMarvelMan
84) It turns out Hitler is an alien with immense mind control powers who has hypnotized the axis into starting the war so the world will descend into chaos so it cannot effectively resist the incoming alien invasion. AndreTheSalty
85) Allied scientists unlock humanity's psionic potential. Thanks to a injected serum specially chosen and selected members unlock the power to read minds, throw objects with the power of thought, control others like puppets, and cause enemy's heads to explode. This advantage allows the allies to make huge advances however the germans manage to reverse engineer the serum, giving it to their own men. This results in the war becoming even more brutal and bloody as these psi troops are produced in increasing numbers. AndreTheSalty
86) Rumors of monsters attacking the Japs in a occupied Philippines has reached the ears of the emperor. They kept saying words like 'aswang', 'duwende', 'magkukulang', and 'tikbalang' among other words that seemed to be more stranger than the next. CAvenir
87) The back of soldiers dog tags suddenly display the name of the person who will kill them. The trouble is, not all of the names belong to enemies. HarshMillennium
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WP: Hoosier Diner

You are lost in the back-roads of Indiana when you drive past a lonely diner. Inside you find it packed with people, all seemingly from different time periods. You quickly realize that this diner exists independent of time.
I was heading southwest from the amusingly named town of French Lick, winding my way through the back roads that crossed the forested hills of the Hoosier National Forest. I was hungry and was annoyed that I hadn't bothered to eat breakfast back at the motel. I had given it some serious thought, but after four days in a row of desultory and pathetic looking continental breakfasts, I had decided that I couldn't bear the thought of looking at a sad, pathetic cheese danish on a tiny, cheap plastic plate with the cheapest and most terrible coffee imaginable in a slightly dirty mug to drink. So, I left early and hit the road. This was, I thought at the time, a good plan. I had to make my rendezvous near Uniontown by sunset and my contact had been very clear: the boat wouldn't wait forever.
But here's the thing: driving always makes you hungry. Your mind can only take in so much scenery before you start trying to distract yourself from the hunger gnawing at your belly and despite the rolling hills and the wooded forest around me, I found myself thinking of the perfect hot breakfast. Eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, toast and really really good coffee. Man, I thought, hash browns would be so good right now- and then, just like that, almost in response to my musings, a sign appeared on the side of the road:
Weird, I thought, but I was hungry and I figured 'roadside diner' would have exactly the kind of breakfast I was looking for. Soon enough, it came into view and I slowed down and, flipping on my indicator, pulled into the gravel parking lot. The diner was set at the edge of a valley that ran back into the heart of the hills. It was early morning, so the valley was still full of mist that seemed to creep to the edge of the back of the parking lot of the diner. I didn't think anything of it as I pulled into a parking space and turned my car off. I stepped out of the car and, shutting the door behind me, headed toward the front entrance. As I walked past the windows to the front door, I saw that the place was absolutely packed, which should have alerted me to something unusual about the place, given how empty the parking lot was. I paid it no mind however and merely walked to the front door, opened it and stepped in.
"Ah good sir," a booming bass voice echoed from the corner of the diner. "Welcome, you may seat yourself." I turned to see an old man with silver hair and a beard beaming at me from the corner where he was giving some customers their breakfast. "I shall be with you momentarily." Feeling a bit bemused at his formality, I found an empty table toward the far end of the diner and sat down. I grabbed a menu from where they were wedged in between the napkin holder and the ketchup and glanced over it. Sure enough, they had what I was looking for: "Hoosier Diner Breakfast," I said aloud. Eggs, sausage, hash browns, toast and coffee. Then I kept looking down the menu. Scrapple, hasty pudding and something called sofkee were all there along with an impressive selection of beers and ciders- though the cider was spelled 'cidre' and not the usual way. I opened it up and was surprised again: sapan, nokake, bird brain stew and something called akutaq were listed. Along with the traditional lunchtime sandwiches like the Reuben, the BLT and the Hoosier Trencher and the Belegde Broodje, whatever that was.
I looked around, somewhat confused as the man who had welcomed me came bustling over to my table. "Welcome good sir, my name is Benjamin Harrison and I am the owner and proprietor of this fine eating establishment, What may I get you today?"
"Benjamin Harrison," I asked. "Like the President?"
"No," he replied, a knowing smile on his face. "I was the President once upon a time. Until that bastard Cleveland beat me for re-election in 1892."
"That's not possible," I said. "It's not 1892. It's... 2018. You're... well, you're dead."
He sighed. "A long time ago, I would have agreed with you," he said. "I'm still not entirely sure how or why this place exists, but I do know that it exists outside of time. I thought I was on my deathbed you see and then suddenly... I was here."
"Does that mean I'm dead?" Looking around I could see that maybe he was right. There were a lot of different people crowded into the diner. There were Native Americans, tucking into bowls of what seemed like porridge. A man and a woman in colonial dress were eating what looked like a souffle. Harrison laughed. "Goodness know," he said. "People come and people go all the time." He pointed to the pictures behind the counter. "I've had all kinds of people come eat here. The funnyman, Red Skelton, Kurt Vonnegut, and hell, even Wendell Wilkie- in fact," Harrison pointed. "There is right over there." He raised his voice slightly. "How are you Wendell?"
"I'm on the wrong end of an electoral ass-kicking, Harrison," the man replied. "Roosevelt took thirty eight out of the forty eight states." He raised a stein of beer. "I managed to win good old Indiana though, bless her."
"You'll be wanting steak then?"
"You read my mind, Harrison."
"Coming up right up, Wendell," Harrison replied. "Right after I help this gentlemen."
"How is this possible?" I said again, knowing that I probably sounded incredibly stupid doing so.
"Never mind how it's possible," Harrison replied. "Just know that it is." He looked around and sighed. "I'll admit, I thought this was a bit of a step down from the Presidency and my law career, but after awhile, it began to grow on me. There's nothing quite like meeting people and feeding them and making sure they go on their way well fed and happy. It's almost relaxing after being President."
I wrestled with everything he had told me for an moment more and then shrugged my shoulders and just decided to go with it. Maybe I had gone off the road and I was actually dead. Maybe this was some kind of weird hallucination. Maybe I'd gone insane and just hadn't realized it yet. None of it really mattered, because when it came right down to it, I was still hungry.
"Is the food good?"
"You better believe it," Harrison replied.
"Well, in that case, I'll take The Hoosier Breakfast with rye toast and eggs sunny side up. And a pot of your best coffee."
Harrison scribbled it all down on his pad and then gave me a broad grin. "Coming right up!"
submitted by litcityblues to litcityblues [link] [comments]

Happening in Indiana: July 22nd - 28th

My computer had a mini heart attack last night and I wasn't about to do this on a cellphone... So here's the latest happenings with a slight delay!
All my information comes from VisitIndiana so the list is not 100% comprehensive. If you know of anything that's missing, please post and share with everyone! If you've ever been to any of these events, or if you go this week, please share your experiences
Also be sure to visit the city-specific subreddits
This Week Only
Northwest Indiana
Ouibache Music Festival - July 27, 730-930pm, at Delphi Opera House. This quintet of locally grown musicians formed in 2000 celebrating American Roots music with a flair for jazz and anything else. Proceeds from the concert will benefit the missions of the Ouibache Music Festival and the Delphi Opera House
Old Lighthouse Museum S.S. Eastland Memorial - July 27 at the Old Lighthouse Museum. At 11am, the 104th Anniversary Memorial of the S.S. Eastland will commence, Station Michigan City Coast Guard will place a wreath in Trail Creek where Indiana Transportations dock was located. Father Lev of the Holy Trinity Orthodox Church will say memorial prayers. Speakers will tell the horrific story of the Eastland tragedy. WEFM 95.9 live radio will be at the museum from 9am-noon. The museum will be open free of charge today only from noon-4pm.
Gatsby at the Gardens - July 27, 6-9pm, at Friendship Botanic Gardens. Step into a Great Gatsby Garden Party! Enjoy a speakeasy evening set in the 1920's. Stroll the gardens, sip some giggle water, play bocce or badminton or cut the rug while listening to live jazz. $45; 21+event
Main St. Tour & Taste of White - July 26, 500-1130pm, at Downtown Monticello. Concert-style music and delicious food/beverages. You won't want to miss this night of entertainment!
New Carlisle Hometown Days - July 26-28 at 300 E Michigan St. New Carlisle Hometown Days is a 3 day family fun-filled weekend. Friday night we offer fireworks, parade on Sat, car show, famous wiffleball contest, kiddie tractor pull, bouncy houses, games, various vendors, food and entertainment.
Downtown Tractor Show - July 27, 8am-3pm, at 124 N. Michigan St. The streets of Downtown Plymouth will be filled with Tractors, Garden Tractors, Pedal Tractors and Hit-n-Miss Engines! There will also be food trucks with yummy treats to purchase. Autumn Leed and the River City Band will be playing from 12:00 pm til 2:00 pm. This is a FREE, family-friendly event!
Jasper County Fair - July 20-27 at the Jasper County Fairgrounds on State Road 114. The annual fair includes rides, games, demolition derby, food vendors, craft vendors and more!
U.S. Military All-Star Baseball Game - July 22, 7-10pm, at Oil City Stadium. The U.S. Military All-Stars will return to Northwest Indiana for a stop on this year’s Red, White & Blue Tour as they continue the mission of promoting the awareness of all Americans in support of the honorable sacrifices our armed forces make. The team is comprised of active duty servicemen from all branches of service around the world.
25th Annual Pierogi Fest - July 26-28 throughout Whiting. Taking place in Whiting, Indiana, Pierogi Fest® celebrates Eastern European food and culture with a wacky familial twist. Pierogi Fest® welcomes all to celebrate Eastern European heritage while poking a little fun at the same time.
Festival of Magic - July 26-28 at the Aftermath Cidery and Winery. Join Aftermath Cidery and Winery for a family-friendly trip to everyone's favorite boarding school! Visit all locations on your map to complete the scavenger hunt and win a prize: Hogwarts, Diagon Alley, King's Cross, the Leaky Barrel, and more! Each location will offer both Adult Potions and drinks for Little Wizards and Witches
Northeast Indiana
Park-inn Movies: The Sandlot - July 25, 930-1130pm, at Potawatomi Inn. Bring your blanket or lawn chair to the lawn overlooking Lake James. Admission is free to Inn Guests, Campground Guests and with paid admission to Pokagon State Park. (Weather Permitting).
Auburn Downtown Cruise-In - July 25, 530-800pm, at Courthouse Square. Join classic car enthusiasts around Courthouse Square downtown. See restored cars and other special vehicles of interest at this free event. Bring your family and stroll the streets, shop, have dinner in one of our local restaurants. There will be door prizes and a Crew's Choice Award for the most popular car. All show vehicles should arrive no earlier than 5:30 pm. Please enter at the corner of 7th & Cedar in order to check in and receive registration forms. All Cruise In's are held in Downtown Auburn around the square (Cedar, 9th, and Main.)
Berne Swiss Days - July 25-27 throughout Berne. The Swiss Day Celebration is a time for Berne to share it’s heritage with authentic Swiss costume, great food, craft vendors and merchandise. Residents and visitors alike enjoy the friendly competitions for all ages. From the 5K race to Big Wheel Competition for the younger ones to the Steintoss, there is something for everyone. On stage and around the festival you can hear Swiss music. Watch as couples dance the polka to live music on stage.
Allen County Fair - July 23-28 at the Allen County Fairgrounds. We welcome families to the 30th Annual Allen County Fair July 23rd to July 28th at the Allen County Fairgrounds, located off Carroll Road in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The 2019 Allen County Fair is home to Allen County 4-H and features many animal shows, projects and events throughout the week. In addition to 4-H festivities, the fair offers a full food court, carnival rides, and lengthily list of family-fun events. Highlighted events include: free ice cream social, hot air balloon fight/glow, 4X4 truck pull, demo derbies, kids day, live music, peddle truck races and much more.
Fort Wayne Pride Fest - July 26-27 at Headwaters Park. The two day event features live entertainment, vendor market, a beer tent, food plaza, workshops, tournaments, KidSpace and fun with the community! There are a variety of opportunities available for businesses and individuals who are looking to support Pride in the Fort including sponsorship, vendors, and volunteering. Pride is committed to bringing events throughout the year to build a stronger LGBTQ community outside of the festival. Check out our events page for more info.
Colonial America on the Frontier - July 27-28, 10am-6pm, at The Old Fort. Enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells of the American Revolution at Fort Wayne’s Historic Old Fort. The Continental Army and British forces will be on hand to provide live demonstrations throughout the day on period specific artillery and military maneuvers. Re-enactors will also bring to life the daily activities of this time period through demonstrations on period cooking, gardening, blacksmithing, and much more! The Fort will be open to the public: 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 27, and 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, July 28. Tours of the Fort will be offered throughout the weekend.
Elkhart County 4-H Fair - July 19-27 at the Elkhart County 4-H Fairgrounds. he fair hosts nationally known musical artists during their 5-night concert series. A sanctioned rodeo, PPL tractor pull, and demolition derby are also highlighted at the free grandstand during fair week. Bring your appetite and explore famous food row. With more than 70 food stands, the fair takes pride in offering mouth-watering, once-a-year, fair favorites. Over 3,000 4-H livestock and more than 4,000 4-H still exhibits are shown during the 9-day event. Daily entertainment can be been found on every corner of the grounds, with multiple shows and exhibits included with your gate admission. Thrill seekers of all ages will want to visit the mid-way, complete with roller coasters, games and kiddie rides for the young fairgoers.
Amishland and Lakes Bicycle Tour - July 27-28, 6am-1pm, at Lakeland High School. Amishland and Lakes, based at Lakeland High School in LaGrange, Indiana, visits a world where lifestyles have remained almost unchanged for over a hundred years. One of the friendliest rides around, you’ll enjoy seeing and meeting families, women’s groups, regional cycling clubs, and tandem pairs who tell us they love our routes because they are so “tandem friendly.” There are wide open spaces, clean country air, friendly people and lots of great food. There is plenty to explore, experience and eat. Amishland and Lakes is famous for great SAG food (watermelons, peaches, blueberries, bananas, fresh baked cookies and more), and there are also Amish bakeries, restaurants and homemade ice cream parlors along the route. The routes range from 22 to 100 miles, offering smooth, quiet roads, where buggies are numerous and cars are few (both days begin and end at the High School). We also offer directions for a do-it-yourself Friday option to ride the Pumpkinvine Nature Trail. Camping is available at the 4-H Fairgrounds across from our start location. For more details go to
11th Annual Dixie Day Festival and Arts & Craft Fair - July 27, 8am-5pm, at 102 S. Morton St. The Dixie Day festival honors the landmark sternwheel paddle boat. It also encourages everyone to visit North Webster. The Dixie Boat has been cruising Webster Lake every summer since 1929 and attracted more than 13,000 riders last season. Dixie Day Festival is a dream come true with a list of activities and events that continue to grow. Extra Dixie cruises will be added for Saturday afternoon of the festival as well as the regular evening cruises. What to expect: North Webster Fire Department Pancake/sausage breakfast - 7am until out, Arts and Craft fair- 10a- 4p, 5K Run like a Pirate/Walk like a Captain, Car, truck, and bike show 10a-3pm, Boat show- 8am-4pm, Delicious food trucks, Tractor Show 10a-3p, and Ride the Dixie Sternwheel on beautiful Webster Lake.
Lauren Talley - July 23, 7-9pm, at the Blue Gate Theatre. Showtime: 7:00pm | Doors Open: 6:30pm Prices: Tickets Only - $19.95 | Dinner and Theater - $37.95
The Taylors - July 25, 7-9pm, at the Blue Gate Theatre. Showtime: 7:00pm | Doors Open: 6:30pm Prices: Tickets Only - $19.95 | Dinner and Theater - $37.95
Legacy Five - July 26-27, 7-9pm, at the Blue Gate Theatre. Showtime: 7:00pm | Doors Open: 6:30pm Prices: Tickets Only - $39.95 | Dinner and Theater - $57.95
Central Indiana
SetonFest - July 25-27, 6-10pm, at St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church. SetonFest is a three-day festival that includes carnival rides, a different band each night, food, bingo, a casino, beer garden and more. Free parking and free admission.
2019 Topgolf Tour - July 22, 6-11pm, at Topgolf Fishers. Team up, play and earn your way to Las Vegas and $50,000. There are 19 Regional Tournaments at Topgolf locations across the US, UK, and Australia, between June 18 and August 14. Playing a variety of Topgolf signature games that test strategy and accuracy, two-person teams compete against one another for a spot at the Topgolf Tour Championships in Las Vegas, with full VIP treatment. Only one team from each Regional Tournament makes it through to compete for the glory and a life changing prize. WHAT'S INCLUDED Entry into Topgolf Tour Regional Tournament, Minimum 2.5 hours of game play, Hot buffet, Official Topgolf Tour Insulated Water Bottle, $5 donation to Bunkers in Baghdad from every US player registration.
25th Annual Frankfort Hot Dog Festival - July 26-27 at Prairie Creek Park. Indiana's largest two-day hot dog festival features vendors, family fun, hot dog eating contests, dachshund races and HOT DOGS!
Gas City Concerts in the Park Presents Keith Anderson - July 23, 7pm, at Gas City Park. This is a FREE concert brought to you by the Gas City Concerts in the Park committee.
Gas City Concerts in the Park Presents The Park Avenue Band - July 26, 7pm, at Gas City Park. This is a FREE concert brought to you by the Gas City Concerts in the Park committee
Indy Shorts International Film Festival - July 25-28, 10am-10pm, at the Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields. The Indy Shorts International Film Festival, presented by Heartland Film and the organizers of the Heartland International Film Festival (HIFF), is an Academy Award®-qualifying fest dedicated to the art of short film! Last summer, Indy Shorts expanded as its own separate event from HIFF, becoming the largest short film festival in the Midwest - showcasing storytelling from around the world. All winners (Grand Prize and Audience Choice Awards) will play encore screenings at HIFF in October 2019. General ticket info at
Athenaeum Soireé: An Affair on the Ave - July 25, 630-900pm, at Athenaeum Foundation, 401 East Michigan St. The Athenaeum Soireé: An Affair on the Ave is an annual fundraiser featuring pairings of culinary creations and delicious handcrafted beverages from local establishments as well as live entertainment, silent auctions and more at this business casual, 21+ indoor event.
7th Annual Iron Eagle Paddle & Run - July 27, 8am-6pm, at Eagle Creek Park. Athletes of all ages can explore Eagle Creek Park, one of the nation’s largest city parks, via land and water alternating between trail runs and a canoe/kayak leg. Starting at the beach, the race consists of a 2.5-mile trail run, 1.5-mile paddle and 2.5-mile trail run back to the beach. Participants can enter as an individual or 2-person team. They have the option to bring personal kayaks or canoes with life jackets and paddles, or rent a boat in advance from Eagle Creek Outfitters. Spectators are more than welcome to come show support. Awards will be presented to the top solo female, the top solo male, the top team and the top relay team. An after party will be held post-race at the Earth Discovery Center. 100% of proceeds benefit the Eagle Creek Park Foundation. To Register: Visit
RhumFest 2019 - July 27, 2-10pm, at Kokomo Arts Pavilion in Foster Park. Enjoy live music by local students and instructors of Rhum Academy of Music in Kokomo. Free admission. Bring everyone for a family-friendly day of great music, art, food, and fun in Foster Park. With back-to-back performances in a variety of styles and genres all day you are sure to hear some music you love!
Tippecanoe County 4-H Fair - July 20-27 at the Tippecanoe County Fairgrounds. All phases of agriculture, 4-H exhibits, wide variety of youth activities, carnival rides, games and mouth watering fair food.
Tuesday on the Trail Nature Walk - July 23, 6-7pm, at the Haan Museum of Indiana Art. Get a closer look at nature as a guide leads you on an educational walk along our Nature Trail. The trail is about a mile long loop in the Museum’s three acre woods making it feel very much like a wilderness experience in the middle of town. Meet at the Nature Trail Entrance located at the south side of the Carriage house just off the parking lot. Fee: FREE
Bicentennial Park Summer Concert: Random Reaction - July 27, 7-9pm, at Bicentennial Park. Located at the corner of Indiana and Main Streets, the park is convenient to local restaurants to enjoy before the show. Popular local group Random Reaction will take the stage on July 27. Live music begins at 7 pm; bring your lawn chairs or blankets. Free.
47th Annual Vintage Motorbike Show - July 24-28 at the Jay County Fairgrounds. The LARGEST vintage motor bike show in the USA. Join us to reminisce the Simplex, Mustang, Whizzer, Cushman motorbikes and more! $5 admission fee per person/per day charged at the Fairground's front gate. Gates open at 6 AM daily.
Southern Indiana
Jackson County Fair - July 22-28 at the Jackson County Fairgrounds. The Jackson County Fair is the biggest and best! Still a free fair, find building after building of exhibits, visit barns, enjoy the midway and delicious food. Great grandstand events and racing!
Bluegrass on the Square - July 27, 4-8pm, at Historic Downtown Corydon. Since its inception in 2003, Bluegrass on the Square has featured some of the most well-known Bluegrass musicians in the region. Now in its 16th year. All concerts are free and open to the public. July 27 features Hog Operation and Ida Clare
Master Gardeners and 4-H Llamas & Alpacas Club - July 27, 800am-1230pm, at 400 Block Laffollette Station. Join us for Two Special Events;; Master Gardeners will be a the Market answering your Gardening questions and Floyd County 4H Club will be bringing the Alpacas & Llamas.
Purple Veins: a tribute to Prince - July 27, 630-900pm, at Lincoln Amphitheatre. Purple Veins aim to re-create the magical power and energy of a classic Prince show circa 1985: an all-out dance party with relentless funk, all the hits, tasty lesser-known classics, theatrical elements, and dance choreography woven into it. Their aim is to be all-inclusive, with an age range of 18 to 40 and multiple ethnicities within the both reach his music to millennials who didn’t live through it and transport those that did back in time to their younger days. With a charismatic and soulful frontman, a huge ensemble (16 plus!) of the funkiest cats, sultriest singers, and hottest dancers Wisconsin has to offer, Purple Veins is THE tribute show of all Prince tributes.
Country Roads Shop Hop - July 25-28, 10am-5pm, at Country Roads of Dearborn and Ripley Counties. Six Antique, Vintage and/or Home Decor shops will be combining forces to give you an unforgettable shopping week, with the chance to win big in the process! You can start and end at whichever shop you would like. Get your brochure stamped at each location and you’ll be entered to win our Grand Prize Drawing, $150 in gift certificates! ($25 from each participating shop) * Must be 18 yrs or older to be entered and Limit 1 per family* No purchase is necessary to receive a stamp, but it will be difficult not to purchase anything when you see what these amazing shops have to offer! Are you ready for some Antique, Vintage or Home Decor shopping and hopping? Hop all over the country roads and visit each participating shop! The Greenbriar Shop - Guilford, IN, The White Swan - Moores Hill, IN, The Blue Willow House - Dillsboro, IN, The Rustic Nail - Dillsboro, IN, The Whistle Stop - Milan, IN, The Huntington Carriage House - Milan, IN.
Wild Women's Hike - July 27, 10am-12pm, at McCormick's Creek State Park, 250 McCormick's Creek Park Rd. All are welcome to join us for the monthly DNK hike at McCormick's Creek State Park! The hike is free, but there is an entrance fee to get into the park. We'll be meeting at the Wolf Cave Parking area for about a 2-mile hike. Click here for the park map: Can't wait to hit the trail with you!
Northwest Indiana
Chesterton's European Market - Saturdays May through October at Third St and Broadway, Downtown Chesterton. An outdoor family/artisanal market held in historic downtown Chesterton from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Gary Southshore Railcats at U.S. Steel Yard - Various days at US Steel Yard. A day at U.S. Steel yard is non-stop fun, and that's even without the baseball! The RailCats promise a wide array of laugh-out-loud between inning entertainment, great giveaways , jaw-dropping fireworks and a family-first, kid-friendly atmosphere!
Miller Woods Hike Sundays - Every Sunday at Miller Woods. The hike starts at the National Lakeshore's Paul H. Douglas Center and travels through varied habitats including rare and beautiful black oak savanna and offers incredible views of Lake Michigan and Chicago. Wear sturdy shoes and bring water and insect repellent. This hike is offered every Sunday from 1:30 to 3:30pm.
61: An Exhibit Celebrating the 61st National Park - July 2 - Sep 21 at the Indiana Welcome Center, 7770 Corinne Dr. The 6,500-square-foot exhibit hall will be transformed to represent the 15,000 acres of diverse landscapes and highlight activities available to those that visit the park system. The exhibit will feature 12 trail stops. There will be interactive exhibits for children along the trail, selfie stations and a large “sandbox” for building sandcastles. Visitors will also have the opportunity to learn about the 1,100 native plant species, rare and migrating birds, as well as recreational opportunities like camping, hiking, kayaking and cross-country skiing. Interactive activities will also give children a chance to become a Junior Ranger!
Summer Market on the Lake - Thursdays through the end of August at Festival Park, 111 E Old Ridge Road. Come enjoy outdoor shopping featuring fresh produce, baked goods, ethnic and gourmet foods, beer garden, local live entertainment, jewelry, handmade crafts and so much more.
LaPorte Farmer's Market - Saturdays July through the end of October at Monroe St and Lincoln Way. The LaPorte Farmer's Market strives to build and strengthen the local food movement in LaPorte by showcasing our region's bounty and economic opportunities locally.
Summer Sundown Music Series - Sundays May through August. Bring the lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy Sunday evenings listening to a different musical artist each week. Each Sunday evening you will find yourself at a different park with new musical artist. Check online to see where and who will be appearing!
Michigan City Municipal Band Concerts - Thursdays in June, July, and August, at the Washington Park Guy Foreman Amphitheater. Experience free live musical performances under the stars near the shores of Lake Michigan in Washington Park. Seating available or bring your own chair. June-August, Thursdays 7:30pm.
Light Keeper Harriet Colfax Month - July 1-31, 1-4pm, at Old Lighthouse Museum, 100 Heisman Harbor Rd. Harriet Colfax came into the 1858 Light House in 1861 an served faithfully until her retirement in 1904. Learn more about his Great Lakes legend all month long. The Michigan City Historical Society commissioned a color portrait of Harriet by local artist Wendy Wilcox Kerman. Come and view the portrait and enjoy the historic museum and don't forget to browse the gift shop.
Michigan City's Farmers Markets - Saturdays July - October at 801 S Washington St. and 1500 Franklin St. Saturdays through October 26th, 2019. Michigan City's Farmers Market aims to provide our community with the freshest produce, providing a space filled with locally grown food and artisan goods
Market on the Square - Fridays June through August, 3-9pm, at Founders Square. There will be over 20 vendors selling unique crafts, fresh produce, honey, flowers, breads and jams. Plus local food vendors selling food. Bands from the region will begin at 6. Then to top off the evening we will have a family movie at dusk.
Keepers of the Fire: The Pokagon Band of Potawatomi - April 2019 to January 2020 at The History Museum. The rich history, culture, and art of the Pokagon Band of Potawatomi is shared in this vibrant exhibit about the thriving community. Through interviews and oral histories, sculpture and beadwork, art and artifacts, the exhibit immerses visitors in the traditions and teachings of the Pokagon Band.
South Bend Cubs at Four Winds Field - Various days at Four Winds Field. The South Bend Cubs are the Class A minor league affiliate of the World Series Champion Chicago Cubs. Over the past 30 seasons, the team has won five Midwest League titles and has captured 12 division titles. In 2015 the team was named Ballpark Digest's Team of the Year and received the John H. Johnson President's Award, the highest award in minor league baseball.
The Dinner Detective Murder Mystery Show - May 4th 2019 to May 2nd 2020, 6-9pm, at the DoubleTree by Hilton. America’s largest interactive murder mystery dinner show! The Dinner Detective provides a hilarious evening of murder mystery, a 4-course meal, and a prize package for the top sleuth. Just beware, the killer might be sitting right next to you!
Northeast Indiana
Fort Wayne TinCaps at Parkview Field - Various days at Parkview Field. The TinCaps are entering their 10th season at Parkview Field, which has been rated as Minor League Baseball's No. 1 Ballpark Experience four consecutive years.
Faces of Middlebury - May 17th to October 4th throughout Middlebury. Grab your cameras and the map to locate each “face of Middlebury” and insert your face for the perfect picture. Free maps are available at local businesses and organizations. Post your pics on Middlebury Then & Now’s Facebook page or on Instagram using #facesofmiddlebury. Can you find all of them, up to 30 "faces"?
Gangsters, Saloons and Buggies on Roofs Guided Tour - May 29th to September 25th at the Downtown Middlebury library. You wouldn't know Middlebury had a rough-and-tumble past, but behind today's modern facades lie tales of small-town mischief, hoods on the lam and possible mysterious passageways. Get the inside story and secrets from a local with this tour of downtown. Tours are offered at 10am every Wednesday and at 630pm the first Tuesday of each month. Walking tour is approximately 1 hour. Allow time after the tour to visit the unique shops and restaurants in the area. $5 Group tours are available by advanced reservation (call 574.825.5601)
Giant Toadstools and the World's Fair Guided Walking Tour - May 30th to September 26th at the Krider World's Fair Garden. Enjoy a guided tour through living history! The Krider family of Middlebury once captured the imagination of the world. This tour of the garden that bears their name opens a window to the family's nursery at the height of its creative powers. The beauty will take your breath away, just as it did at the Chicago World's Fair in 1933. Tours are offered at 10am every Thursday and at 630pm the first Tuesday of each month. Walking tour is approximately 1 hour. Allow time after the tour to visit the museum, unique shops and restaurants in the area. $5 Group tours are available by advanced reservation (call 574.825.5601)
A Simple Sanctuary, the new musical - March 28th to October 31st at the Blue Gate Theatre. She prayed the day would never come, but when her past comes calling, Melissa James has no choice but to flee. Pursued and living on the run, she finds desperate sanctuary and surprising friendship in Amish country. Part suspense, part romance, A Simple Sanctuary is a compelling story of love tested, the cost of freedom, and the solace found in true community.
Shipshewana Flea Market - Tuesdays and Wednesdays from May through September, 8am-4pm, at the Shipshewana Auction. Nearly 700 open-air booths on 40 acres await you at the Midwest’s Largest Flea Market. Food courts, restrooms, scooter rentals and rest areas are on site. Open rain or shine. Also open for Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, and new weekend markets on August 16-17 (MotheDaughter Days). Antique Auctions are every Wednesday inside the Antique & Miscellaneous building.
Shipshewana Breakfast Club - Fridays in July and August, 830-1100am, at the Blue Gate Theatre. Breakfast: 8:30am | Program: 10:00am Price: $26.00 - Includes Breakfast and Show These concerts will be held at the Blue Gate Theatre July 12 - Lynda Randle July 19 - Allison Speer July 26 - The Taylors Aug 2 - King's Brass Aug 9 - Doug Anderson Aug 16 - Old Time Preacher's Quartet Aug 23 - Soul'd Out Quartet Aug 30 - TBA
Central Indiana
Kroger Symphony on the Prairie - Saturdays and Sundays at Conner Prairie. The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra's summer series provides music from classical, pop, and rock genres from mid-June through Labor Day weekend. See performance schedule online
Celebrate the 10th Year of Tenderloin Tuesdays - Tuesdays in July throughout Hamilton County. Celebrating the 10th year, dine along the Tenderloin Trail™. Don’t miss Tenderloin Tuesdays™ in July along the tastiest trail. Each Tuesday restaurants offer special deals on the Hoosier delicacy. For a complete list of participating restaurants in Carmel, Fishers, Noblesville, Westfield and Northern Hamilton County, visit
Hot Wheels: Race to Win - May 18th to July 28th at The Childrens Museum of Indianapolis. Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines and hold on tight as we open our Hot Wheels: Race to Win exhibit celebrating speed, safety, design, and power. Get revved up for the special performances, activities, and the occasional pit stop.
Treasures of Ancient Greece exhibit - Jun 15 to Jan 5 at The Childrens Museum of Indianapolis. This once-in-a-lifetime immersive exhibition brings to Indianapolis more than 150 ancient objects and artifacts, many of which have never been seen outside of Greece. The ancient Greeks revered the human body, and many of the depictions are nude. Featured are bronze and marble statues, gold jewelry and funerary objects, exquisite pottery, artifacts of the world’s first democracy, and an extraordinary replica of the Antikythera Mechanism, known as the world’s first computer.
Mind Tripping Show - March 1st to December 28th, 8:30-10PM at the Hilton Indianapolis Hotel and Suites. Mind Tripping: a Comedy with a Psychological Twist is an interactive show by Christian & Katalina, the #1 Husband and Wife Comedy Mind Reading Act in the Nation. Be a part of a mind-bending, reality-twisting interactive theatrical show. Think Candid Camera meets the Twilight Zone. Be prepared to have your perceptions challenged and your expectations turned upside down
Naturally Inspired Art Exhibition - May 24th to August 21st at The Indianapolis Zoo. After the paintings have dried and been professionally framed by The Great Frame Up Downtown, they are displayed for the summer in the Schaefer Rotunda at White River Gardens. Plus, you also get to enjoy the works of some of our more artistically inclined animals. Who knows — you may see a penguin Picasso, a walrus Warhol, an elephant Escher and many others! The Naturally Inspired Art Show presented by The Great Frame Up Downtown is included with Zoo admission.
Nickelodeon’s PAW Patrol Adventure Play - February 23 to July 28th at The Children's Museum of Indianapolis. The hero pups of Adventure Bay are coming to The Children’s Museum, and they need your help. It’s time to run some rescue missions, as we work together to overcome challenges and help everyone in Adventure Bay. Enter the Lookout. Save the Day in Adventure Bay. Be a Helping Hero on Jake’s Mountain.
The National Bank of Indianapolis Summer Nights Film Series - Various days June-August, at The Amphitheater. You can watch movies under the stars every weekend at Newfields. Doors open at 7 pm, when you can enjoy a picnic dinner, music, and activities, followed by that night’s movie, which will begin when twilight turns to night (usually 9:30 pm). Over the summer, over 20 movies will be shown—everything from black-and-white classics to modern blockbusters. All you need is a picnic (with non-alcoholic beverages only), chairs (for the back row of each tier), and blankets (in case the chair row is full). You will also want sunscreen and bugspray. No alcohol, pets, candles taller than 12 inches, or knives permitted. And if you want to travel light with just a chair and blanket, concessions will be available to purchase. Check out to see available films and to purchase tickets once they are available.
Zoolapalooza Concert Series - Fridays in June and July, 530-830pm, at the Indianapolis Zoo. Under the Bicentennial Pavilion, this incredibly fun night out is a great way to kick off summer weekends on Friday evenings with terrific live music. Concerts are free for members and included with Zoo admission, so you can play all day and dance all night! Seating under the Bicentennial Pavilion includes open tables on a first-come, first-serve basis
The Generous Pour at The Capital Grille, July 8 - Sep 1, 5-9pm, at 40 W. Washington Street. The Capital Grille’s annual The Generous Pour wine event has returned for its eleventh year. This year’s theme is Legends of the Land, where guests can sip on any combination of seven select wines including the Maggy Hawk 2015 Pinot Noir, the 2015 Cenyth Red Blend, and the Arrowood 2013 Red Blend. Each is from California’s Jackson Family that tell a unique story of origin and sustainability. From July 8th through September 1, 2019, guests are offered a customized wine tasting paired with the restaurant’s classic menu items, including hand-carved steaks and fresh seafood and appetizers with a flavorful twist for $28 per person with dinner.
First Friday Kokomo - First Friday of every month, 530-9pm, at Downtown Kokomo. Activities include art, music, food, local vendors, shops, entertainment, kid's activities & much more! Visit their Facebook page for monthly themes and schedule of all activities!
Kokomo Jackrabbits at Kokomo Municipal Stadium - Various days at the Kokomo Municipal Stadium. Enjoy a day at the ballpark! The Kokomo Jackrabbits baseball team are members of the summer collegiate Prospect League. Games are held late May through early August and feature fun themes and giveaways. Lawn and stadium seating available, starting at $8.
Karl Martz and the Legacy of IU Ceramics - May 4th to July 27th, 1-4pm, at the Haan Museum of Indiana Art. Martz’s influence spread throughout Indiana and beyond through the ceramics program that he established at IU in 1945, and through his students. Many of Martz’s students went on to teach at universities, and others established successful careers as independent ceramic artists. The exhibition features works by Karl Martz, faculty that taught (or still teach) in the IU Ceramics Department, and students who went on to establish successful careers in ceramics.
Summer Story Hour - Mondays, 10-11am, at the Physical Building of the Joseph Moore Museum. Join us each Monday in June and July at 10am for a special hour of stories! Each week will feature a different book about nature or science with a corresponding craft or activity. All ages are welcome and stories are chosen particularly for children in preschool - first grade.
Indianapolis Colts 2019 Training Camp - July 25 - Aug 15 at the Grand Park Sports Campus. Join us at the Indianapolis Colts 2019 Training Camp! Every day you can enjoy watching practice, giveaways, food & drink specials, interactive games, and more. Download your free tickets at
Southern Indiana
Wildlife Cruises on Patoka Lake - Wednesdays May through October at the Patoka Lake Marina. Not just a boat ride: cruise the second largest lake in Indiana upon a climate controlled tour boat to search for osprey, eagles, blue herons, loons and other wildlife. Two hour cruises embark EVERY WEDNESDAY at 10am beginning in May and continuing through October. Voyagers are encouraged to capture on camera baby osprey in their nests, an eagle in flight, and busy beavers as the boat passes by.
Wine Cruises on Patoka Lake - Every other Friday starting June 7th, 730-930pm, at the Patoka Lake Marina. Sip wine paired with hors d'oeuvres/desserts while enjoying the sunset on Patoka Lake on our 60 person tour boat! Enjoy 5-7 tastings of wine from a featured Indiana winery, and choose 2 glasses of your favorite to enjoy after the tasting portion. Bottles of wine available for purchase as well as additional glasses. Call (812) 685-2203 to reserve your spot today! Only $50/person or $98/couple. Visit our website to view the winery lineup.
Shrek the Musical - July 3rd - Aug 18th, 6-10pm, at the Derby Dinner Playhouse. Somebody once told me everyone’s favorite ogre is back in the hilarious and twisted adventure based on the Oscar-winning smash hit film. Follow this unlikely green hero on a life-changing journey full of romance and dozens of zany misfit characters. The perfect show for any age! Ticket price includes dinner, show, tax & parking. AAA discount available.
Evansville Otters at Bosse Field - Various days at Bosse Field. Locally owned and a member of the Frontier League, the Otters are the darlings of summer. Great ball play combined with fun promotions throughout the game guarantee an evening of fun family entertainment. To top it off, the games are played at Bosse Field, a stadium built in 1915 and the site of the filming of "A League of Their Own" in 1992. Come watch our Boys of Summer from May through August!
Floyds Knobs Farmers Market - Saturdays May through October at 400 Block Laffollette Station. Floyds Knobs Farmers Market Opening May 11 - October 26 Every Saturday from 8:30 am to 1 pm. Were an Indiana Grown Market and host a variety of Great Events throughout Season.
The Art of the Monon - April 1st to August 31st, 10am-4pm at the French Lick West Baden Museum. The Monon was Indiana’s railroad and touched every town in Orange County. See the Monon paintings of renowned railroad artist Howard Fogg and other rare Monon items.
Dubois County Bombers at League Stadium - Various days at the League Stadium. League Stadium was home to the Rockford Peaches in the hit movie A League of Their Own. The vintage signage, scoreboard, and atmosphere remain. The Bombers play in vintage-inspired uniforms - pants are knickered, stirrups are worn. The crack of a wood bat against a baseball resounds through the stadium. You may hear Who’s on First over the audio. We even have our own Peaches at the games keeping everything in the stadium rolling, while our coaches and players keep it exciting on the field.
Rock on Rising Sun - April 10th to September 30th on Main Street. Search and re-hide painted rocks hidden within the City of Rising Sun city limits. Spearheaded by a local resident, thousands of rocks are painted throughout the season for kids of all ages to find and re-hide. Participants are encouraged to paint their own creations and hide within the city limits. Photos of found rocks are asked to be uploaded to the Rock on Rising Sun
submitted by WeimarRepublic to Indiana [link] [comments]

Fun and Exciting Event Note-Foodie Happenings in Michiana!

List created by
Mon, Jul 1st – Otta Ramen – Ramen Pop-up at Temper Grille from 5 – 10pm. We are popping up again @tempergrille_granger. Reservations will go live Thursday, Jun 27th at 5pm. Reminder Temper is 21+ for seating
Sat, Jun 29th – Thurs, Jul 4th – Colombo’s Family Restaurant – Closed for vacation and will reopen Friday, July 5th. Sat, Jun 29th – Tues, Jul 9th – Antonio’s Italian Ristorante – Closed for summer break and re-opening Weds, July 10th. Mon, Jul 1st – Sun, Jul 7th– Lucky’s, Elkhart - We will be closed July 1st-July 7th & Reopen our regular hours on July 8th! Have a Blessed Week and Happy Independence Day. Mon, Jul 1st – Sun, Jul 7th– The Vine, Elkhart – Closed for summer vacation. Re-opening on Mon, July 8th. Mon, Jul 1st – Sun, Jul 7th– Kao’s, Elkhart – Closed for summer break and re-opening Mon, Jul 8th. Mon, Jul 1st – Weds, Jul 10th – Weiss Gasthaus, South Bend– Closed for summer break Mon, Jul 1st – Sun, Jul 14th – Cre-Asian, South Bend – Closed for summer break and re-opening Mon, July 15th. Weds, Jul 3rd – Fri, Jul 5th – Yellow Cat Café, South Bend – Closed for the 4th of July holiday
Sat, Jul 6th – Shoreline Brewery, Michigan City – Red, White & Brews - Come join us at Shoreline Brewery for the 14th Annual Red, White & Brews!! From 2 pm to midnight, this family friendly event will have beer, food & music. The bands Caught on Cline, Midwest Hype & ALLGOOD will be providing jams throughout the evening. Early Bird Tickets are $ 15.00. Hope to see you there! Cheers!
Weds, Jul 10th – Ironhand Vineyards – Love & Macarons Pop Up Shop from 5 – 7pm. Join us for Love & Macarons Pop Up Shop! She sells out quickly, so make sure to stop in early. LOVE AND MACARONS: I'm a 26 year old pastry girl, living in Michigan's Great Southwest. As a graduate of the French Pastry School in Chicago, I like to put a little french touch to most of my creations. I have two cats, too many clothes, and am looking to the future. Love and Macarons was created out of my love of macarons, one of my deepest roots of inspiration. Some may call it an obsession! I provide traditional and custom decorated cakes, cupcakes, macarons, breakfast pastries and many other mouth-watering desserts. I can offer dozens of flavor combinations, so please don't hesitate to contact me and see what we can create together.
Fri, Jul 12th– Sat, Jul 13th – Villa Macri Ristorante – Villa Maci 2019 Italian Fest! Join us for this year's Italian Fest on July 12th and 13th! The event begins at 5pm both nights with BLAMMO headlining the event Friday and Saturday. Vyagra Falls will be playing on Friday night at 5:30, and Saturday night will kick off with a DJ and Blammo to follow! Admission and Parking are free, and general seating will be available on the Piazza. A full bar will be available outside for this open-air festival on the Piazza along with our classic Italian Beef sandwiches, meatballs, cannoli and more. VIP Tables are available for purchase to help sponsor this event which include a buffet style meal, VIP service staff, raffle prizes, preferred seating and the best view of the bands! For more information about becoming an Italian Fest Sponsor, please contact Jerry at 574-298-4510 or Jessica at [email protected]. For general questions about the event or to make a reservation inside the restaurant, please call 574-277-7273. See you all soon!
Weds, Jul 17th - Iron Shoe Distillery – The Dough Parlor Pop-up Shop at Iron Shoe from 4 – 7pm. Looking for a fun date night? Or a delicious treat for you and your kiddo? Then come on out when we host The Dough Parlor, as they set up shop with their edible cookie dough! You can eat their dough right out of the cup, it's egg-free -- so no need to sneak licks from the bowl! They have classic flavors such as Sugar Cookie and Chocolate Chip and some new dough'licious flavors like Monster Cookie and Black Tie Affair.
Weds, Jul 17th – Kamm Island Fest from 5 – 9:30pm. Kamm Island Fest is a staple of Mishawaka’s summer entertainment season and draws upon the rich history of Kamm Island and the development of Mishawaka’s River Walk. The goal of Kamm Island Fest is to highlight the offerings of locally owned businesses while providing a venue for ‘direct to consumer’ interaction with product/services of event sponsors and participants. A portion of the proceeds from the event are distributed to local civic and charitable groups and a portion is used to underwrite and develop on-going MBA activities. Kamm Island Fest is the main fundraiser for the MBA. Its success is key in supporting the MBA mission as a resource and advocate for the Association's members. Unlike other summer events or festivals in Mishawaka, KIF is an adult only event. Admission to the island is limited to age 21 and over. Here are several highlights from Kamm Island Fest 2019, Sponsored by United Beverage and Budweiser! “Taste of Mishawaka.” An opportunity to experience the flavor of local restaurants. Sponsored by Visit South Bend Mishawaka. “Live Music” The Fest will feature the music of BLAMMO and The Grooveheads. “Car Show” showcasing a wide variety of classic cars. “Art Show” featuring local artists under the “Big Top!” VIP Experience - Sponsored by Burns Rent Alls. See their FB event for FAQ about the event at:
Sat, Jul 20th – Spirited, South Bend – Spirited Turns 1! From 4pm – 1am. We are having a party to celebrate our 1 year birthday!! Mikey Trix will be here, we will have drink specials, champagne and all of the fun! We are also working on an interactive art piece that everyone can contribute to and will hang in the bar!
Mon, Jul 22nd – Sun, Aug 4th – Eat. Drink. Downtown South Bend– Summer Restaurant Weeks – Save the date, more information on participating restaurants and special menus soon!
Tues, Jul 23rd - Jesús Latin Grill and Tequila Bar - Chef Drew Sachau, invites you to Jesùs Latin Grill for an afternoon that promises to be as fun as it will be informative. Our mixologist has paired a cocktail to complement the experience. Classes are 25++ (tax & 20% gratuity). $31.75 (paid at time of reservation). Call 574.318.4983 to reserve your spot!
Weds, Jul 24th – LEX 530 – German Wine Dinner at 6pm. Our next LEX 530 Wine Dinner will be held on July 24, 2019, at the LEX 530 Event Center in Elkhart, IN. This German Wine Dinner will feature premium wines hand selected by vintner Carl Tiedemann to pair with Executive Chef Chad Coryn’s delectable four-course dinner. The event begins at 6:00 pm with dinner starting at 6:30 pm. Each course is listed below. First Course: Rabbit sausage, sauerkraut, smoked bacon and wine mustard sauce. Second Course: Smoked whitefish chowder, baby fennel and Espelette pepper. Third Course: Blue cheese-crusted beef tenderloin, German-fried fingerling potatoes, broccolini and red currant bordelaise. Fourth Course: Black forest mousse, wild Morello cherries, Chantilly cream and cocoa nibs. We look forward to seeing everyone at this delightful German Wine Dinner. If you are a LEX 530 Wine Club Member please contact Courtney at 574-296-1314. There is limited seating for this event and we expect it to fill up fast. We are located at 530 E. Lexington Avenue in Elkhart. Guests must be at least 21 years of age, with a valid ID. Tickets are $85.00 (tax not included). You must purchase your ticket by noon on July 19th.
Fri, Jul 26th – Tabor Hill Winery & Restaurant – Seafood Boil from 6:30 – 9:30pm. Put down the utensils — it's an old-fashioned summer seafood boil! Gather around our table and dig in, we’re serving up a traditional Louisiana seafood boil that includes blue crabs, gulf shrimp, red potatoes, corn, and andouille sausage. Served with plenty of fixin’s: Cajun macaroni salad, coleslaw, watermelon, and more! Your ticket will include unlimited access to the boil and three complimentary drinks –your choice of wine or beer– to sip on all evening long. There’s nothing like a boil to bring everyone together, so invite your friends, family, and neighbors... it’s going to be a great night!
Sun, Aug 25th – Taste of the Gardens - Wellfield Botanic Gardens from 11am – 6pm. Taste of the Gardens presented by the Elkhart County Convention and Visitors Bureau is Sunday, August 25! Enjoy a gorgeous summer day at Michiana’s most beautiful outdoor location while perusing fine art, listening to live music and enjoying the area’s tastiest food and drinks. Wellfield comes alive with art, music, food and FUN at this popular festival, attracting guests from around the region. You’ll love what’s in store! Save money with discounted advanced tickets for Taste of the Gardens – – just $8 for Adults. Tickets at the gate are $10. Buy online or in person at our Visitors Cottage in advance, you’ll save money and avoid the ticket lines when entering. Children 12 and under are free of charge with an adult. To purchase advanced, discount tickets in visit:
Fri, Mar 8th - Remedy - Grand opening date for a social hub located next to Notre Dame. Grab a drink, have a bite, and forget about social standards. We're all here to have a good time. Located at 1902 South Bend Ave, South Bend, IN, open 7 days a week - Mon - Fri, 4pm - 3am and Sat and Sun from noon - 3am. See their menu at
Sat, Apr 6th – The Blackbird Waterhouse, Coloma – Grand opening date for new restaurant located at 4896 Paw Paw Lake Rd, Coloma, MI. The Blackbird Waterhouse - an edgy, yet sophisticated restaurant, events + culinary center offering tastemaker quality food made from scratch with local beer, wine, + hand-crafted cocktails. From their About section on their Facebook page: Come Experience Something Different. Open year-round, The Blackbird Waterhouse features 6,600 square feet of tastemaker quality dining, escapism experiences, an events + culinary center, outdoor patio + more! Our entire kitchen is a from-scratch kitchen supporting local farms + vendors, and proudly serves up a menu that is almost 100% gluten-free! Our front pub offers familiar favorites including our own extensive selection of hand-crafted cocktails, beer + wine. You can find their detailed menu at:
Mon, Apr 8th – Hydraulic Ale Works – Grand opening date for new brewpub located in the old McCarthy’s on the Riverwalk space. Beers crafted at HAW have strong ties to Belgium & the Americas, while the menu is chef driven & focused on international flavors & fermentation. Visit their menu at Weds, Apr 10th - Iron Shoe Distillery - Grand opening date for new small batch distillery, cocktail bar and restaurant located at 3 North 3rd Street in Niles, Michigan. For more about the new restaurant, visit:
Mon, Apr 15th - Ghost Isle Brewing Company - Grand opening date for new local brewpub coming to 17684 US Highway 12 in New Buffalo. Read all about them at:
Tues, Jun 18th - The Lauber Kitchen and Bar - Grand opening date for a new modern restaurant in the East Bank neighborhood that combines South Bend's rich history with a hand-crafted dining experience. Address is 504 E. LaSalle Ave, Suite 2 and you can find their menu at (3 photos).
Tues, Jun 18th - Froehlich’s Kitchen and Pantry, Three Oaks - Grand opening date for new restaurant run by Froehlich’s Bakery, located across the street at 19 Elm Street in downtown Three Oaks. Bar, Lounge and Beverage Boutique coming soon! See their menu at (3 photos).
Tues, Jun 18th - Ruhe152 - Grand opening date for new upscale restaurant, sushi bar and brewery in in Nappanee, Indiana located at 152 W. Market Street. More information can be found at:
Fri, Jun 21st - Fanellos - Grand opening date for new Italian restaurant opening in 112 N. Center Street in the 100 Center in Mishawaka. Fanellos is the perfect place for great authentic Italian food! Date night or bring the whole family! Walk ins and reservations are accepted.
Weds, Jun 26th - Chicory Event CenteCafe - Grand opening for Chicory Cafe’s 2nd location near downtown Mishawaka at 114 W. 1st Street. What it is: Fast Casual, family friendly, New Orleans inspired food, dog friendly games patio (working on big jenga, cornhole, ring toss) (working on external bike rack). 64 Café Seats W Study Bar, 64 Patio Seats W Outdoor Fire Pit and soon to be games, 35 person private entertaining and presentation room and 275 guest banquet room. Full bar with craft and domestics, wine, liquor, specialty mixed cocktails, Full in-house catering, external catering both with buffet/banquet service available.Call ahead ordering including table up, Doordash, Postmates, dine-in delivery starting late July (both for individual orders and catering). Live Music starting 7/5/19 Friday nights, Saturday nights, Sunday afternoon. Sunday build your own Mimosa and Bloody Mary Bar. Tentative Starting 7/14/19. Live Trivia Thursdays from K&A Trivia (who also do Chicory SB and Taphouse Trivia) Starting 7/11/19. Monthly events in the summer like Shrimp/crawfish boils, fish fries. Fun one off events, Beer Fest, Wine Fest, Midnight Horror Movie Fest, large stand-up comedy shows being planned in the event hall. Hosting bridal showers, weddings, receptions, graduation parties, fundraisers, Christmas parties etc.
Summer 2019 – Houndstooth Restaurant, Benton Harbor – Estimated Grand Opening Date for new restaurant coming to 132 Pipestone St., Benton Harbor, MI. For information about the restaurant and their expected format and opening, visit this article from The Herald-Palladium: 2019 - The Rage coming to old Riverfront Cafe located at 219 N. Front Street, Niles. The restaurant and café will feature options for casual dining and a place to enjoy coffee or frozen yogurt. For more information, visit 2019 - Voyageurs Brewpub & Tiki Lounge - New themed brew pub scheduled to open in Niles at 115 E. Main Street and run by the owners of The Brass Eye. Tiki themed bar will offer rotating craft beers and creative libations. They will also offer food. For more information, visit:
2019 - Niles Brewing Company - New local brewpub coming to 104 N 3rd Street in downtown Niles.
2019 - The Garage Arcade Bar - New concept coming to 503 E. Colfax near downtown South Bend with a free play arcade bar. Located in the old Lasalle Body Shop, The Garage will be South Bend’s first free-play Arcade Bar. We'll have a wide selection of drinks, many from local vendors. And all of our arcade games will be free-to-play. No quarters required. Just grab a drink or 3, and get gaming.
Heavenly Goat Brewing Company - Saturday and Sunday brunch from 11am - 2pm. Weiss Gasthaus, South Bend – 10am – 2pm South Bend Brew Werks – 11am – 2pm Uptown Kitchen, Granger – 7am – 3pm Evil Czech Brewery, Mishawaka – Hangover Buffet from 11am - 3pm. $15.95 adults, $10.95 kids and under 5 is free. Curve Café, Mishawaka – 6am – 2pm Chicory Café, South Bend – Super delicious breakfast sandwiches and homemade quiche and BYO Bloody Marys for only $4 from 9am-6pm Bistro 933, South Bend - Breakfast buffet from 7am – noon Moser's Austrian Cafe, New Carlisle - Re-opened Jun 27th! Bacon Hill Kitchen and Pub, Elkhart - Closed on Sundays for summer Fiddler's Hearth, South Bend The Brass Eye, Niles - Bloody Mary bar every Sunday starting at 11am! Crooked Ewe Brewery - noon until close at 8pm. Simonini Gourmet – Sunday Brunch from 9am – 2pm Staymaker at Journeyman Distillery – Brunch from 10am – 2pm Bistro on the Boulevard, St. Joseph, MI – Sunday Brunch from 11:30am – 2pm. Terrace Room, New Buffalo, MI – Weekend Brunch from noon – 4pm, Friday through Sunday Goshen Brewing Company – 11am – 2pm Paris Soda Co, Niles – Sunday brunch buffet from 10am – 2pm. Common Spirits, Goshen - Last Sunday of every month. Check their Facebook page for menu and times. Rocky River Tap and Table - Serving up brunch from 11am to 4pm!
Sassy’s Sandwich Shack, Granger, Tapastrie, downtown South Bend, Moringa Tree, Elkhart, East Tokyo Hibachi and Sushi, South Bend – gluten free sauces, Breads4Life – South Bend Farmer’s Market and Town and Country, Mishawaka, Barbici, South Bend – Gluten Free Pasta, Davinci’s, Elkhart – Gluten Free Pizza Crusts
Specials change often so may not be most up to date list but we do our best! Please check with restaurant to confirm.
Lucchese's - $6 Martinis, Stirred martinis - $8, 6 piece Bella Bella shrimp - $6 523 Tap & Grill - 1/2 priced bottles of wine Woochi Japanese Fusion & Bar - $5 well martinis Between the Buns - $.49 Jumbo wings Flippin Cow - $4.99 Steak and Tater dinner Chubby Trout – ½ priced sushi night Evil Czech Brewery – Burger Box Monday! Burger, fries and a pint starting at only $10! Rohr's, Notre Dame - $5 martinis, $4 Hesburgh Manhattans, $2 Sliders from 2-5pm and $8 Murf burger from 5pm-close. Baker’s Bar and Grille, Doubletree, downtown South Bend – Half priced select bottles of wine! LaSalle Grill - $6 glasses of select wines! El Arriero South Bend, 4505 Ameritech Dr, St. 100 – Monday and Tuesday Kids eat FREE! Limit one kids per adult entree. Kids 11 and under Tapastrie - $5 glasses of wine Bistro 933 – Burger Special Monday! Build your own burger for just $5.95. South Bend Brew Werks - Half-Priced Appetizers Monday thru Thursday 2:00-6:00 pm Rocky River Tap & Table - Half priced bottle of wine night!
523 Tap & Grill - All Draft beers - $3 a pint! Evil Czech - Tacotastic Tuesday - $2, $3 and $4 tacos. Corndance Tavern – Wine Safari - $9 glasses and $32 bottles Between the Buns - $3.99 Angus steak burger and fries Lucchese's - Domestic beer bottles - 1/2 off and any size pizza, 2 toppings for free! Bistro 933 – Taco Tuesday - $2.50 fish tacos from 5 – 10pm Bacon Hill Kitchen & Pub – Taco Tuesday – Chef’s Choice, $3 and ½ off wine by the glass Polito’s Pizzeria Restaurant - $5.75 subs and supreme subs are $6.25. Rohr's Notre Dame - $2 well drinks, $2 sliders from 2-5pm, $2 tacos from 5pm - close. LaSalle Kitchen and Tavern – Whiskey Flight Night – 25 different flight specials, ½ off small plates from 5 – 7pm Baker’s Bar and Grille, Doubletree, downtown South Bend – Half priced select bottles of wine! El Arriero South Bend, 4505 Ameritech Dr, St. 100 – Monday and Tuesday Kids eat FREE! Limit one kids per adult entree. Kids 11 and under The Exchange Whiskey Bar – Free Tuesday Tastings at 6pm Pat’s Irish Pub - 2 tacos for $5.00, 1 quesadilla for $6.00 (your choice of chorizo, beef or chicken), $1.00 off all domestic bottles and $3.00 well drinks! Koto - Buy 1, Get 1 Sushi Render Kitchen & Bar - 1/2 priced wines and boards from our "With Bread" category South Bend Brew Werks - Half-Priced Appetizers Monday thru Thursday 2:00-6:00 pm Woochi Japanese Fusion - Half off bottle sakes on Tuesday. Dandino’s Supper Club - 1/2 off glass or bottle of wine!
Corndance Tavern – Prix Fixe Menu – 3 courses for $25. Woochi Japanese Fusion & Bar – ½ priced wine Between the Buns - $5.99 Mulligan – chicken strips and fries Flippin Cow - $1.99 Steak Burger Day! Lucchese's - House made Pasta Night - $10 with your choice of pasta and sauce. Bistro 933 – FREE Bottle of house wine with purchase of 2 dinner entrees. Bacon Hill Kitchen & Pub – Wing Wednesday - .85 smoked/fried wings Politio’s Pizzeria Restaurant – $10 large thin cheese pizzas, dine in only. Additional toppings are $1.75 each. Uptown Kitchen - $5 featured cocktail. Rohr's Notre Dame - 1/2 off bottles of wine $50 and under, $5 select wine by the glass, $4 draft beers, $2 sliders from 2pm-close, $.50 bone in or boneless wings from 5pm to close. Taphouse on the Edge - $5 Street Tacos (Pulled pork, chorizo, veggie and sesame chicken) & Tots LaSalle Kitchen and Tavern – Pint Night - $8 pint with a 1 oz whiskey taster, 2 pints and a cheese and charcuterie board for $20. ½ off small plates from 5 – 7pm. Baker’s Bar and Grille, Doubletree, downtown South Bend – Half priced select bottles of wine! The Pub, Mishawaka – Half Price Wine Day! Between the Buns – ½ off kids meals every Wednesday, includes carry out! Pat’s Irish Pub - $.65 wangs all day! With a choice of one of our many tasty handcrafted sauces! $1.00 off all craft and imports, bottle or draft. Koto - Half off Rotating Wine list by the bottle Bistro on the Boulevard – Drink & Nosh Pairing from 5pm until close. Pairing 4 tastes and 4 delicious small bites for $15 per person. Render Kitchen & Bar - partner with Bare Hands Brew South Bend to do a new "Barehands and Bar snacks" special South Bend Brew Werks - Half-Priced Appetizers Monday thru Thursday 2:00-6:00 pm
Lucchese's - 1/2 priced glasses of wine 523 Tap & Grill - $5 Martini Night! Corndance Tavern – Martini and tapas night – Order any martini and receive a free tapas appetizer. Between the Buns – Triple Play (2 meals for app & dessert for $20) or Double Play (2 meals for only $12.99). Choose from over 2 dozen of their most popular meals. Bistro 933 - Fresh fish Thursday! Come out for dinner from 5 - 10pm and see what new weekly fresh fish dish they offer! Flippin Cow – 50 cent wing night, bone in or boneless! Bacon Hill Kitchen & Pub – Smoked Baby Back Rib Platter – Half-rack = $15, Full Rack = $24 and $5 Tito’s Moscow Mules Uptown Kitchen - 25% off bottles of wine Polito’s Pizzeria Restaurant – Pasta dishes are buy one, get one half off. Dine in only! Rohr's Notre Dame - $4 Jim Beam, $4 Captain Morgan, $2 sliders from 2pm - close and $5 Mac and Cheese from 5pm to close. LaSalle Kitchen and Tavern – Thirsty Thursday - $2 off draft beers (Indiana and Michigan breweries only). ½ off small plates from 5 – 7pm. Baker’s Bar and Grille, Doubletree, downtown South Bend – Half priced select bottles of wine! Macri’s Italian Kitchen – Polish Buffet from 11am – 2pm. Pat’s Irish Pub - $2.00 off any large pizza, $2.00 16 ounce PBR tall boy cans!! Koto - Half off appetizers and Half off Sake by the glass. Render Kitchen & Bar - "Dry + Rye" night where we feature dry aged steaks and a select rye whiskey every week. The dry aged steaks will be on a first come first serve basis. South Bend Brew Werks - Half-Priced Appetizers Monday thru Thursday 2:00-6:00 pm
Between the Buns – The Gipper Dinner - $6.99. Mild, tender fish broiled, fried or Cajun-fried. Sports Time Family Pub & Grill - $10.99 AUCE hand breaded fried fish, comes with 2 sides. LaSalle Kitchen and Tavern – Happy Weekend - $4 beer specials, $5 cocktail specials and live music! Baker’s Bar and Grille, Doubletree, downtown South Bend – Half priced select bottles of wine! Pat’s Irish Pub - All you can eat fish, with a choice of potato and slaw for $10.99! Curve Cafe - Open on Friday evenings with a dinner menu and their Polish Buffet for only $10.95 per person.
Between the Buns - $6.99 wet burritos Bacon Hill Kitchen & Pub – BHKP Brunch - $5 Bacon Hill Bloody Mary’s and $5 Tito’s and Redbull LaSalle Kitchen and Tavern – Happy Weekend - $4 beer specials, $5 cocktail specials and live music! Sassy's Sandwich Shack - Brunch menu available from 9am - 2pm.
Between the Buns - $6.99 Fish and Chips dinner Koto - Dollar off Draft Beer and $4 Koto's Signature Spiced Bloody Mary
If you have an Event that you would like us to promote or share, please post on our page or send us a Private Message! This includes one time events, restaurant openings and daily and weekly food specials. Thank you!
submitted by xenokilla to SouthBend [link] [comments]

Happening in Indiana: August 19th - 25th

All my information comes from VisitIndiana so the list is not 100% comprehensive. If you know of anything that's missing, please post and share with everyone! If you've ever been to any of these events, or if you go this week, please share your experiences
Also be sure to visit the city-specific subreddits
This Week Only
Northwest Indiana
6th Annual Indiana Bacon Festival - August 24, 3-11pm, at Downtown Delphi. Bacon, bands and brew! Great food, music, craft beer, wine, Family Zone, bacon-eating & hog-calling contests, and more! Enjoy fabulous bacon creations like bacon mac -n- cheese, chocolate covered bacon, bourbon & bacon cupcakes, bacon Pizza King pizza, bacon-wrapped jalapeno poppers & so much more.
Mike Armstrong, Comedian - August 24, 730-930pm, at Delphi Opera House. Mike Armstrong, popular comedian from the Bob and Tom Show, was raised by loving parents in the conservative mid-west in a small town near Louisville, Kentucky. Mike Armstrong enjoyed a fairly normal childhood – so what went wrong? He’s an ex-cop – the kind of cop that most people hope for when they get pulled over. “I think that when I quit the police department three other cops lost their jobs. They simply didn’t need that many internal affairs officers anymore!” Thanks to our Event Sponsor Security Federal Savings Bank! Tickets: or 765-564-4300
Kielbasa Fest - August 24, 3-10pm, at Kosciuszko Park. Food vendors, music, family fun. A celebration of Polish Heritage.
Goodstock Outdoor Musical Festival - August 24 at Foster Park. Enjoy Rock of Ages, a Def Leppard Tribute Band.
Lyric Opera in the Gardens - August 25, 3-6pm, at Friendship Botanic Gardens. Friendship Botanic Gardens is proud to host a special evening of world-class artistry from the Lyric Opera of Chicago. Join is among the scenic vistas of the Gardens for a preview of the Lyric Opera of Chicago's 2019-2020 season, performed by some of the biggest names in the Chicago arts and culture scene.
Levi Riggs Concert - August 24 at Madam Carroll, 12244 N Upper Lakeshore Dr. Come listen to our own Indiana-born country music star! Live music entertainment on a unique lakeside venue.
Michiana Renaissance Festival - August 24-25, 10am-6pm, at Outdoor Park. Come one! Come all to the 9th Annual Michiana Renaissance Festival, located on PINHOOK PARK in South Bend, IN. Each day is filled with fun and educational things to see and do for the whole family! The Michiana Renaissance Festival has 4 different re-enactment areas: Medieval/Renaissance, the Golden Age of Piracy, the Time of the Vikings, and Fairytale Storyland. Each area has exclusive exhibits, shows and vendors.
Northeast Indiana
Park-inn Movies: The Greatest Showman - August 23, 930-1130pm at Potawatomi Inn. Bring your blanket or lawn chair to the lawn overlooking Lake James. Admission is free to Inn Guests, Campground Guests and with paid admission to Pokagon State Park. (Weather Permitting).
Taste of the Arts - August 23-24 at the Arts Campus, 300 E Main St. The 11th Annual Taste of the Arts Festival brings family-friendly fun to downtown Fort Wayne. This admission free festival celebrates the arts and culture in our community. Check out performances by local dancers, musicians, actors, and buskers, buy art from local artists, let the kids participate in hands on activities, and get a taste of Fort Wayne food and drinks. The festival takes place on Friday, August 23 from 5pm-10pm and Saturday, August 24 from 11am-7pm at the Arts Campus (300 E Main Street). Presented by Arts United of Greater Fort Wayne.
The Malpass Brothers - August 20, 7-9pm, at the Blue Gate Theatre. Showtime: 7:00pm | Doors Open: 6:30pm Prices: Tickets Only - $34.95 | Dinner and Theater - $52.95 (plus tax & fees). The Malpass Brothers toured with the late Don Helms, former steel guitarist for Hank Williams, have opened for music legend Merle Haggard on multiple tours and appeared on stages from the Shetland Islands to Ryman Auditorium to Merlefest.
The Hoppers - August 22-23, 7-9pm, at the Blue Gate Theatre. Multi-award winning family group The Hoppers have been singing to global audiences for over 60 years with appearances ranging from presidential religious inaugural ceremonies and New York's Carnegie Hall to singing conventions and church platforms. They have performed throughout the United States as well as in Israel, Europe and Africa. Their unique blend of harmonies and song choices have created a legacy of musical excellence embraced by leading pastors and event organizers. Known as America's Favorite Family of Gospel Music, they are favorites on the Gaither Homecoming videos and tours, and their recordings frequently land at the top of the BILLBOARD sales charts and The Singing News radio charts.
Soul'd Out Quartet - August 24, 1-3pm, at the Blue Gate Theatre. Based in Georgetown, Ohio, Soul'd Out Ministries was formed in 2001 as a trio and then reformed as an all male quartet in 2004. Soul'd Out is a full time ministry touring 25 states each year. SOQT performs in churches, theatres, fairs/festivals, Dollywood, Silver Dollar City, as well as the main stage at the National Quartet Convention. Soul'd Out Quartet has been honored to win the Singing News Magazine, Horizon Group of the Year Award as well as's Breakthrough Artist Award. This group is young, energetic, and exciting. Their performance includes a vintage style of gospel music while keeping current with more modern styles
Central Indiana
Music on Main - August 24, 4-9pm, at 409 Main Street. Music on Main is quickly becoming a premiere music event in Beech Grove. This summer concert features local and regional musical talents and attracts visitors throughout Central Indiana. Food trucks, a kids zone, unique arts, crafts, jewelry, health products, a beer garden, and much more make Music on Main a popular, free, family-friendly event. Music by Tony Walker and the 2nd Half Band, 90 Proof and Full Moon Dogs.
GreekFest 2018 - August 23-25 at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church. Greek food, pastries, culture, music, bazaar, grocery store, and family-oriented children's area. Free Parking Options Available.
Covered Bridge Dinner Series - August 22, 6-730pm, at the Historic Houck Covered Bridge. Local area chefs pair with local farms to bring a unique spin on Farm to Fork. Dine under cover of the Historic Houck Covered Bridge in Putnam County and experience Big Walnut Creek running under your feet as you enjoy a three-course meal and hear from farmers about raising crops/animals, sustainable practices, and general life on the farm. Each dinner highlights a different farm or ranch, we pair this with a unique restaurant in the area for a different experience every time. This summer you can experience a chicken/pork farm, vineyard, cattle operation, or brewery. Details of each dinner are listed on the Eventbrite page.
Greencastle Music Fest - August 24, 4-11pm, at Greencastle Courthouse Square. The musical year crescendos at Greencastle Music Fest – an afternoon, evening and night of live music, outdoors on multiple stages. Celebrating its 10th year Aug 24, 2019, last year’s Fest hosted 3,000 guests from 15 states enjoying bluesman Tad Robinson, Ellusion with LD Miller and The Louisville Crashers on an enormous stage on Greencastle streets closed around the Courthouse Square. Almost Home Restaurant and Bridges Craft Pizza and Wine Bar, cater, and two beer gardens, along with other downtown restaurants, round out the unique, local food offerings.
Atlanta's Pop Band Sensation OBB - August 22, 8-10pm, at Tin Roof. The Oswald brothers, all in their twenties, have had singles featured on Billboard Charts, performed hundreds of shows to nationwide audiences, and have seen their song “Mona Lisa” featured in a Google Chromebook National Ad Campaign. In addition, their music has been included in three Spotify playlists including Viral 50 USA, New Music Friday, and Young & Free and the group has garnered over 1.5 million streams. Earlier this year, OBB's released their single "7 Billion", which is currently playing on pop AND alternative radio stations all over the country, accumulating over 500,000 digital streams.
White River Yacht Club Open House, August 24, 12-11pm, at 1400 E 74th St. Free Admission and Parking Enjoy A fun day for all, Food, Drinks, Music, Artist, Vendors, Auctions, Raffle, Activities for all Ages, Huey Rides, Horse, Unicorn & Carriage Rides and much more!!! Come and meet old friends and make new ones. FUN ACTIVITIES FOR ALL AGES Kids Zone, Auctions, Raffles, Entertainment, Local Artist, Craftsman Food, Beer, Wine, Cocktails and Much Much More!!
Sprint Car Smackdown VIII - August 22-24 at Kokomo Speedway. Experience racing action at Kokomo Speedway, Indiana's Baddest Bullring! Watch USAC National Sprint Cars and Non-wing 410 Sprints race during this annual multi-day event. Visit website for ticket information and more details
Beers Across the Wabash - August 24 at Downtown Lafayette. Taste an assortment of ales and lagers from 30 Indiana breweries.
Wabash River Ride - August 24, 7am-5pm, at Fort Ouiatenon. Celebrating 41 years of cycling along the Wabash River Corridor, the Wabash River Ride takes place on August 24th, 2019 from 7 am to 5 pm. Join cyclists of all levels for well-organized and supported routes of 33, 47, 66 or 107 miles through Tippecanoe, Fountain and Warren counties. Along the routes are scenes quite different from North-Central Indiana's typical landscape of corn and soybeans: views of the Wabash River and Big Pine Creek, iconic landmarks such as the Fountain County Church, historic Rob Roy Covered Bridge, and Shawnee (Williamsport) Bridge, and rolling hills around the river valleys that make for a fun and challenging century. Multiple support vehicles will be patrolling the routes, so you can ride with confidence
Soul Street - August 24, 5-9pm, at Cedar Creek Winery. August 24th brings The Dynamics to the stage at 5 pm, followed by Soul Street at 7 pm. With a fat brass section, a tight rhythm pocket, and scorching vocals, Soul Street entertains by generating recognizable and danceable renditions of your past R&B/soul favorites! The band’s repertoire is extensive, covering hits from the early 1960’s through the 1980’s to Today! All danceable, all recognizable. Tickets are $10 per person; kids age 12 and under are FREE. Tickets go on sale April 16 online and in person.
Bicentennial Park Summer Concert Miah Ferran - August 24, 7-9pm at Bicentennial Park. The Mooresville Park District will again host the free 2019 Citzens Bank Summer Concert Series at Bicentennial Park in downtown Mooresville! Located at the corner of Indiana and Main Streets, the park is convenient to local restaurants to enjoy before the show. The popular Martinsville based performer Miah Ferran will take the stage on August 24. Live music begins at 7 pm; bring your lawn chairs or blankets. Free.
Tommy Castro and the Painkillers in a FREE concert - August 24, 7pm, at Canan Commons. Blues great Tommy Castro and his band the Painkillers will be performing in a FREE, all ages outdoor concert on Saturday, August 24th at 7 PM at Canan Commons in the heart of downtown Muncie, IN. This concert is sponsored by the Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County Tommy Castro has won six Blues Music Awads, including the coveted "B.B. King Entertainer of the Year" award, the highness award a blues performer can receive. Please join us for this great show.
54th Annual Tri-State Antique Gas Engine & Tractor Show - August 20-24 at the Jay County Fairgrounds. LARGEST Antique Engine & Tractor Show in the WORLD! 150+ antique dealers and 50+ crafts dealers. Banjo & Fiddlers contests Saturday night. Admission Charge. For more information contact Chris @ 260-334-5516 or visit their website at
Annual Quilt Show at Arts Place - August 23-25 at Arts Place, 131 E Walnut St. Beautiful quilt displays, raffle, vendors and demonstrations. Organized by Stitch & Chatter Quilt Club. Admission fee charged.
Amigos de Westfield - August 24, 2-7pm, at Asa Bales Park. Experience a true taste of Latin America at Amigos de Westfield on Saturday, August 24th from 2pm-7pm! Get a feel for authentic Latin culture with delicious food, lively music, and festive dancing! Your children will enjoy themselves in our fun Kids Zone.
Southern Indiana
Bluegrass on the Square - August 24, 4-8pm, at Downtown Corydon. Since its inception in 2003, Bluegrass on the Square has featured some of the most well-known Bluegrass musicians in the region. Now in its 16th year. All concerts are free and open to the public. August 24 features Relic and Dale Ann Bradley. Corydon’s picturesque historic town square is the perfect setting to sprawl out on the lawn, so bring lawn chairs and blankets. Dine and shop at our unique local businesses.
Cabaret at The Commons with Caissie Levy - August 22, 730-930pm, at The Commons. An NYC theater favorite now performing as the first Elsa in Disney’s blockbuster musical Frozen on Broadway, Caissie Levy has been winning over audiences for the last decade. Other Broadway musical leading roles include Penny in Hairspray, Elphaba in Wicked, Molly in Ghost the Musical, and Fantine in the 2014 Broadway revival of Les Misérables
Exhibit Columbus Opening Weekend - August 23-24 at Downtown Columbus. The Opening Weekend events bring together the esteemed group of exhibition participants to discuss their installations in the context of the unique design legacy of Columbus. Opening Weekend is also a celebration of the entire Columbus community that, for over 75 years, has invested in their belief in the power that art, architecture, and design has to improve peoples’ lives and making cities better places to live.
John Waite w/ special guest Henry Lee Summer - August 24, 630-930pm, at Lincoln Amphitheatre. Multiplatinum singer-songwriter John Waite's career has spanned more than 35 years and has seen multiplatinum success, a Grammy nomination, and a couple of number one singles. His success has come as a solo artist ("Missing You", "Change"), as a member of the classic rockers The Babys ("Isn't It Time", "Everytime I Think of You"), and as a part of the late 1980s supergroup Bad English ("When I See You Smile"). Most recently, the title track from his 2011 album Rough & Tumble went number one on Classic Rock radio's charts. Henry Lee Summer is self-taught on guitar, piano, and drums and is influenced by the best in country, R&B, rock & roll, and blues. He released his first full-length album, Stay with Me, in 1984, selling more than 500,000 copies of it—enough for a Gold certification. CBS records released Time for Big Fun next and then, in 1987, CBS Records released his breakthrough album Henry Lee Summer, which contained his Billboard top 20 and #1 Mainstream Rock song "I Wish I Had a Girl".
Northwest Indiana
Chesterton's European Market - Saturdays May through October at Third St and Broadway, Downtown Chesterton. An outdoor family/artisanal market held in historic downtown Chesterton from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Gary Southshore Railcats at U.S. Steel Yard - Various days at US Steel Yard. A day at U.S. Steel yard is non-stop fun, and that's even without the baseball! The RailCats promise a wide array of laugh-out-loud between inning entertainment, great giveaways , jaw-dropping fireworks and a family-first, kid-friendly atmosphere!
Miller Woods Hike Sundays - Every Sunday at Miller Woods. The hike starts at the National Lakeshore's Paul H. Douglas Center and travels through varied habitats including rare and beautiful black oak savanna and offers incredible views of Lake Michigan and Chicago. Wear sturdy shoes and bring water and insect repellent. This hike is offered every Sunday from 1:30 to 3:30pm.
Every Friday At D PerforMANCE Comedy Theatre - Each Friday we put together a great line up of stand up comedy and/or improv. Each comedy show features a stacked line up of Chicago/NWI or even national or international talent. Tickets can be bought from King David or on $8 in advance or $10 at the door. Doors open at 8:00! Show starts at 8:30. Music playing before & after the show. *If your birthday is this week you get in for free if you present your state ID at the door.
61: An Exhibit Celebrating the 61st National Park - July 2 - Sep 21 at the Indiana Welcome Center, 7770 Corinne Dr. The 6,500-square-foot exhibit hall will be transformed to represent the 15,000 acres of diverse landscapes and highlight activities available to those that visit the park system. The exhibit will feature 12 trail stops. There will be interactive exhibits for children along the trail, selfie stations and a large “sandbox” for building sandcastles. Visitors will also have the opportunity to learn about the 1,100 native plant species, rare and migrating birds, as well as recreational opportunities like camping, hiking, kayaking and cross-country skiing. Interactive activities will also give children a chance to become a Junior Ranger!
Summer Market on the Lake - Thursdays through the end of August at Festival Park, 111 E Old Ridge Road. Come enjoy outdoor shopping featuring fresh produce, baked goods, ethnic and gourmet foods, beer garden, local live entertainment, jewelry, handmade crafts and so much more.
LaPorte Farmer's Market - Saturdays July through the end of October at Monroe St and Lincoln Way. The LaPorte Farmer's Market strives to build and strengthen the local food movement in LaPorte by showcasing our region's bounty and economic opportunities locally.
Summer Sundown Music Series - Sundays May through August. Bring the lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy Sunday evenings listening to a different musical artist each week. Each Sunday evening you will find yourself at a different park with new musical artist. Check online to see where and who will be appearing!
Michigan City Municipal Band Concerts - Thursdays in June, July, and August, at the Washington Park Guy Foreman Amphitheater. Experience free live musical performances under the stars near the shores of Lake Michigan in Washington Park. Seating available or bring your own chair. June-August, Thursdays 7:30pm.
Michigan City's Farmers Markets - Saturdays July - October at 801 S Washington St. and 1500 Franklin St. Saturdays through October 26th, 2019. Michigan City's Farmers Market aims to provide our community with the freshest produce, providing a space filled with locally grown food and artisan goods
Mayor's Month of Music - Fridays in August, 7-10pm, at River Park Square. You can grab some food from your favorite Downtown Restaurant or visit one of the many food trucks that will be in River Park Square. Firebrick Road Pizza, Chubby Buddies BBQ, Pig n Pen Tenderloins, Ben's Pretzels, Sally's By The Shore, and Bailey’s Sweet Kettle Corn and Lemon Shake ups will be there! Bring your lawn chairs or a blanket to sit on, sit back and enjoy a wonderful evening. August 2: Magic Bus, August 9: Cornfield Mafia, August 16: PS Dump Your Boyfriend, August 23: Grace Affeltranger, August 30: Out Of Favor Boys
Market on the Square - Fridays June through August, 3-9pm, at Founders Square. There will be over 20 vendors selling unique crafts, fresh produce, honey, flowers, breads and jams. Plus local food vendors selling food. Bands from the region will begin at 6. Then to top off the evening we will have a family movie at dusk.
Keepers of the Fire: The Pokagon Band of Potawatomi - April 2019 to January 2020 at The History Museum. The rich history, culture, and art of the Pokagon Band of Potawatomi is shared in this vibrant exhibit about the thriving community. Through interviews and oral histories, sculpture and beadwork, art and artifacts, the exhibit immerses visitors in the traditions and teachings of the Pokagon Band.
South Bend Cubs at Four Winds Field - Various days at Four Winds Field. The South Bend Cubs are the Class A minor league affiliate of the World Series Champion Chicago Cubs. Over the past 30 seasons, the team has won five Midwest League titles and has captured 12 division titles. In 2015 the team was named Ballpark Digest's Team of the Year and received the John H. Johnson President's Award, the highest award in minor league baseball.
The Dinner Detective Murder Mystery Show - May 4th 2019 to May 2nd 2020, 6-9pm, at the DoubleTree by Hilton. America’s largest interactive murder mystery dinner show! The Dinner Detective provides a hilarious evening of murder mystery, a 4-course meal, and a prize package for the top sleuth. Just beware, the killer might be sitting right next to you!
A Wrinkle in Time - August 23 - September 8 at Chicago Street Theatre. One of literature’s most enduring young heroines, Meg Murry, is back---–braces, stubbornness and all. Once again, she’s joining forces with Mrs. Whatsit, Charles Wallace, Calvin O’Keefe and more to battle the forces of evil so she can rescue her father, save humanity and find herself. In the end, we know two things for sure: 1. Love CAN overcome evil and 2. There IS such a thing as a tesseract.
Northeast Indiana
Fort Wayne TinCaps at Parkview Field - Various days at Parkview Field. The TinCaps are entering their 10th season at Parkview Field, which has been rated as Minor League Baseball's No. 1 Ballpark Experience four consecutive years.
Faces of Middlebury - May 17th to October 4th throughout Middlebury. Grab your cameras and the map to locate each “face of Middlebury” and insert your face for the perfect picture. Free maps are available at local businesses and organizations. Post your pics on Middlebury Then & Now’s Facebook page or on Instagram using #facesofmiddlebury. Can you find all of them, up to 30 "faces"?
Gangsters, Saloons and Buggies on Roofs Guided Tour - May 29th to September 25th at the Downtown Middlebury library. You wouldn't know Middlebury had a rough-and-tumble past, but behind today's modern facades lie tales of small-town mischief, hoods on the lam and possible mysterious passageways. Get the inside story and secrets from a local with this tour of downtown. Tours are offered at 10am every Wednesday and at 630pm the first Tuesday of each month. Walking tour is approximately 1 hour. Allow time after the tour to visit the unique shops and restaurants in the area. $5 Group tours are available by advanced reservation (call 574.825.5601)
Giant Toadstools and the World's Fair Guided Walking Tour - May 30th to September 26th at the Krider World's Fair Garden. Enjoy a guided tour through living history! The Krider family of Middlebury once captured the imagination of the world. This tour of the garden that bears their name opens a window to the family's nursery at the height of its creative powers. The beauty will take your breath away, just as it did at the Chicago World's Fair in 1933. Tours are offered at 10am every Thursday and at 630pm the first Tuesday of each month. Walking tour is approximately 1 hour. Allow time after the tour to visit the museum, unique shops and restaurants in the area. $5 Group tours are available by advanced reservation (call 574.825.5601)
A Simple Sanctuary, the new musical - March 28th to October 31st at the Blue Gate Theatre. She prayed the day would never come, but when her past comes calling, Melissa James has no choice but to flee. Pursued and living on the run, she finds desperate sanctuary and surprising friendship in Amish country. Part suspense, part romance, A Simple Sanctuary is a compelling story of love tested, the cost of freedom, and the solace found in true community.
Shipshewana Flea Market - Tuesdays and Wednesdays from May through September, 8am-4pm, at the Shipshewana Auction. Nearly 700 open-air booths on 40 acres await you at the Midwest’s Largest Flea Market. Food courts, restrooms, scooter rentals and rest areas are on site. Open rain or shine. Also open for Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, and new weekend markets on August 16-17 (MotheDaughter Days). Antique Auctions are every Wednesday inside the Antique & Miscellaneous building.
Shipshewana Breakfast Club - Fridays in July and August, 830-1100am, at the Blue Gate Theatre. Breakfast: 8:30am | Program: 10:00am Price: $26.00 - Includes Breakfast and Show These concerts will be held at the Blue Gate Theatre July 12 - Lynda Randle July 19 - Allison Speer July 26 - The Taylors Aug 2 - King's Brass Aug 9 - Doug Anderson Aug 16 - Old Time Preacher's Quartet Aug 23 - Soul'd Out Quartet Aug 30 - TBA
Shipshewana's Majestic Frontier - August 2-24, 12-10pm, at The Michiana Event Center. Frontier is 90 minutes of gunslinging, riding, roping, action packed excitement featuring real life Cowboys and Cowgirls, ranch hands, folk dancing saloon girls, western singers, amazing trick ropers, a roman riding team comprised of six draft horses, trick and fancy riding, real Texas Longhorns, cowboys riding actual cows, comedy and so much more! One of the most exciting shows Shipshewana has ever seen! Dinner: Authentic Chuck Wagon BBQ meal! Pulled Pork, Cowboy Beans, Scalloped potatoes, Green Beans, Garlic Biscuit. Drinks: Tea & Lemonade. Dessert: Cherry cobbler & Vanilla Ice Cream
Central Indiana
Kroger Symphony on the Prairie - Saturdays and Sundays at Conner Prairie. The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra's summer series provides music from classical, pop, and rock genres from mid-June through Labor Day weekend. See performance schedule online
Treasures of Ancient Greece exhibit - Jun 15 to Jan 5 at The Childrens Museum of Indianapolis. This once-in-a-lifetime immersive exhibition brings to Indianapolis more than 150 ancient objects and artifacts, many of which have never been seen outside of Greece. The ancient Greeks revered the human body, and many of the depictions are nude. Featured are bronze and marble statues, gold jewelry and funerary objects, exquisite pottery, artifacts of the world’s first democracy, and an extraordinary replica of the Antikythera Mechanism, known as the world’s first computer.
Mind Tripping Show - March 1st to December 28th, 8:30-10PM at the Hilton Indianapolis Hotel and Suites. Mind Tripping: a Comedy with a Psychological Twist is an interactive show by Christian & Katalina, the #1 Husband and Wife Comedy Mind Reading Act in the Nation. Be a part of a mind-bending, reality-twisting interactive theatrical show. Think Candid Camera meets the Twilight Zone. Be prepared to have your perceptions challenged and your expectations turned upside down
Naturally Inspired Art Exhibition - May 24th to August 21st at The Indianapolis Zoo. After the paintings have dried and been professionally framed by The Great Frame Up Downtown, they are displayed for the summer in the Schaefer Rotunda at White River Gardens. Plus, you also get to enjoy the works of some of our more artistically inclined animals. Who knows — you may see a penguin Picasso, a walrus Warhol, an elephant Escher and many others! The Naturally Inspired Art Show presented by The Great Frame Up Downtown is included with Zoo admission.
The National Bank of Indianapolis Summer Nights Film Series - Various days June-August, at The Amphitheater. You can watch movies under the stars every weekend at Newfields. Doors open at 7 pm, when you can enjoy a picnic dinner, music, and activities, followed by that night’s movie, which will begin when twilight turns to night (usually 9:30 pm). Over the summer, over 20 movies will be shown—everything from black-and-white classics to modern blockbusters. All you need is a picnic (with non-alcoholic beverages only), chairs (for the back row of each tier), and blankets (in case the chair row is full). You will also want sunscreen and bugspray. No alcohol, pets, candles taller than 12 inches, or knives permitted. And if you want to travel light with just a chair and blanket, concessions will be available to purchase. Check out to see available films and to purchase tickets once they are available.
The Generous Pour at The Capital Grille, July 8 - Sep 1, 5-9pm, at 40 W. Washington Street. The Capital Grille’s annual The Generous Pour wine event has returned for its eleventh year. This year’s theme is Legends of the Land, where guests can sip on any combination of seven select wines including the Maggy Hawk 2015 Pinot Noir, the 2015 Cenyth Red Blend, and the Arrowood 2013 Red Blend. Each is from California’s Jackson Family that tell a unique story of origin and sustainability. From July 8th through September 1, 2019, guests are offered a customized wine tasting paired with the restaurant’s classic menu items, including hand-carved steaks and fresh seafood and appetizers with a flavorful twist for $28 per person with dinner.
First Friday Kokomo - First Friday of every month, 530-9pm, at Downtown Kokomo. Activities include art, music, food, local vendors, shops, entertainment, kid's activities & much more! Visit their Facebook page for monthly themes and schedule of all activities!
Kokomo Jackrabbits at Kokomo Municipal Stadium - Various days at the Kokomo Municipal Stadium. Enjoy a day at the ballpark! The Kokomo Jackrabbits baseball team are members of the summer collegiate Prospect League. Games are held late May through early August and feature fun themes and giveaways. Lawn and stadium seating available, starting at $8.
Movies in the Park - August 9, 16, and 23, 8-1130pm, at Asa Bales Park. Come out this summer with your family and friends to enjoy a free, relaxing evening under the stars to watch a good movie with good company! Movies will begin right after sunset, so start times will vary. We encourage you to bring blankets, chairs, snacks and flashlights! Parking will be available at Westfield High School, across the street from the Asa Bales Park. Make sure to get some Kona Ice or FREE popcorn too! *In the case of inclement weather, we will move the event inside just down the road to NSPIRE Church (18097 Sun Park Dr, Westfield, IN 46074)
Southern Indiana
Wildlife Cruises on Patoka Lake - Wednesdays May through October at the Patoka Lake Marina. Not just a boat ride: cruise the second largest lake in Indiana upon a climate controlled tour boat to search for osprey, eagles, blue herons, loons and other wildlife. Two hour cruises embark EVERY WEDNESDAY at 10am beginning in May and continuing through October. Voyagers are encouraged to capture on camera baby osprey in their nests, an eagle in flight, and busy beavers as the boat passes by.
Wine Cruises on Patoka Lake - Every other Friday starting June 7th, 730-930pm, at the Patoka Lake Marina. Sip wine paired with hors d'oeuvres/desserts while enjoying the sunset on Patoka Lake on our 60 person tour boat! Enjoy 5-7 tastings of wine from a featured Indiana winery, and choose 2 glasses of your favorite to enjoy after the tasting portion. Bottles of wine available for purchase as well as additional glasses. Call (812) 685-2203 to reserve your spot today! Only $50/person or $98/couple. Visit our website to view the winery lineup.
Million Dollar Quartet - August 21 - September 29, 6-10pm, at the Derby Dinner Playhouse. Broadway’s hit rock n’ roll musical inspired by the electrifying true story of four unknown musicians: Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins & Johnny Cash, who gathered at Sun Records for what would be one of the greatest jam sessions ever. Ticket price includes dinner, show, tax & parking. AAA discounts available.
Exhibit Columbus - August 23 - December 1 at Downtown Columbus. Exhibit Columbus is an annual exploration of architecture, art, design, and community in Columbus, Indiana. The inaugural exhibition in 2017 garnered national media coverage and drew 40,000 visitors from across the region to enjoy world-class architecture and design. This year, Exhibit Columbus will once again transform downtown Columbus with the upcoming exhibition, Good Design and the Community, featuring 18 temporary architectural installations and projects by artists and graphic designers. The exhibition is free and open to the public and runs August 23 through December 1.
Evansville Otters at Bosse Field - Various days at Bosse Field. Locally owned and a member of the Frontier League, the Otters are the darlings of summer. Great ball play combined with fun promotions throughout the game guarantee an evening of fun family entertainment. To top it off, the games are played at Bosse Field, a stadium built in 1915 and the site of the filming of "A League of Their Own" in 1992. Come watch our Boys of Summer from May through August!
Floyds Knobs Farmers Market - Saturdays May through October at 400 Block Laffollette Station. Floyds Knobs Farmers Market Opening May 11 - October 26 Every Saturday from 8:30 am to 1 pm. Were an Indiana Grown Market and host a variety of Great Events throughout Season.
The Art of the Monon - April 1st to August 31st, 10am-4pm at the French Lick West Baden Museum. The Monon was Indiana’s railroad and touched every town in Orange County. See the Monon paintings of renowned railroad artist Howard Fogg and other rare Monon items.
Dubois County Bombers at League Stadium - Various days at the League Stadium. League Stadium was home to the Rockford Peaches in the hit movie A League of Their Own. The vintage signage, scoreboard, and atmosphere remain. The Bombers play in vintage-inspired uniforms - pants are knickered, stirrups are worn. The crack of a wood bat against a baseball resounds through the stadium. You may hear Who’s on First over the audio. We even have our own Peaches at the games keeping everything in the stadium rolling, while our coaches and players keep it exciting on the field.
Rock on Rising Sun - April 10th to September 30th on Main Street. Search and re-hide painted rocks hidden within the City of Rising Sun city limits. Spearheaded by a local resident, thousands of rocks are painted throughout the season for kids of all ages to find and re-hide. Participants are encouraged to paint their own creations and hide within the city limits. Photos of found rocks are asked to be uploaded to the Rock on Rising Sun
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what to eat in french lick indiana video

Best Dinner Restaurants in French Lick, Indiana: Find Tripadvisor traveler reviews of THE BEST French Lick Dinner Restaurants and search by price, location, and more. Best Dining in French Lick, Indiana: See 4,801 Tripadvisor traveler reviews of 21 French Lick restaurants and search by cuisine, price, location, and more. French Lick Winery has more than 30 wines available for tasting, ranging from dry to sweet to fortified and bubbly. There’s also a full-service Italian café and a gift shop with a variety of wine-related accessories and logo items, apparel, and gourmet foods including locally made artisan cheeses, pretzels and cookies. French Lick Resort Dining To provide a safe dining experience and allow for social distancing during your stay, French Lick Resort’s dining venues are operating with limited capacity for dining in. There is a limit of six people per table at dining v Try our popular year-round French Lick water park. Go fishing or water-skiing Patoka Lake and ride the French Lick Scenic Railway through the Hoosier National Forest. Or choose from the countless other outdoor things to do in French Lick, Indiana, including mountain biking, ATV tours, hiking, zip lining, horseback riding, golfing and much Best Restaurants in French Lick, IN - German Cafe, Nila’s Place, Ohana Hawaiian Bar & Grill, 33 Brick Street, Legendz Sports Bar & Grill, Sinclair's Restaurant, The Bagel Bistro, Chicago's Pizza, Miguel's Mexican Restaurant, Cafe Sinclair's The Donald Ross Course at French Lick has been named Indiana’s No. 2 Course in GolfWeek’s Best You Can Play rankings every year since 2011. Voted Best Hotel in Indiana by Travel & Leisure Magazine , French Lick Resort is family-friendly, business-competent and perfect for a planned or impromptu getaway. Things to Do in French Lick, Indiana: See Tripadvisor's 10,397 traveler reviews and photos of French Lick tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in February. We have reviews of the best places to see in French Lick. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions. These places to eat in French Lick offer the same cuisine you’ll find around the nation, usually at a great price and in a convenient location. From fast food to casual diners, you’ll find whatever you want on our list of chain restaurants. Click on one of the options below for location and contact information, menus and more. French Lick, IN 47432 From Business: This is the hot spot for drinks, great food and live music. The large electrical switchboard that once powered the French Lick Springs Hotel is the focal point…

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