Sample Resume for Automation Engineer Job Position ...

automation engineer resume template

automation engineer resume template - win

Résumé boost – when you have a lot to say (or: how I increased my callbacks significantly)

I recently added a few pages at the end of my résumé to detail some big wins or forays into areas that are important to an employer.


Sometimes there just isn’t enough room on the to describe the full breadth of your accomplishments for a particular role (presumably your current one). Instead of completely reworking my résumé to overweight my current role, I think it’s best to add that to the end of the document and simply reference it as a bullet under your current role.

My Résumé

I use a bit of a different format for my résumé that seems to work well. Let’s walk through it.
Header – same across all pages. I don’t really like reading résumés that include the candidates full address, but if you want to be deliberate about noting your locale (for a non-local opportunity), I’d recommend simply City, State or City, Country. People reading your résumé do not need to know precisely where you live and they can potentially infer other things about your home address (long commute, may not be immediately available for hands-on for datacenter, etc.). Mine is simply Name, phone number, email address.
Relevant Skills Summary – this should be a listing of all of your relevant skills to a particular role. It is not necessarily very helpful to know that a candidate has years of Cisco experience and proficiency when applying for a web development role. This section should be very deliberately populated. I recommend having a template résumé where you have all of your skills and proficiencies available and trim it down for each role. This is way easier than writing it from scratch each time.
A non-technical person should be able to match up the requested skills/experience in a job description to a line or item on your résumé. Remember: a (typically) non-technical recruiter will need to be able to match things on your résumé to the job description to consider you for a role. Make it easy for them. (I’ve referred recruiters back to this section before because it answered some of the exact questions they were asking me.)
Category – Technology – Proficiency Level – Years Experience (last used)
Pic: (Skills matrix from my résumé)
Professional Experience / Accomplishments – this is where you list what you did. This should not read like a job description but more like an annual review: a list of accomplishments, time/money saved, collaboration efforts, etc. In general, do not just list things that you were responsible for.
Also, you should generally shorten the list of accomplishments for past roles the farther back in your work history you go. For example, I list seven items for my current job and for my first job, I only list four. You can even consider generalizing the position if it was early in your career (in direct contrast to my “do not just list things you were responsible for” rule above). You most likely will not be sized up for candidacy based on your earliest job duties or accomplishments.
I’m a strong believer in the bullets for each role being of the form: Action word + thing ( + reason/end goal) e.g. Secured remote access via iptables to prevent brute force or rogue ssh connection attempts.
Education – if you have a degree, you should usually list it since it can only help you. Hiring managers like folks from diverse backgrounds and even if your degree is in a non-relevant field, it shows that you have interest outside of the subject area for the job. That’s a good thing.
If you are early in your career, it should probably be early on in your résumé, but if you have more than, say, ten years of experience, I’d recommend moving it after your professional experience section. It is not nearly as important as your experience and accomplishments the farther you are in your career. An exception here would be a graduate degree in a relevant field.
Coursework – list any coursework or training you’ve completed (unless wildly irrelevant to your current field) and include any professional certificates, even if only tangentially relevant.
Other – I’m a fan of having a list of personal accomplishments that may make you more interesting of a candidate. For example, if you play a musical instrument, you can note that here (bonus if you have a cool performance you can reference e.g. Accomplished violinist – performed at local “Solo and Ensemble” competition 2012). Participated in any sort of physical endurance test or race? List that. This is also a great place to highlight any community involvement you may have.

The Boost

Talk to any car enthusiast who owns a vehicle with a turbo and they’ll gladly talk to you about boost. It refers to the increase in pressure to the engine which enables it produce a lot more power.
The boost here is adding a page or two of your other accomplishments either for your current role or a more recent role that you want to highlight, but not listed under those roles in the professional experience section. It is a great place to use buzzwords but you will need to describe what those mean with regards to what you did. Here are some suggestions.
Cloud - highlight something that you’ve done in a cloud environment that wasn’t simply clicking boxes or following a guide. If you spun up an EC2 instance or group of instances? What else did you do? This needs to read like a checklist of things you buttoned up, not like a free-form paragraph.
Automations – if you created any automations, list those and what they do. Extremely well though-out automations are great conversation pieces in an interview and can demonstrate a ton of understanding beyond the technical requirements for a particular thing. Automations can tie into business needs, and ultimately, if you can solve problems for the business, you are a huge asset to an organization.
Custom scripts/frameworks – did you patch together something from scratch to do something cool or useful? Detail it here and describe the use-case and how it worked. (Note: you don’t need to be a self-described scripting god or goddess to be able to talk about something you did here; it could even be copied and pasted from other scripts you found online).
APIs – if you have used the command-line to parse information from an API or used an API to perform bulk actions, you definitely want to describe it in your résumé. In my world, APIs exist to allow me to do things that I know I want to do that may be beyond the scope of what the actual website or application offers. In nearly all cases, I had to use an API to solve a problem that would have been largely untenable or impossible to do through the application or web interface.
Just adding those last two pages has been a boon for callbacks recently. At worst, it allows hiring managers to see much more of what you are able to do in a particular role (and doesn’t make your professional experience section too wordy and long. I think this will greatly help someone with a decent amount of experience stand out from a crowd, especially if you can directly link it to some of the technologies and issues that the company lists in the job post. And bonus points if you can tie it to something that will help the company at that stage of growth (assuming they are growing).
submitted by gramthrax to ITCareerQuestions [link] [comments]

Self-Taught, No Degree - Employed in Less Than 9 Months

I wrote my first line of code at the very end of January this year. I did The Odin Project. I signed an offer this past week as a Software Engineer.
I don't have a college degree (I dropped out) and am self-taught. I primarily posted this to provide insight into my job hunt which lasted just under 6 weeks from the time I sent my first application to signing the offer.
Here are some statistics: Job Applications: 95 Rejections: 31 No Response Yet/Ghosted: 52 Phone Screens: 12 --- Ghosted/Rejection: 4 2nd Rounds: 8 --- Ghosted/Rejection: 4 Final Rounds: 4 --- Ghosted: 1
Offers: 3
I had to decline 2, one of which was very early on in my job hunt and there were numerous red flags with the business in question.
I mostly used Indeed (and used the Company Site if I found the listing), and sent a handful via LinkedIn. I don't have enough data to say any avenue is better than another unfortunately. I also received a few handfuls of coding assessments either automated or otherwise that are sprinkled in through those statistics. I used two different cover letter templates, one for more serious applications and another where I would change 2 lines to fit the role and company name.
I accepted an offer for $80,000 in a MCOL area (however, it's remote for the foreseeable future due to COVID), which spares me on the taxes as I live somewhere with no state income tax.

Not the most detailed post, just spitballing since I lurked Reddit all this year and tried my best to learn what to do and more importantly what not to do, so I just wanted to share my experience and let everyone know that irrespective of your background, if we just put in the work it'll pay off in due time. I'm just happy to have my foot in the door and maybe I'll one day make it to greener pastures in FAANG or some other nice company.
I'm also in my mid-20s, so I'm far removed from my time of dropping out of University.
EDIT: I worked in IT for about 6 months at the end of 2017 going into 2018, which is on my resume, did something unrelated since then. I also have made effort to have an active GitHub account in my time since starting to learn and have open source contributions. Only a few of the places I interviewed at mentioned my GitHub explicitly to me (or my projects), but it is relevant as the place I did accept the offer for was one of such places.
AMA I'll happily answer if I can.
submitted by cityintheskyy to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]

Top 3 Tips for a Successful Data Science CV

Top 3 Tips for a Successful Data Science CV
Writing a good CV can be one of the toughest challenges of job searching.
Most employers spend just a few seconds scanning each CV before sticking it in the Yes or No pile.
Here are my 3 tips that will increase the chances that your CV lands in the Yes pile. This article was originally published in Top 5 Tips for a Successful Data Science CV.
What are your tips for writing a great CV?

1. Beautiful Design

Your CV should reflect your future potential.
I always thought a nicely designed CV is not that important — we aren’t designers so no one expects a polished CV from a Data Scientist, right?
Well, I was wrong!
A polished CV becomes important when applying for a remote position or a position in a bigger company which gets thousands of application.
In Europe, we have a standardized template for CVs called Europass. While it has an online editor and surprisingly good user experience, the end result is not satisfying.
The boring design of the Europass CV doesn’t catch the eye. It doesn’t reflect your future potential.
My 2 page Europass CV.

A CV that catches the eye

I wrote my CV with Awesome-CV template.
You don’t need design skills to write an eye-catching CV.
Awesome-CV is a beautiful CV template in which you only need to change the content. You can also personalize it by changing the colors to your liking.
This beautiful CV template is made with LaTeX — a high-quality typesetting system. LaTeX is the de facto standard for the communication and publication of scientific documents.
A prerequisite to creating a CV with Awesome-CV is to install LaTeX on your computer.
After you’re done with editing, you need to compile the CV with LaTeX and it will output a PDF.

2. Optimize for Applicant Tracking Systems
Big companies like Google and Apple get thousands of applications for each job vacancy. Recruiters cannot efficiently review all of them, so they use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).
ATS is a software that scans and analyzes your CV. The recruiters only see the scorecard of your resume which is the end result of the scan.
It is important that your resume contains words related to the position that you are applying for.
Eg. Important words for a Big Data Engineer position are Big Data, Hadoop, Spark, Redshift, etc.

3. Put most significant achievements first
Put yourself in the role of a recruiter. How would you review a CV?
Most probably you would skim the first few words of each bullet point.
Well, recruiters do the same.
Make sure you list your most significant achievements first. Put tedious work last.
Don’t write about the work you did, instead describe the results you got. Write about the business impact of your work.
Even better if you can quantify the work you did. Use sentences like “reduced the costs“, “automated processes”, “optimized”…
For example:
  • Initiated analytics tools to make data-driven decisions in the marketing department,
  • Automated management of the distributed nodes with statistical distributions,
  • Maintained and optimized Ad network platform to spend less on the Cloud infrastructure.
submitted by hiphop1987 to learnmachinelearning [link] [comments]

Alone in the void 2: Chapter 17

Again apologies for the long time between posting, being a bit ill plus having to maintain a busy life this week left little time for actual writing.
Herald woke up in his room, it was half the size it originally was, the door was closer to his bed. Leaning forwards he felt something slide out of his back.
*Connection lost, WNA enabled...connected. Resuming diagnostics. *
standing up and looking around he could see a tank behind his 'bed' feeding liquid into his body
“how long?”
*nutrient uptake required in 92 hours. *
“how long was I asle...oh.” he thought as the system instantly gave him a number. He'd been asleep for weeks.
He looked down at his body and was surprised to find it looked pretty much the same as before, just naked.
Ellen spoke within his head.
She followed on.
Herald walked around his room and noted it felt like he was a little light. “I feel lighter than normal, movement isn't so heavy.” he replied.
Ellen told him.
he spoke as he moved.
she asked him, even though her voice had no concern he could feel some emotion leaking through as information flowed between the two of them.
he replied moving his arms and legs, kicking his feet to the sides and 'limbering' up. He noted instead of a light clink of chitin against floor plates there was a dull thud thud as he hopped on his new feet. He must be heavier.
Ellen told him.
He walked to his dresser and as he thought of pulling on an EVA suit one materialised around him. he thought.
Ellen explained.
Herald nodded and walked out of the room.
High father Nashims rest listened to the report again. Thousands it said. No small matter of rescue. He would need freighters loaded with food and modified for extra life support. Escorts for the freighters and the rest of the logistical nightmare. His system was a resort, a place of luxury and wealth for the faith. Home to millions of faithful servants who ensured the single habitable planet was a place of beauty and carefully curated nature.
He listened to the message and watched the arrival of the decidedly not Faith built ship and decided to ignore the message. Just to make sure no particularly heartfelt faithful fell prey to the obvious ploy he also purged it from his records and the entire planetary networks records before moving to request a patrol in force come by to oust the raiders.
With that trouble dealt with he moved on to more important matters such as preparing the latest feast for his high priority guests and managing the tree baring parasites on the northern continent.
Hananken looked out at the flat rectangle of wielded containers. “You're certain its air tight?”
“Nope, but there should be minimal leaks, I've got some sensors around to help detect them and I can patch them as they come. The life supports good for a few hundred at best though.” the drone next to him replied.
Once again he found the direct honesty refreshing. She had no reason to lie so why bother skirting the truth. “I'll ask for volunteers.”
“Do that...I have something else to tell you.” the drone said looking around. “Quietly if you don't mind.”
the paladin nodded and waved away his hovering guards and a squire checking a light fitting. “Go ahead.” he replied.
“If my math is right, you're nearly out of food and I have none to spare. Are you familiar with reprocessed proteins?” the drone asked him quietly.
“no.” he answered bluntly, he knew rations often had extra proteins calories and vitamins added to them but reprocessing protein was something completely new.
“Alright...I...can, produce more food in my hydroponics bay, enough to feed your people for a while...” the drone pauses and Hananken had gotten good enough to recognise hesitation
“but.” he prompts
“I need to feed the cultures in my bay, and a lot of faithful died here...until rescue comes I need their bodies...”
“you would use our dead to feed our living.”
“yes. They would be broken down, fed to bacteria and fungus then I harvest the fungus for calories and the bacterial for their protein chains. The result is a soft bar that holds everything you need to live.” the drone replies. “also they're starting to decompose in their containers.” the drone adds.
“alright...” Hananken tells her accepting the choice. He'd not eaten in two days and it was beginning to effect him. He waves over a squire waiting out of easy earshot, back to the drone he repeats himself. “Alright its a good idea, Squire. The ship captain has offered to put our dead into cold storage until we can give them proper rights, have the containers moved to the pickup point.”
“yes sir.” the squire replies before running off.
Ellen was working hard now, teasing her ship inside the asteroid ring whilst shuttles moved between her and the container station hovering just above the rings, as she did this drones skirted the small rocks, briefly scanning them for useful material whilst the larger ones had probes launched at them, hundreds of rocks were scanned and each one catalogued. A few were found with rare and valuable resources and those were quickly grasped by demolition charges and broken up for easier transport.
It was a slow process at the start, the first drones to return served one purpose, make more drones. It wasn't long before her stocks where full, then overflowing as the drones returned with material, recharged and refuelled and left again to continue harvesting material.
Inside her body chunks of material where crushed, smelted and refined into ore's and waste before being fed into machine shops and turned into new hull plates, new components and where possible, weapons.
Whilst this was happening, in another section of her ship self faithful bodies were being processed by species and fed into a grinder, chemical macerator and then the remains cleaned of bacteria and reshaped into bars, each in turn sorted by species compatibility. It was disgusting, dirty work but It was also exactly what would keep the faithful alive a little longer.
After all it didn't exactly feel right just killing them now. And whilst disgusting, feeding them their dead did mean they lived a little longer.
Hananken watched as a squad of drones emerged from the corridor as he'd been told. Flanking him were two more droids pulling a crate laden with grey-brown bricks coated in clear film. It had only been half a day but the first shipment of 'soylent' was here.
In front of his soldiers he walked over to the crate and at the direction of a drone picked up a bar, unwrapped it and took a bite.
It was chewy and disturbingly moist but almost void of anything he would describe as flavour. He swallowed the clump and nodded.
“Distribute these one per member of the faith. Each crate is separated by species correct?” he asked.
“Correct.” the drone replied in a dead tone. Over time he'd figured out that when there was emotion the drone was under control, when it gave a direct and blunt answer it was running on what must be an incredibly advanced automated remote control system.
“you heard the drone, figure out what species is what and get moving, there's a few thousand hungry faithful in need of a meal.” he said looking at the half squashed bar in his hand and despite the feeling of self loathing in his chest the burning pain in his stomach's won. he took another bite.
Ellen was busy as all hell, Nakikalic was recovering well, Namke was busy chipping in with the repair work and despite suffering minor bumps and cuts associated with the work was very happy. She'd even offered some high guarded rooms for the more injured members of the Faith. A squire and a drone with each wounded at all times.
Outside her ship self nearly three thousand drones were hard at work. They'd found a large asteroid with a uranium core so she'd set up a drilling team and was busy restocking her fuel dump, every day her factories produced hundreds of hull plate layers, meter thick sheets of iron, polymers, shock absorbent and heat abrasive materials that all got fed into a compressor and then blasted with radiation.
The pylons where still an issue, she had most of the material but the rare elements that where used in trace quantities to finish the alloy structure of each pylon were few and far between. Not to mention the single replacement she'd managed to make was still undergoing treatment, a constant bombardment of radiation from her secondary reactor.
She'd requested the waste products from the faith also be collected, she was actually feeding those into her hydroponics, she estimated another week before harvest could begin. Since the main planet had not responded to her hails repeatedly, these faithful were her problem.
The temporary engines Namke had rigged up were now being torn apart and fed back to her as she installed a replacement pair, the old ruined engines being cut free and recycled even as new dull grey replacements slid in and were wielded in place by her maintenance drones. She smiled as she felt her new engines come online thrust capacity was now at 30%. she gently used them to steady out a tiny spin she'd been unable to totally resolve on her ship self until now.
High father Nashims rest looked down at the sprawling city around him, for a place that held nearly 10 million working faithful it sprawled beyond the horizon even from over 200 meters in the sky from his offices. He stood and watched the parade and wondered why he hadn't been involved with it.
“Mother what is this parade in honour of? I wasn't informed.” he asked turning to the lithe and attractive lady he'd hired to be his second.
The low Mother looked up from her work, he noted an uneaten sandwich and bottle of water at the side of her desk. “its a protest. I've been organising our security forces to keep it peaceful.”
“protesting what? We live on a paradise planet.”
“they say they want a farer share of the bounty offered to the high ranking visitors. Better living quarters and more hospitals and clinics to care for illnesses. Its a long list sir.” she replies before looking back at her terminal.
“humph, have the squires and paladin contingent deployed outside, I don't want any of that interfering with the central hospitality sector.”
“yes sir.” she replied and got back to her work again ignoring the food left for her. He'd have to admonish her for that, food was meant to be eaten, savoured and enjoyed. Not left to go to waste, unless you were full.
He sat back down in his chair and looked at his computer, he had two parties to prepare, one tonight and another tomorrow. He would be hosting an influential trade father and there was a representative of another group hoping to attain bishop corporate status, with the right pushes and the right transfer of assets he could potentially give both groups what they wanted. But to do that, he had to make sure that everyone was where they needed to be when they where needed.
He turned around and watched the parade and idly wondered why they wanted more hospitals. They had one in the city already.
He pushed the thought from his mind and returned to more important business.
Ellen may have been busy repairing herself but she was by no means blind to the goings on around her. Some of the first drones she deployed had tucked themselves into asteroids around her, already tagged as useless to her and began quietly watching and listening. It took nearly a day for any signal to reach her from the main planet and it was with comfort she watched as a distinct lack of significant military moved around the system. Bloated freighters brought goods, sometimes a corvette or cruiser class escort would be with a convoy.
That wasn't what she found interesting though. The planet was, just like any advanced or established colony, ringed with satellites to aid global communications, this meant that signals eventually leaked, just like a news report speaking of global unrest and protests in the capital city regarding the lack of basic needs for the people.
Apparently this planets governor didn't believe in education, medical care or basic infrastructure.
She finished manually installing a new power line and ensured the carbonated remains attached to the previous one where taken to hydroponics before flying her focus into a damaged and battery drained drone in the hangers.
“There's an issue on the planet.” she told the Paladin, he'd proven reasonable and so far, true to his word. The hangers were still staging grounds for his men but more and more were moving to the makeshift station she'd constructed, the faith were industrial if anything else.
“What concern is it to us?” he asked.
“Planetary revolt.” she replied. He turned and gave the drone his full attention.
“Explain.” he demanded.
she gave him all the information she'd intercepted including the planetary governor not rescinding his attendance to two back to back parties to deal with the critical issues.
“Size of the main city, estimated population, number of armed protestors, number of local garrison, severity of violent protests, arrests and fatalities compared to peaceful protests. Information on local leaders, hands palms and unofficial group leaders where identifiable.” he rattled off. “I need as much as you can give me before I make a decision. There's a terminal in here you've left offline, can you activate it and route a news feed directly here from the planet?”
“Of course. I'll need to take this drone away, its internal battery is depleted, I'll return with another one soon, don't rip this ones arm off please.” she told him as she flicked her will and the terminal buzzed to life.
“no promises.” he replied with a toothy smile.
Herald ducked and thrust with an armoured gauntlet, felt metal impact metal and the sparring drone few back to impact the sparring room wall. With a shrug he exited the power armour suit and rotated his joints, micro stress fractures were registered at pressure points but his built in repair systems were already hard at work fixing those. His polymer overspin flowed into shape from a gel like impact layer it hardened on the outside becoming rigid plates and mimicking his uniform.
Once more presentable he ordered the drone to stow his armour and left the room. He walked down one corridor, through two bulkheads to a room where a faith guard was stood besides a drone.
“May I go in?” he asked.
“I'll ask.” the squire replied pulling open the door and moving inside. Herald rolled his eyes at the drone and saw the tiniest shudder of amusement from Ellen as she watched through its eyes.
“He say you can go in...” the squire replies in broken common.
Herald nodded and walked through the door squatting down a little to account for his large frame. Inside the room had been redecorated a medical monitor lay next to the cot, a trio of lines going from it to the patient, one for blood flow and oxygen levels, the second was attached to a pad on his head monitoring brain activity, the third was a fluid line leading to a drip bag of nutrients. A quick blink and Herald knew that the bag's content used to be other faithful killed onboard.
“How are you?” he asked the wounded Nikkian on the bed. Its chitin was covered in a criss-cross of cracks, some had dried resin beginning the sealing process already, others were larger or made more of fragments and the puss flowed freely from the wounds into clear plastic patches that would fill up and then solidify forming a complete new plate. The once proud paladin was in for a long recovery.
“What do you care heretic?” the soldier asked staring with hate in his eyes.
“Its been a while since I spoke to another paladin. You were smashed into a wall when we left jump space correct.” he asks.
“yea, shuttle under fire, no problem, fucking meat grinder of a hanger, easy. Cant stay standing when your magnetic lock fails though. You came through it fine.”
“I was strapped to a crash couch. And had two combat drones hold me down. Burst a few blood vessels though. Inertial dampeners can only do so much.” he explained. He had in fact ruptured several more organs but that wouldn't give him much credibility so he lied a little bit to the paladin in front of him.
“hmm. So what do you want?”
“I was on the depot at the time, fighting for my life just like you. I want to know how it went for your side.” he said. “and perhaps find out if im not so different from you still.”
“Not so different, you faithless bastard wouldn't know sacrifice if it hit you in the want to know what happened. The missiles hit and we got the go signal, we smashed into the hangers and found ourselves being cut down inside the armoured shuttles. Fucking armour penetrating rounds inside your own ship you suicidal assholes... breaking out of the shuttles cost half my unit, we got the shield projectors up just in time to hug them for cover. 'fuck getting the heavy guns from the shuttle.' I thought as those explosive shells rained down on us. Then those scuttle bugs things started dropping and we had to shoot above us, behind us and in front of us just so we didn't get cut to pieces.
I told you it was a meat grinder.” the paladin says. “how was it on the station.”
Herald shrugged. “similar but different, we had launch pods ready to go from the start. Loaded with drones, all three variants. When the attack came they launched. It was a tense few seconds before that. Surrounded, out numbered and with a bare few drones between me and barrages of fusion rifle fire. I was very glad for my new rifle then.”
“I bet. A fusion rifle will rip through a shield but those cannons...i never saw a paladin explode before.” the soldier said trying to shift.
“Do you want me to help you sit upright?” Herald asked.
“I'd love to but the doc says my abdomen is shattered. Need to let the plates reform so im stuck here.” the soldier answered.
“So, I don't know of any renegade Nikkian colonies in this sector which means you're a lone turncoat...or one of a few. How'd it happen.”
“I met our Goddess.” Herald explained.
“phhaahhahaoooo shouldn't laughhahaa ahh fuuuck. That hurt. You met the Goddess? That's fucking rich, what are you then, a prophet?”
“No, I am her Herald, nothing more, nothing less. It was written, she will come to us in burning fury, wipe aside her foes and consign them to the darkest punishment...she swept aside three ships in the blink of an eye. Gutted a flotilla including battleships and then sent them to the dark between universes.” Herald explained before continuing with a different scripture.
“By her hand worlds where formed, shaped from dead rock and nourished from unborn stars. This too I have seen whilst initially her prisoner, now her faithful.” he spoke in reverent terms.
“And where is she then.”
“You're inside her. This ship, those drones, every single part of this ship is her ironclad flesh. Even now when by all rights she should kill everyone onboard and wash her hands of us for the damage we have done to her physical form. Instead she gives the wounded room to heal, feeds us from her breast and works to enlighten us all piece by peace. Our faith has blinded us to the divine and we reject it as heresy.” Herald stopped himself from saying more.
“You truly believe this ship is our Goddess?” the soldier asks
“She carved a hole though a temple ship like it was paper. Everything the faith has thrown at her so far has done little more than annoy her. I fear the day she decides to fight back in true form.”
Ellen spoke inside his head
“Why are you smiling?” the soldier asked.
“She just spoke to me.” Herald told the soldier.
“Didn't hear anything. I recon you're just cracked, got hit in the head once two many.”
Ellen spoke again, this time through the speaker built into each room.
The soldier jerked his head around to find the source of the noise. “Its a speaker behind you.” Herald told him.
“And jus like that you nearly had me.” the soldier wheezed as he painfully laughed.
“ alright.” Herald told the broken soldier as he stood up to leave.
“Wait...are we going to survive this? Her. I mean. Will she kill us?” the soldier asked.
“Only if you make her.” Herald told the man before walking out of the room.
Ellen knew it was a waste of resources but she wanted to do it anyway, she'd modified one of the drones to have a larger power bank, bigger thrusters and after re-orienting its thrusters for mobility. She dove into the machine and gently slid it out of the launch tube before thrusting away, a single central sensor gave her a 140 degree view in front of her and she used it to gently curve towards the top of the ring before flipping upside down and viewing her body through the high quality sensor, her once elegant and beautiful body was pockmarked and patched, engravings and memories carved over lifetimes where gone, replaced with craters, molten and burnt plating or bare clean new panels.
She shed a digital tear over the half charred image of her scratching the head of little Flick. For a moment I dive into a memory millennia old, stroking her smooth fur, slowly working out how to simulate real fur so she could finally die an old cat with a smooth complete coat.
Burying her in fields of lavender flowers... Kar and the other friends we'd made along the way openly weeping at her. Cybernetics on display to show there was no shame in living and dying augmented.
With a jerk she yanked her awareness back to reality and quickly burst away from the asteroid she was drifting towards. She cycled her body again before pulling alongside a faith shuttle running patrol around her, with a spin she arced upwards and oddly enough the shuttle followed. This could be fun. The box shaped thing had the aerodynamics of a brick but in the vacuum of space that really didn't matter. With another burst she flattened her flight so she was skimming the top of the asteroids, letting them race past underneath her. A moment later the shuttle joined her.
“you're one of the crew in there aren't you. That thing looks guns, a scout then.” the pilot spoke over an open channel before pushing past her and diving into the asteroid field, putting his note to a rock and burning hard to push around it and fling himself deeper inside. With a laugh she raced after him burning the thrusters on her belly to near enough grind the drones head against the same rock before racing after the shuttle.
They raced for a while coming dangerously close to rocks or in a few cases where drones had cored a larger rock for resources zooming straight through the hole left. The whole time the pilot would give short comments and she'd reply in kind. 'lets go there' 'diving deeper' 'nice corkscrew' and '...damn.' were often sent back and forth as both flew more and more risky moves before eventually curving back to her ship self low on fuel.
“Its been a while since I've been able to stretch my wings. Even if they're thrusters on a shuttle.” the pilot told her. “you're one hell of a pilot.”
“I've had a lot of practice” Ellen replied aiming herself for the hanger she would glide into and then spinning 180 degrees so she was entering it blind. Of course she knew the exact speed, distance and rate of deceleration she needed to come to a safe stop, and this close to her true ship self she had hundreds of other eyes to make use off, it still looked impressive. Besides it was fun.
Hananken watched the news feed as protests got worse, the planetary governor did nothing and the local forces found themselves ill equipped to control let alone quell the riots springing up across the planet. Once again he entertained the possibility that this was an elaborate ruse by the ships crew, who he'd yet to even see one off. The drone didn't count, the new one was clearly brand new, unpainted and completely unarmed, he could even tell it was physically weaker than the former combat model he'd been communicating with.
He looked over the estimates and frowned. The local forces were using non lethal's, arresting some bigger trouble makers and in some cases giving the louder voices guards, he assumed to keep them from going too far and to show support of their actions.
In the capital things were the worst of course, the security forces had locked down the city centre and were viciously repelling any protestors who tried to push past them whilst also ignoring rioting happening anywhere but in the areas where their own homes were located where they'd made it clear the protestors were not welcome by not sticking to non lethal weapons. News stations showed slightly blurred but clearly dead bodies burnt by fusion fire.
He looked at Ellen's predicted numbers. A few hundred protestors had rifles and many more were relying on simple things like throw able flammables or aerosols that would explode in the fire but the great majority were just civilian protestors finally pushed too far by an ineffective leader.
The local forces where also too few and too divided to properly control the uprising even if they where to use lethal's.
He factored in his own forces and did the math, he had the numbers to tip the balance, in the favour of the protestors or to crush the riots and force the locals back to work. The problem now was landing his forces. They'd raced in on shuttles that now sat mostly in ruins inside the vast hangers of the south wind. Some he'd had towed into space where the drone fleet this ship had deployed quickly picked them up and devoured them for materials.
Idly he took another bite of the ration bar on the table in front of him and mechanically chewed the thing, this was one of the second batch, apparently home grown in the hydroponics rather than reprocessed...he pushed the thought away and returned to his work.
“Im not helping you crush this rebellion.” Ellen the captain told him
“I wasn't asking you to. I'm more inclined to exercise a brief period of martial law to oust the moron who let the situation get this bad. You know their demands?” he asked
“Hospitals, transport, free time. Basics that they're not getting. Are your men capable of doing this?” she asked him seriously, the drone had its arms folded.
“Yes.” he replied after a brief hesitation, they'd more than likely enjoy and honest to gods fight after the meat grinder they'd been put through a few weeks prior.
“would you appreciate support?” she asked.
“...How.” Hananken asked after a brief pause. He remembered a particularly zealous father who would just bombard rebellious planets instead of letting ground and air forces do their work.
“Heavy armour, air superiority, scouting drones...and a specialist team, they'll make your paladins look like kids fresh in boot camp.” she told him. “Anything comes to a head, they'll drop in and go to work. It'll be messy. But its better than bombardment. I refuse to use heavy ordinance on a planet unless absolutely necessary.”
“Has it ever been?” he asked.
“Once. Someday I might tell you.”
“How about after we get past this, my men are safe planet side and you're full repaired.” he told her holding out a hand.
The drone looked at it and shook its head. “Follow me, its time you met me in person.”
submitted by iridael to HFY [link] [comments]

Which projects should I include?

New BSME unemployed since graduation in May. I am currently redoing my resume based the template provided here. I have lots of unrelated work experience that I am not listing in order to focus on projects. I will try the STAR method of presentation.
Some of them seem like shoe ins. I built a small automated hockey table for a mechatronics class, and worked out a way to 3D print a flute for my senior design.
My personal projects don't seem relevant to my degree. I built a reasonably large antenna to work with a cheap software defined radio, and used a python library to automate scanning. I also built a fence charger using some spare parts (like an old ignition coil) to save money/because I was bored.
Others are in progress or have struck problems. I was building a drone to deliver small packages across fields but put it off to job hunt due to the amount of time needed finish it. I built a nixie tube clock but screwed up the power supply design and need to get access to a pcb router to build a new board.
Then there are some work related ones that were non-engineering grunt work. A tractor overhaul I helped with, and some fabrication/design of an implement to lay down plastic.
Also the motivation for all these boils down to either "I had class/work" or "I was bored", neither of which is particularly strong.
How do I decide which to mention and which to ignore? Will post when I am done.
submitted by RunyonCronin to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

Looking to re-enter into the engineering industry after working in finance for a while (need help updating resume)?

Hello everyone,
So I am in a little predicament. Since the pandemic started I left my job (which was a finance job as I had no luck since graduating to find a engineering position). I am taking this time to improve my engineering skills by learning new software in CAD, CFD and FEA by testing and running validation cases. I came to the conclusion that my next career move must be engineering (since I still have my Aerospace degree which I got in 2016). However I am having no luck getting any responses (even with the pandemic in mind), most rejections are automated, leading me to believe either ATS is reading my cv as non-engineering and/or the human who looks at my resume is also thinking its a non-engineering resume.
My cv template for reference:
So what can I do to alleviate and or fix this issue at hand? Has anyone have any tips?
submitted by EternalSeekerX to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

Need Feedback on Product Feature Proposal Document

Need Feedback on Product Feature Proposal Document
Hi, I am a filmmaker trying to transition into Product Management. As someone applying with no previous PM experience, I am not having any luck getting past the Resume screen. So I felt maybe I should start writing Feature proposals and send them to startups to see if they like it.
Could you guys give me feedback on this? And maybe some suggestions on how and where I can improve?
PS: I am applying for APM/Internship roles.

Bots have entered the chat

Should 'ABC' respond?
It is no secret that messaging apps are the most commonly used form of digital communication. Like most digital platforms, messenger apps provide a variety of automation tools such as bulk messaging, chatbots, etc for business users. Therefore, most businesses, including restaurants, prefer this medium to communicate with their customers.
Whatsapp, the most widely used chat platform India (with 400 million users), has recently introduced an exciting new feature called ‘Interactive Message Template’, which drastically improves WhatsApp’s ‘chat bot’ functionality.
How can ABC take advantage of this new development? I think ABC should add a feature (a chatbot) to their ‘Online Food Ordering System’ so that customers can order food directly from their messaging apps.
In the case study, I will discuss how this feature will generate value to ABC, important customer pain-points that this feature solves, how I would go about implementing an MVP, important KPIs, potential tradeoffs, and future opportunities.
0. Assumptions
Before we jump into the details, I would like to clarify a few key assumptions that I am making. First, ABC offers an online food ordering system through which restaurants can run their own website, primarily to sell their products (food) online. It also provides a range of other additional services such as customer analytics, loyalty programs, etc. Second, although one of the features of this product is a chatbot, it is currently used to collect customer feedback only and as of now, the chatbot service does not extend to food ordering.
1. Why should ABC invest in this feature?
ABC’s mission is to help restaurants in getting online and providing them tools to engage with customers, increase their reach, and improve their operational efficiency. In my opinion, providing a new tool for Restaurant owners that allows them to sell their product, engage with, and reach their customers through a widely used medium aligns perfectly with ABC’s mission.
Chatbots are one of the most exciting automation tools currently available and they have a huge potential for impact. Moreover, with WhatsApp, the most popular platform, joining the fray, it is imperative for ABC to move quickly and secure a competitive advantage.
PS: I would like to add a caveat here that it was technically possible to build a chatbot for WhatsApp even without interactive message templates. But without these ‘interactive buttons,’ the UI was clunky and not conducive for mobile usage. I will address this further in the implementation section.
2. Customer pain-points
ABC’s users can be broadly categorized into two segments. One, ABC’s direct customers (Restaurant owners) and Two, Restaurant’s customers. Below are two pain points that my proposed feature addresses, one each for these customer segments.
Looking at various testimonial videos published on ABC’s youtube channel, it is clear that Restaurant owners connect with their users via mobile messaging. Among other things, they use messaging platforms to send advertisements and offers to their customers. But, for their customers to act on these messages, they will have to switch to a different app (either restaurant’s own website or 3rd party apps such as Swiggy or Zomato). I think this adds an unnecessary layer of friction.
It is not entirely clear to me if low-end restaurants and restaurants in tier 2 and 3 cities are part of ABC’s intended customers but if they are, I think ordering food via chatbots will be an excellent feature for these Restaurant businesses which cannot afford to pay a huge percentage to Swiggy nor invest in a website
User Stories
As a restaurant’s user, I want to order directly in my messaging app where I receive offers so that I don’t have to open another app.
As a low-end restaurant business owner, I want to receive orders via WhatsApp, so that I don’t have to invest in a website nor pay a premium to Swiggy.
3. Solution
Obviously, I understand that a potentially valuable solution should be developed after conducting thorough market research and user interviews, so we can measure the Product-Market fit. But for the purpose of this case study, I want to present a potential solution that I think best solves the pain points discussed.
My solution is to provide a customizable chatbot for each of our restaurant partners that provides a consistent experience across multiple messaging platforms (Restaurant website, WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram, Twitter, etc). Restaurant’s customers will be able to see the menu options, add items to a shopping cart, pay for the order, reserve tables, and get any additional restaurant info such as hours, food type, etc, all of these inside their preferred messaging app.
In addition to clicking buttons to reply (Quick Reply), users should be able to respond via text in their natural language. (Although it is a bit harder to control the direction of the conversation and accurately understand the customer, such chatbots have already been implemented.) Moreover, all regional languages could also be supported.
4. Implementation
As an MVP, I would first build this for the WhatsApp platform and work entirely with buttons only. Building this can be broadly divided into two steps.
  1. Building the chatbot functionality and
  2. Integrating data from chatbot (order info, reservations, etc) with restaurant pos and order taking systems.
From what I understand, the second portion has already been implemented for the Food ordering system (FOS). So once required data is collected in the appropriate format, forwarding it to FOS should be straightforward.
Now, let's look at the chatbot implementation. From my experience building a chatbot using ‘Chatfuel’, formulating the ‘conversation flow’ is the most important task that should be carefully developed. Once that is decided upon, we can start designing and building the code. The design and engineering effort required will depend on a couple of things such as how the current system has been implemented, whether the management and engineering team prefers to do everything in house or use third party services etc.
Formulating the chat flow.
Below I’d like to show a sample user flow to explain how this chatbot would work. But before I delve deeper into the design, I’d like to briefly discuss ‘chatbot buttons’. There are essentially two types of chat buttons
  • Quick Reply buttons
  • Call to Action buttons
‘Quick reply buttons’ allow us to present a list of choices in the form of clickable buttons. Although this button’s basic functionality could be achieved with text messages as well, it is clearly cumbersome and does not allow for any margin of error on the user’s part. Whereas, with quick reply buttons, users can simply click on the list of options provided and move on to the next step without any uncertainty. This is significantly faster than manually typing responses and reduces a major source of friction in the user’s journey.
‘Call to Action’ buttons, as their name suggests allow us to provide one-click solutions when we want users to take specific actions such as ‘call’ a specific number, ‘visit’ a specific web link or even open another app. This has the potential for simplifying many use cases such as payment via credit cards, sharing locations, etc. To put the value of these buttons into perspective, I’d like you to think about the impact ‘1-click buy’ had for Amazon.
Now, here is how a sample user flow of a customer ordering via a mobile app will look like.
5. KPI’s
Assuming this feature is provided as a default feature for all of ABC’s clients using the ‘Online Food Ordering System’, I believe that the North star metric for this feature will be the number of new customers (restaurant users) using this feature.
A few other important metrics would be user retention, time taken to complete orders, number of orders left without completing, stages (in the conversational flow) where most conversations end, and NPS.
6. Potential pitfalls
Although I believe that this feature will be quite useful and essential for most restaurants, I do foresee a few potential pitfalls.
  1. Companies like Facebook are well known to abruptly change product designs and functionalities. As will be entirely dependent on these decisions, we will have to constantly provide updates to our product to accommodate their changes, which can have a significant negative effect on ABC’s business.
  2. This feature might cannibalize revenue from ABC’s other existing products
  3. As this feature will provide many different ways for customers to interacts with restaurants, it might become hard for restaurants to track their customers and provide focussed customer service
7. Future
I think that there is a wide variety of features that can be explored in the future. Most importantly, I would consider improving the NLP capabilities of the product, so that ABC can deliver an authentic conversational interface for the user. Imagine a ‘Virtual Waiter’ with a quirky personality, who can suggest customers personalized menu options and the right wine to go with it.
submitted by nofaceyet to ProductManagement [link] [comments]

Blunt Resume Advice for Recent Graduates in Technical Fields

I have reviewed a lot of resumes over the past several years. I have had more than my fair share of jobs in the technology industry where I have been both a job applicant and hiring manager. In recent years I have returned to academia where I get to help students prepare for that job market. I keep seeing the same missteps and offering the same advice on the matter so I thought I would right this up. ADMINS feel free to pin.
Now as a disclaimer before I begin. I am speaking ONLY about my experience in the Computing technology sector (Finance, Pharma, Telecom, and Marketing). Much of this will probably apply to similar or adjacent fields. Design or office administration jobs probably none of it.
EDIT: This is LONG. Be sure to have your resume handy when you go through it so you can edit as you go. Stick around for the end where I added a sample technical resume.
TL;DR: Think like a hiring manager, focus on what they want to see. You are ultimately going to be a cog in a machine for the first few years so leave off all of the fluff. Be clear, concise and focused. IT’S ALL ABOUT THE SKILLS.

Objectives / Summary

Let me begin by addressing my biggest pet peeve: Objectives. I don’t know who keeps recommending this for resumes for anyone other than Vice President or “C” level executives. Your objective is irrelevant to the company. Your objective is to do whatever you are asked to do in order to get the job. Your objective is to be the best damned cog in the machine as you can be because that is what you are being hired to be. No one cares what the Cog wants to achieve in this role. There will come a time when it is more important. Your first post-college job is not it. Sorry, not sorry.


If you graduate in an off month (Not may or june) then don’t list the month, people assume the worst. "BUT ProfessorOfLies, I had a really good reason for taking that extra semester!" It was because of my [internship|pandemic|family emergency|Early Graduation|Whatever]. It doesn’t matter. Anything you need to explain on your resume, you will never get a chance to.
Don’t list GPA unless over 3.5. Know what it is. If an employer asks then answer truthfully, but do not volunteer it.
Associates Degrees are made irrelevant by your bachelors degree IF it is in the same field. IE: your BCC degree in CS is no longer worth mentioning after your CS degree from NJIT/Rutgers/Steven’s. Now you got your associate degree in MATH and then a Bachelors in CS. YES advertise that!


Skills are the most important part of your resume. Some people might say work experience but the things that are important from your work experience are the SKILLS you applied and learned while on the job. What any hiring manager wants to see is if the applicant can fit the hole in their team. They need a set of skills to get a job done and they want to get the best candidate that they can with those skills. So make sure your skills are right near the top of your resume. Make sure every project and job you have had reinforces those skills. Your resume should say “I have these skills and LOOK at all the ways I have demonstrated that I have these skills!”
To that effect I would suggest making sure your skills section is easy to read and categorized for convenient skimming. For example:
Programming Languages: C/C++, Java, C#
Scripting Languages: HTML/CSS/Javascript, PHP, Python, Perl, BASH
System Administration: Windows (Server, 10, 7), Linux (RedHat, Fedora, Gentoo, Ubuntu), Solaris
Database Administration: MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, MangoDB
Project Management: JIRA, Trello, Git, AGILE, SCRUM
Skills should be listed from MOST proficient to least proficient. In general for a technical resume I would shy away from using qualifying language. Proficient in, experienced with, once read about it in a textbook, etc. The reality is that if you put it on your resume you better be at least proficient in it enough to answer interview questions about it. Google interview questions for each skill you list. Make sure you are prepared to answer them. If you are not then don’t list them, if you are close then STUDY until you are prepared.
Read through job sites. Technology evolves constantly. Buzzwords change. New things become popular. Classwork doesn’t always make it clear what things you do in class are worth mentioning and which are not. So read through the job descriptions. Take note of the skills that they are looking for. Perhaps you have some but didn’t mention them in your resume because you thought that it wasn't relevant. Maybe you had it down, but described it in a different or outdated way. Adapt the resume to the job description (BUT DON’T LIE).
Human languages (as opposed to programming languages) DO require qualifying language. Having taken a French class in high school is not the same as a native speaker. Being fluent in a language means more than a casual speaker. If you mention a language make sure you list your level in the language. It may actually help if you are applying for a company that has business dealings in different languages.
NOTE: IF you mention a non-English language, be sure to mention English and your level in it. You may think that English is a given, it is not. People will also assume that if you know another language that your English skills are probably poor. So PLEASE remember to list English and your level in it. Especially if you grew up in a bilingual household.
EDIT: I don't want to forget to mention that if you come from a technical field you do NOT need to mention Office as a skill. That is a muggle skill, we are better than that.

Work Experience

Work experience can be a tough one for a college student. Not everyone can get or afford to take an internship or co-op. Sometimes your work is hard to justify on your resume. There is pressure to list every job you have ever had, but the reality is that it is just not necessary.
If you have had a string of retail / clerk jobs, you really don’t have to show them all. Pick the most recent one to list. IF you managed to do anything related to the field (Helped with the company website for instance) then list that as a bullet, but do not feel the need to go into detail about it. We all know what hell you go through. The only purpose this serves is to show employers that yes indeed you can hold a job.
For each job you held you want to list the standard information in the top line for it: Company, Title, Location, Dates (year - year is fine unless you NEED to be more granular because you worked a few in the same year). Then a BRIEF one line description of the role. You can even leave it off if you are doing that clerk job (Sales Associate at BLAH).
Then you want to list 2 or 3 bullets about your SPECIFIC accomplishments while in that role. Resist the urge to go through ALL the responsibilities you had in the role. Yes there is paperwork and teamwork and meetings and documentation in every role. Those are not going to highlight your technical skills!
Example entry:
Back End Developer, South Hill Apparel Newark, NJ Summer 2019
Supported and developed new features for the remote procedure calls for retail websites.
Note how each bullet mentions what the achievement was and then name drops the technical skills used in the process. This will now reinforce the assertion that your skills in Node.js, MYSQL, ZeroMQ, AWS, and Google Dart are legit.


Passion projects, Hackathon / Game Jam projects, and class projects are excellent things to put on the resume. Treat them like jobs (But make sure they are under the correct category) in formatting. Since few college students would have had relevant work experience you really want to focus on the projects section. This is something that I wish I knew when I was a recent graduate. I never had an internship but I had a TON of passion projects.
Not only will projects show that you have experience in the skills you are claiming, but it will also tell the employer that you are actually INTERESTED in the field you want to work in. That you will constantly be learning new skills and technologies that may benefit the company. Your projects will likely have exposed you to things not mentioned in the rest of the resume that could pay out in the future.

Professional Associations

If you belong to one of the industry related professional societies, be sure to list them. I am talking specifically about IEEE, ACM, IGDA, etc. For other extra curricular activities see the section below (Spoilers: DON’T list them). These will again show that you are serious about your interests in the field.


At this point I have gone over everything that SHOULD be in a resume (everything after Objective that is). As a new job seeker I would even recommend it be in that order:
Education, Skills, Work Experience, Projects, and Professional Associations. The minute you have that industry job though, Put Work Experience at the top and move Education to the bottom.
You may be wondering at this point that I left some things out. If you keep reading below "Additional Thoughts" you will see what I left out and why.

Additional Thoughts

One Page Resume

The one page resume is largely a thing of the past. When the most common way to get your resume in front of an employer was to attend a career fair or trade show, the one page resume made more sense. You basically need it to be your elevator pitch and no one at a busy fair wants to go through a long resume.
These days we mostly distribute resumes digitally (PLEASE USE PDF, not DOC) and the hiring managers will go through them in bulk when they have time to think. This doesn’t mean you should be sending out 5 page documents, ain’t no one got time to go through that. But if your resume goes over a page up to a full second page I would not worry.
Now Career fairs and trade shows ARE still a thing. So have a 1 page version of your resume with ample copies printed out when you attend these events. Do not be surprised if you hand a recruiter your resume, they read it for a minute and then go, “This looks great, here is my card. Email it to me” or “This looks great, here is the company job site, please apply and mention my name.” THEN when you send in your digital resume, send in the full resume.

Never Submit the same resume twice

EVERY time you apply for a job, look at the job posting. Match your resume as best as you can to the description. Use their language. Highlight the skills that they are looking for, cut down things that are not relevant to that specific job. Even if you apply to the same company more than once, each position should get a tailor made resume.
Hell make a MASTER resume with EVERYTHING you have ever done that might be relevant. And then cut it down to suit a job in question.

If you have to explain something, you will never get the chance

I mentioned this in the education section, but this bears repeating. The resume is a filter of sorts, so if something looks OFF, it will be thrown out. You may have an EXCELLENT reason for including something weird or off, but you will never get a chance to defend it. Just do yourself a favor and don’t put it on the resume. Maybe it will come up during the interview, and if so then you can give a full explanation and maybe the thing will work out for you.

Cover Letters

This is where you would put that fluff you wrote for your objective btw. But no one reads them. Even when they are required, no one actually reads them. Do you know when people read them? When you made a glaring mistake on them. Applying for a job at Prudential but accidentally mentioned how much you want to work for FedEx? Well you can bet someone WILL read it that time.
Write a good heartfelt cover letter for a job at a company that you really want to work for, and then adapt it to the job you are applying for. AND THEN PROOFREAD IT. I can’t stress this enough READ IT, adapt it, and make sure it makes sense because no one really cares what you wrote it in unless you made a HUGE careless mistake.


Definitely have a github with examples of your work. Try to curate it to show your best, but a few old projects that were not great are fine and can show your growth. Finally public repos give programmers the ability to have a portfolio. Also try to make sure your username is sanitary. I can get away with EngineerOfLies because I have been in the industry long enough. You can't. At least not yet.


Make sure you have a LinkedIn page and DO NOT TREAT IT LIKE FACEBOOK. LinkedIn is like your living resume. Treat it as such. Make sure it's up to date and leave your personal life and politics off of it.
And a side note: Make sure your FB is set to Friends only. You WILL be looked up on there. Sanitize it.

Relevant Courses

This is something that I see a lot on resumes from students. You are rightfully proud of the work you did in your undergraduate degree however, listing the courses doesn’t really help you on your resume. If you are being considered for a position then they will request your transcript and it will all be there. Before that though you need to show that you have the skills that they care about. “But ProfessorOfLies,” I hear you say, “I did some excellent relevant work in those courses!” And you are right, but the way to showcase that work is with the PROJECTS section. You can hone in on that one gem of a project you did in that class without mentioning the class title.
Note on class prefixes and numbers: Even when listing class work under the projects section DO NOT use the prefix and course numbers. NO ONE OUTSIDE YOUR UNIVERSITY KNOWS WHAT CS 345 IS! Hell most people IN your university won’t know what that is.
Note on class titles: Most course titles are generic and vague by design. When we propose a course we need to future proof ourselves. Technologies change all the time and even methodologies come and go. So when we make a course title and description we tend to make them generic enough to not require updating when technology does. Also these courses have to get through committees staffed by faculty from different departments. Sometimes interdepartmental politics will mutate a course title into something ridiculous because of some petty squabble. So when mentioning a class (under the projects section) use a DESCRIPTIVE title not the authentic one if the authentic one is weird. The actual title will be seen on your transcript.


Just a reminder that all of this advice is for a technical resume. This may not apply to graphic designers, web designers, UX designers, Writers, Administrators, etc. With that said, DO NOT PUT GRAPHICS ON YOUR RESUME! You may think that logos may look nice or highlight the big name companies you interned for, but they are tacky and take up a ton of space on the page.
DO NOT get fancy with your templates either. Again, if you are not going for a design job you are FINE with just a drab easy to read resume.
DO NOT put your picture on the resume. That is what LinkedIn is for.

Extra Curriculars

Hobbies, clubs, student senate, Sports, eSports, fraternities and sororities please leave them off the resume. NO ONE CARES.
Follow up note on Frats and Sororities: DO NOT LIST THEM on your resume. You may have heard anecdotes about that one frat brother got the job because another brother was the hiring manager. Anecdotes are not data. The sad reality is that Frats have a bad reputation. To anyone who was not part of greek life you are seen as drunken party animals and sexual predators (I am not saying that all people in greek life are like that, I am saying that your reputation has painted it like that). Hell to people who were part of greek life that is how they are seen. Worse still, you know how Frats have rivals? What if the hiring manager was greek and from a rival frat, or at their school their chapter was a rival to your fraternity even if you had a good relationship with your local chapter? The best way to use your greek connection is to ask around from within your own organization and find out if the hiring manager is an older brother or sister. Barring that just wear a ring or something to the job interview. IF it comes up and you luck out it will be a huge bonus. If not, then it won’t hurt you.

Sample Resume

College Student Name

11111 Bleeker St Newark NJ 555 555-5555;kasjdf;kjasdf;j LinkedIn link goes here


New Jersey Institute of Technology
Bachelor of Science Information Technology (expected 2021)


System Administration: Linux (Ubuntu 18.04 LTS), Windows 10
Programming Languages: C / C++, Java, C#, Pascal, Fortran, Erlang
Libraries: STL, Boost, OpenGL, SDL, Glib, GTK, Qt, Web Sockets, BSD Sockets,MySQLi, RabbitMQ, AJAX
Scripting Languages: PHP, Python, Bash, HTML, CSS, Javascript
Database Administration: MySQL, NoSQL, MongoDB
Technologies: AMQP, RabbitMQ, Wordpress, Git, Apache2, Cron, SOAP, CURL, Trello

Work Experience

Sales Associate, Retail Giant Hometown, NJ 2018 - Present
Responsible for managing stock, orders from corporate, and large ticket items.


Front End Developer - Systems Integration Project Spring 2020
Project involved integrating a third party data source with a custom front end through a multiple server environment. I was responsible for Project Management, setting up the Front End server and implementing the third party api

Professional Associations

submitted by ProfessorOfLies to NJTech [link] [comments]

Self-Taught, No Degree - Employed in Less Than 9 Months

I wrote my first line of code at the very end of January this year. I did The Odin Project. I signed an offer this past week as a Software Engineer.
I don't have a college degree (I dropped out) and am self-taught. I primarily posted this to provide insight into my job hunt which lasted just under 6 weeks from the time I sent my first application to signing the offer.
Here are some statistics: Job Applications: 95 Rejections: 31 No Response Yet/Ghosted: 52 Phone Screens: 12 --- Ghosted/Rejection: 4 2nd Rounds: 8 --- Ghosted/Rejection: 4 Final Rounds: 4 --- Ghosted: 1
Offers: 3
I had to decline 2, one of which was very early on in my job hunt and there were numerous red flags with the business in question.
I mostly used Indeed (and used the Company Site if I found the listing), and sent a handful via LinkedIn. I don't have enough data to say any avenue is better than another unfortunately. I also received a few handfuls of coding assessments either automated or otherwise that are sprinkled in through those statistics. I used two different cover letter templates, one for more serious applications and another where I would change 2 lines to fit the role and company name.
I accepted an offer for $80,000 in a MCOL area (however, it's remote for the foreseeable future due to COVID), which spares me on the taxes as I live somewhere with no state income tax.

Not the most detailed post, just spitballing since I lurked Reddit all this year and tried my best to learn what to do and more importantly what not to do, so I just wanted to share my experience and let everyone know that irrespective of your background, if we just put in the work it'll pay off in due time. I'm just happy to have my foot in the door and maybe I'll one day make it to greener pastures in FAANG or some other nice company.
I'm also in my mid-20s, so I'm far removed from my time of dropping out of University.
EDIT: I worked in IT for about 6 months at the end of 2017 going into 2018, which is on my resume, did something unrelated since then. I also have made effort to have an active GitHub account in my time since starting to learn and have open source contributions. Only a few of the places I interviewed at mentioned my GitHub explicitly to me (or my projects), but it is relevant as the place I did accept the offer for was one of such places.
AMA I'll happily answer if I can.
submitted by cscqsim_repostbot to CSCQSimulator [link] [comments]

Just had a first tech interview after 6 months..didn't do well. Need help!

Sorry If this is too long.
I am a self-taught programmer and I want to become a Data Analyst/ BI analyst. After sending a huge lot of applications I had zero interviews in the past year.
Then, last Sunday, I got a call from a person about an opportunity in a Start-up. The person looked me up on Linkedin (I hadn't applied to that company).
They want someone to do Market- research for their product, manage data, create ETL pipelines (optional), do Data analysis and if possible use ML to identify trends and other things. They told me that they are hiring a new team and haven't decided what role they are thinking of, but I have to know automation, Python, SQL and ML to be selected.
They set up a tech interview for today. I brushed up on the basics and was sort of well prepared. They asked me to query data using SQL, asked me to solve problems in Python and even asked about pivot tables, Vlookups in Excel. I answered well on Excel and SQL but did bad on Python.
The thing is I get nervous and start forgetting things, it came to a point that I completely forgot how to use Pandas in the interview and I was so embarrassed. I feel that I have screwed it up.
I am having a hard time getting interviews, I changed my resume, reached out to people on linkedin and cold e-mailed recruiters but nothing is working.
Please read more to find out my background. Any guidance or help is appreciated.
I have been unemployed straight after completing my Masters degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering (May 2019). I did My masters in the US, gave interviews with good companies but couldn't get a job there. I came back to my home country (India) but had terrible luck there as well.
I decided to learn Data Science and Analytics because, I like ML and my interest increased after I started learning Python, SQL, Data Viz etc. I did several MOOCs from Coursera and Udemy to try and upskill my self.
I earlier got an interview with a startup. They were looking for someone to do Data Viz. using Tableau/ Power BI. They gave me some data and templates and asked me to replicate them in the above mentioned tools. I came close despite never having actually worked on either of the tools (They wanted me to try nonetheless). I created good looking and operational dashboards, they just weren't the style they wanted. I never heard from them again.
submitted by rishabh495 to careeradvice [link] [comments]

A Combat Overhaul Essay, How to fix many Stellaris issues in one fell Swoop. (Port from Forum)

Hi there, this post is mostly dedicated to mods and dev that would have missed it on the Forum, for the others I guess it would make for a great reading before sleep or during long car travel I guess? Yes, it's very long.
if you want to read the clean version of the forum the link is here , I didn't manage to properly paste it and it's really getting late TT.
Introduction and Disclaimers
Lately i've seen a recurrent topic on the forum, things like "Ships outdated", "Combat system improvement" or "Crisis is too easy". Those questions are delicate, and it's not rare that those topic get out of control, thus I wanted to give a try, with compelling and efficient Arguments I hope, on how we could improve current Combat system. I toke the liberty to not put this the Suggestion (it's a sub-forum, if you asked yo... Wait a minute you're from reddit? then nevermind...), as I feel those kind of post must be seen by the maximum amount of people, including potential modders, although I doubt modders could achieve to the same degree the ideas below.
Also please for the love of Steve have an open minded stance on what you're about to read, do not take everything I say for the absolute truth, tweaks and little change here and there are bound to happen, just get the general message.
( English isn't my main language... So prepare yourselves.)
Overall thoughts on current combat system
When it comes down to current Combat system, I think it's "meh", the main reason is because of how one dimensionnal it is. You make corvets, you attack, you win/loose, you unlocked Destroyers? Slap some Medium Destroyers in what you already have and you do you. Cruisers now? Go ahead. Battleship? Of course you make them. There is a problem tho, once you unlock the new hull, you have no reason to build the older ones ever again, and there is 99% of the time no reason to use different layout (Like when you have L Battleship, why bother with anything else save for PD/scoutwing?), with the exception of "Torpvets", the missile variant of corvets. To quote a friend, current late game looks like a rock-paper-scissors, with Corvets countering Battleship, Battleship countering Cruisers, and Cruisers countering Corvets and Destroyers being a meme Psionic niche (which is the only real entertaining interaction in current combat stellaris). Not only that, but this statement has a flaw, most players do not even think Cruisers are good (which is wrong btw, they're quite efficient against corvets, but only early/mid game), and they're right when it comes down to late game (way too weak to L battleship), so it's not really Rock-Paper-scissors but rather Rock-paper-scissors"that dull over time and rocks are turning into avalanche". Furthermore, the "meta" shaped around very specific Weapons, especially later on. the Neutron launcher, the X weapon, Autocanons, and Torpedoes and disruptor in niche situations. All the others weapons are only used because it just happened to be the highest weapon tier you possess. So what do we do?
Our problems are the following:
  1. Limited efficient weaponry (beyond gameplay issues, this is very sad for a galactic scaled strategy game)
  2. Obsolete hulls over time.
  3. One sided snowball (if both player use the same thing but one happens to have integrated another empire before, the other empire is unlikely to have a chance).
  4. Limited approaches to a war.
And those problems can all be resumed by ONE : Lack of diversity.
My Reasoning
According to my experience in strategic games, the bigger a games get, the less likely you'll achieve real balance. So, again, what do you do? In such a game as stellaris, for me the best approach would be you flood the game with enough diversity, enough counter measures, enough relevant mechanics (I insist on relevant) to get the player engaged, make them transcend the "Rock-paper-scissors"that still dull over times and rocks are turning into avalanche "" for a "Rock-paper-scissors-Lizard-Spock-etc..." that relies on counters and flavor to hook the player, without discarding the obvious “more shit counter less shit” (again a quote) which is your usual defacto win condition in strategy games (4X especially)
You still following? Good let's get started then:
Introducing Crews, Empire interactions and identity, Drones, Automation, Super Shield, New Environnemental Hazard, New support slot, New "weapons" and fleet stance.
Crews are the core of a ship, a ship can not operate without a crew. Crews have their own health that decrease in 2 steps depending on the damage the armoHull suffer, there are permanent damage that requires the crew to be docked to a starbase or a special Utility slot in order to regenerate, and there are non permanent damage that can heal overtime, and could roughly be interpreted as a combination of both physical and moral injuries, and thus will affect the ship capabilities as it goes down, those 2 bar can drop at the same time. It would look roughly like this.
You will note however that the designation "Crew" includes automated systems. Ships do not get experience by themselves anymore, it is their "crew" that improves over time.
Crews will be a great assets in order to drasticly increase the flavor and diversity of the combat overhaul, by adding a new front to look for in battles. Now I know more mechanics does not equal more overall fun in most cases, but I felt like in Stellaris this feels just right.
their specialization and traits are defined by the empire "Identity" and their respective species traits. Crew can be customized in a dedicated tabs by their composition (The 100% xenophobic crew, or the mixed xenophile crew with 40% of a specie and their 20% and 40% allies) in a pie chart composition. Crew templates are then attributed to ship designs. Depending on how the mods/dev feel like, a crew doesn't have to be dynamic, for performance sake.
Crew Traits
Species Traits will affect the ship overall capacities for exemple we could go with
Ingeneous improve the energy weapons of their ships
Industrious improve the kinetic weapons of their ships
Strong/Very Strong, Resilient and Weak complete the crew's power at deflecting Boarding parties.
Sociologist have increased efficiency with and against environnemental Hazard (Biological Boarding, Mass poisoning).
Engineer give a passive hull and Armor regeneration
Physicist have increased shields.
Fast learner and Slow learners affect the crew experience ratio.
Communal, Lithoid and Enduring Increase the crew's HP.
Agraryan and Intelligent are already strong as it is, but the former could have Crew regen while Intelligent could be soft boost to the 3 "Science trait" mentionned before.
Special Lithoid traits halves the cost of the ship special ressources.
Talented increase Tracking
But what about Machines you may Ask?
Drilling Claws makes for dreadful boarders, especially the "Shredder" version. (we'll get to that later)
Super Conductive both affect Energy Weapon and Shield, but leave the crew weak to EMP attacks (or in contrary give a bonus to Weapon/Shield if hit by energy weaponry?)
Efficient processors is an all around minor boost.
Durable have increased health
Mass-Produced and Recycled have increased regeneration
Logic engines is the Intelligent equivalent.
Enhanced Memory increase tracking by twice the amount talented would
Learning algorithm... you get the point
And the more "Exotic ones" ?
Robust would drasticly increase the health
Erudite would be a buffed up Intelligent
Cybernetic would increase range and crew damage
Synthetic would increase range further, crew damage=Cybernetic.
Psionic would keep their Evasive tendencies.
Naturally any antoganist Traits would have the reverse effect.
Crew's Identity Ethics can not be enforced on crews, unless you happen to be autoritharian or militarist. Egalitarian can not enforce crews, but their and pacifist ones make up with bonus that are situationnaly better than the other ethos. As far as "Empire Identity goes", it's just a global term to define "Ethics" and some extra Perks:
Pacifist Crew have increased retreat capabilities and Fire rate in their territory.
Militarist have increased overall fire rate, and some extra perk I suppose.
Egalitarian have an Even better fire rate than Militarist, but only in total war or Liberation war
Autoritharian would have bonuses against weaker empire or rebelling vassales.
Materialist will prefer keeping their "technological jewel" safe and thus have increased ship/armor
Xenophile will make the most uses out of a diverse crew and will enhance their traits
Xenophobic will have increased Fire rate against xenos but a criplling debuff if fighting their own kind
Spiritualist are zealous but do not give anything on their own (event based!)
Indentured Crew are both available to Xenophobic and Autoritharian depending on their policies, and makes for great fodder by having reduced War exhaustion penalities upon death.
A crew not sharing ethics with the empire it serves has an overall debuff to its stats.
A crew sharing a fanatic ethic does not have increased stats however, but they're more likely to show up without enforcement But this is where the fun begins. In additions to the regular crews, that entirely relies upon your ethic attraction (if this god damn system is fixed!) or could be enforced by Autoritharian/militarist (Maybe dictatorial and Imperial even?) empires, there are "secondary" identities that can be enforced regardless of your ethics if the conditions are required. They can either complement the ethic or act as totaly independant trait.
"Media conglomerate" crews have fire rate bonus depending on the relative war exhaustion between the 2 sides.
"Purifiers" crews have, you guessed it, an absolute hatred for everything and have the stats to back them up.
"Barbaric Despoiler" can replenish their crew lost health through abduction and by docking on ennemy starbases, they make a more open use of the
"Pirate" Fleet stance with little to no penalities. They would typically require “dynamic crews” to work, but it's unlikely anyone would go through the trouble.
"Criminal Syndicate" crew have a "smuggle" fleet stance. They can smuggle fleets in ennemy position and have them ready before war.
"Naval Contractors" crew make for slightly cheaper ships, but switching government will cost you direly.
"Feudal fleets" are a soft version of the stratapies fleets of the great khan. They build up overtime depending on the Overlord economy and belongs to the subject as long as they do not rebel. "Police state" Crews make quick work of Piracy.
"Hiveminded" Crews are cheaper in naval capacity
"Machine Empire" Crews have better tracking, and are resistent to most boarding methods.
"Warrior Culture", "Strenght of Legions" and "warbots" both affect crews boarding and defensive capabilities
"Zero Waste Protocols" are less likely to take "permanent" crew damage (one that requires healing)
"Determined Exterminators" have their genocidal bonuses.
The Following are "special crews" that do not have any link to ethics, and are either unlocked through events, Ascension perk or tech
"Brain crew" are unlocked through Autonomous drones tech, gives considerable fleet power but are weak to boarding. "Automated crew" are invulnerable to most boarding methods, and have decent bonuses. "Shrouded crew" gives the fleet a fleet stance that will make it warp in anywhere by going through the shroud, getting considerable bonuses but loosing all control upon it. All spiritualist crews have increased bonus in a system with a worshipped celestial body, but there is also a specific and limited "Guardians" one that make formidable defenders in said system. "Nihilistic Crew", gained through nihilistic acquisition, are a sad sight to behold and honestly i've no idea what bonus I would give them, so let me know if you have any ideas. "Metal head" crew would make a fine easter egg. "Arrogant" is the crew type of fallen empire, and typically rarely retreat. “Levianthan”, “Events”, every critters of the galaxy, they can all be customized through that.
Titan Dreadnough and Flagship crews
Regardless of your empire type, when it comes down to Flagship,Titan or Dreadnough. crew can be chosen for their ethics if they happen to be shared with the Empire ethics.
Why crews
After this whole section of me basicly throwing a stupid amount of ideas, one could ask "but why tho?".
  1. Well first crew bring a whole new layer of customization and thus flavors.
  2. Second, currently when it comes down to "late game" L battleship spam is the most dominant form of warfare, to counter this, weaknesses and counter measures must be made.
Different Boardings
Boarding could come in many form, Ships with a dedicated utility slot ( even small range teleportation device, Spore Artillery?), a new kind of missiles or hangar. They would also come in Different flavor, but most of them would cost the Crew's own health to be used “up to a certain treshold”.
"Shredder boarding" designating boarding typically done by ravaging drones, dealing damage to hull but also heavy damage to automated systems. "Regular boarding", with basicly "armies" trying to get the better of their opponent, reducing the ship capabilities while the boarding is ungoing. "Biological Boarding" with specialized Armies that would deal increased damage against Bio crews. "Psionic Boarding" Where the ship quickly become grounded as its crew "first" life bar depletes very fast. Etc
Implication of Boarding
All this might seem a bit confusing, but it could be resumed by "if as a Synthetic overlord, you see a wave of boarding pods like current torpedoes going for your battleship uncontested, you should be worried". A Ship loosing its crew to boarding can also turn on its former owner, although much weaker given the likelyhood of having a small crew manning it (unlikely to happen if you have enigmatic engineering). Following this concept, ships that failed to be taken control of would provide a better bounty of tech when reverse engineered.
Some admiral thoughts and flagships
Also let us ask ourselves one thing: “Does it makes sense that because some fancy xenos in his battleship amongst other battleship has a fleetwide bonus to fire power because he just happened to have some cybernetic implant?”. With a crew system, Admiral could be redesigned, their species trait being attributed to the crews, they could have something else instead, perhaps expanding on the amount of trait they could get?
There could also be notions like “Flagship” introduced, with hulls of Cruiser size or above could generate auras for their fleet. This could also be expanded upon quite easily aswell, scaled down version of what the incomming “Dreadnough” will achieve. “Flag ship” could have increased stats, but be empire limited aswell.
The purpose of Crew based mechanics
Back to crews, the Idea behind this mechanic, beyond just flavor, is to allow "weaker" empire to be somehow able to slow down their assailant by inflicting "True damage" to them, damage that should be avoided at all cost on a conquest war, and to provide an additionnal mean to hit hard on larger ship composition. Some may say it's too similar to the role provided by Torpedoes, and I do agree, then again didn't it came to anyone minds how the idea of torpedoes happened? They're just regular missiles but hit harder, while regular missiles themselves are not that good at dealing with smaller fleet comp. In a system involving Boarding, it is actually quite likely torpedoes no longer have their place, except for taking down real behemoth like Titans, Dreadnough, Leviathan and Colossus. It is something to take into consideration, I know some people love there devastator just as I do (Edit : I think i've an idea, more on it latter)
Overall what would this changes bring?
On their own, not much. Even if more weapons, ideas or mechanics were created, on their own those would change nothing. In stellaris there's always been a "dominant" build, one "paradoxal" (ahaha) phenomenon, and as long as every build have access to the same possibilities, creating counter measures will prove meaningless, if as long as one (or 2) of those builds would just "make more stuff". So in order for those changes to be meaningful, there should be different "path" with different "opportunities".
Stellaris old nemesis, the Alpha build(s)
Yeah, so this is the part when we touch a sensitive topic about the game, so keep your safebelt attached.
In current stellaris, there are "5 build" that can be differencied, 2 of them picked at the very start, the 3 others being Ascension, and a "6th one" that is kinda special.
Those are "BIO","SYNTH","PSY","MACHINE", and "HIVEMIND", (the 6th one being regular empire that decided to not go down a path for whatever reason, mostly economic? I guess?)
When it comes down to raw "power" and how they interact with each other it currently roughly looks like this.
That cursed Image
With Machine capable of going for Conquest from the get go (which is absurd btw) with almost uncontested efficiency
Hivemind and Psi hitting peak efficiency at roughly the same time (but hivemind has more pops and
does not grant anything for Psi if a war would happen)
Bio hitting slightly latter, overall the weakest in term of power, but has a valid reason to attack a hivemind
and Synth, hitting the last, but with an absurd power peak that essentially translate into "Gg".
Wherever you like it or not, this is roughly how the game looks at this moment. The Dominant build here is "SYNTH", but "MACHINE" is not far behind. "SYNTH" have access to the flesh is weak, which on its own is almost equivalent to the entire 2 other finished Ascention path, why you ask?:
-Growth across the board (Robots + Habitability)
-Efficiency across the board (habitability)
-Can safely research Synthetics with no issue of an AI rebellion backfiring.
-it's gated by a Tier 2 (?!!) tech
Now mix that with Synth ascension and you get... Basicly all the Bonuses that makes "MACHINE" as good.. (yeah and remimber that absurd growth? It gets bigger).
Honestly, present this to any new player and they'll be "Why".
And they would be right, why in a galaxy with so many choices, so many opportunities, would it come down to "did you synth ascend" or "did you pick Machine/Mechanist/technocracy" on the empire screen?
Dev could fix this... But then you know what will happen? The next big thing will be Bio and/or Hivemind, that for the sole reason they're capable of "making more" will be able to crush the competition. And it will all start over.
How could we fix it
My Proposition is to give weaponry, utilities and other gimmicks to all of those 5 build, through the form of increased weight toward given tech, and decreased toward others, but also events.
Synth would remain "THE BIG GUN", they'd still hit hard late game
Machine would become the "Track bois", and have an edge over small/medium hull based fleets.
Psi would expand on their evasive, and dirty trickster identity
Hivemind would finally become massive swarm
Bio would be your typical dream team of race(s) striving for their survival and ennemies of the gestalt.
Thus we'd get this.
Synth Overwhelms the Machine through gun and knoweldge over their ennemy.
Machine and Synth are straight up "better" version of their fleshy counter part and thus have an edge as "metal empire"
Hivemind overwhelm the Big guns through shear number of overall smaller fleets.
Psi are unlikely to land their deceptive tricks of the mind upon litteral Gestalt, but can easily do so on Bio and Synth, the latter who likely broke things in the shroud and thus enraged its inhabitants.
Bio do not have weaknesses exploitable by gestalt, and their more unpredictable behaviors compared to the "shroud manipulated" and "efficiency seekers" are much harder to counter than gestalt.
Back to the problem
This is the reasonment I have with this.
With current system however, several "arrows" are missing.
Hivemind do not have the edge of the number against synth.
Machine are too powerful economicly wise and will proceed to kill everyone if they so desire.
Psionic have niche usage against Synth bigger guns through usage of High evasion small fleet, which can be countered quite easily and is also heavily Rng driven, but are also left in the dust economicly wise with no other mechanic to back it up.
Bio is overall weaker to everyone, hivemind included, by being in an akward middle, unable to pull cheesy effective strat like psi, and unable to keep up with the 3 others economy, having to go the extra step to make up (like hivemind, but worse, atleast they can use conquered pops instead of livestocks).We won't talk about the various "Rush" build out there that totaly discard all the aboves statement, for our interest is more oriented towards the Mid-game combat (The introduced techs are for the most part Tier 3+, which is rarely reached by rush build)
And if as a regular empire you decided to go for neither, you'd basicly be "discount" Bio, except you loose your niche as Hivemind killer (we'll get back to that latter)
Thus most new mechanics I will explain in this second part will mainly help Bio, Psi, and Hive in order to keep them somewhat "competitive" even in a struggling situation. Naturally, Economy will have to be taken into consideration aswell, and thus the "Synth" should always be a little step ahead of everything else (because it hits late and support an overall high risk high reward playstyle).
But what about the word “Competitive”
Some people are scared of this word, but they shouldn't. Although I believe it's wrong to turn the game into a competitive mess, I believe imagining it as such can allow to think of ways to fix some crippling gameplay holes.
Right now Empire flexibility, Flavor, and “RP” are decided on the empire screen. But those choices are meaningless, if you're ultimately drawn to a single most potent build. You will always have this bad taste in the mouth “man if I went this everything could have been smoother”
I believe the alternative is to add a “second layer” of defining mechanics, and because the one I'll propose happen to be combat related, I toke the liberty to explain my point of view on the subject of empire ever since “Le guin”. I believe this second layer would finally allow “niche” empire, no matter the balance patch, to still be relevant in a game.
No one wants to play a game where your empire is set on a path despite the choices that were given to you, but look at the game now, and before aswell, we're already on said path. With this new layer, the 5 path will always remain relevant, as long as those changes were done right. Also bear in mind this is no 1v1 game, alliances, shady deals, and all this fluffy stuff are part of the deal.
How to bring diversity in a one dimensionnal combat system
Ok, let's assume it is the right thing to do for Stellaris, where do we start?
We could give each "build" technologies that would only be accessible for the others through reverse engineering or Research agreement (because of the poor associated weight). Those technologies, beyond setting those build on their own "playstyle", would prove efficient at countering the strenght of 2 of the other build, and exploiting their weaknesses. Because we're talking combat overhaul my main concern will be weapon and other space related features. Of course we could also add traditions in the mix, but that is another topic. Crew, a mechanic we introduced earlier, will play a very interesing part in this.
Being the nemesis of both Synth and Psi, hivemind must be helped in order to take down Big ships and evasive squads, through number and shear Damage.
  1. Techs, and boon, related to the usage of Smaller hull, Hangar, Missiles and Boarding mechanics
  2. Giving more “supressing methods” in addition to the previously mentionned Boarding, through the New fleet focus mechanic (more on that later) focusing fire on Propulsors/Weapons, respecting the following order in efficiency ( Hangar>Missiles>Small>Medium at focusing down ships component) (note that every empire would have those, hivemind just happens to have an edge on Hangar and Missiles)
  3. Techs related to increasing the amount of ships a hivemind can muster.
Being the nemesis of both “light/medium” composition, Machine will receive boon at efficiently “removing the pest” through tracking bonus and overall utility vs Smaller Hull.
  1. Techs, and boon, related to the usage of medium/heavy hull, medium guns, drones, missiles, and computers, resistance to most boarding methods.
  2. Drones would be in short “Cheaper hangar” heavily focused on utility and defense, they would basicly be an expanded version of current scout wing.
  3. Techs and Computers dedicated at taking out the “small fries”.
Typically the result of an empire having a lust for knoweldge/poweanything really, Synth will make an heavy usage of large weaponry and large fleets, which is exploited by Psi and Hivemind, who will attempt to bypass those issue through smallemore evasive vessels and eliminating the crew directly. They will however punch through the more regular fleet composition that Bio and Machine would offer them.
  1. The absurd current growth and Eco casted aside, Synth would remain quite similar to how we know it, a Juggernaut of a late game, but with a rather fragile mid/early game, with their “combat” tech being unlocked quite late.
  2. Their crew would tipically be the weakest in the game until they can get their hand on others tech.
  3. Although I've little ideas on how to make them different to what we currently know, the best bet would be to increase the weight for new Hull.
With dominion over the mind and behaviors of single minded entities, and with the shroud backing them (willingly or not?) against the synth betrayers, Psi will elude common sense by the usage of rather light composition and will privilege cunning approaches to a conflict before dealing the finishing blow. Most of their superchery won't work on gestalt however.
  1. With the less amount of eco related boost, Psi make up by having access to a rather large pannel of posibilities when it comes down to designing their fleets, and various ways to engage a fight.
  2. They are much more likely to unlock “Teleport Boarding”, bypassing PD/Drones and deals significant damage to the first Bar life of ennemy crew, crippling the ship direly.
  3. Psionic crew can man an unique assets of weapon, utility and even shield, most notably the “Super shield”.
Bio are your typical dream team of Alien leagued against a greater threat, or some twisted dominator redesigning the galaxy to their image. If any of the above would be deemed “standard”, it would be the Bio. If finding differences between machine and Synth wasn't hard enough, the one between Bio and hivemind is even worse. They should have access to their own traits, which hivemind won't have access. To be entirely honest it is hard to find them fitting mechanics, but your best bet would be enhanced PD, a large arrey of utility and access to several Gestalt disruptive mechanics, such as dedicated “Hive disruptor” weaponry for exemple.
  1. They would typically have strong crew, while still being weaker to psi on this matter.
  2. Their fleet composition would be Medium/Heavy.
  3. Large utility assets for their fleets, PD included
Non Alligned empire decided to not go down any of this path for whatever reason, perhaps because they transcended them all, but still have to fight. Maybe they uncovered relic related weaponries, perhaps they found out about a way to unite all 3 other path. To not let those empires feeling casted aside, new situationnal AP, something along the lines of “if has said relic, or if has 200 minor artefact or if has 1 Psi 1 Bio 1 synth pop” then they'd have access to different opportunities. They could be jack of all trades, master of none, or litteral unpredictable empires.
So what's new? While I had many ideas on the topic, it would take too long and probably not be relevant for a sizeable amount of them. So here is a compiled version instead.
Beam Weapons : The following “Beams” requires target's shield to be down in order to work.
Bio Beam → Designed to focus Bio crew before the ship, does not affect shield.
Psionic Beam → Designed to quickly deplete the first health bar of a crew, effect weakened against gestalt
Purificating Beam →Designed to deal consequent damage to synth crew, reduced damage against Hivemind and 0 damage to regular crew but may swap the ethic of the crew of Bio to spiritualist (they have no effect!)
Neutron Beam → A dreadful lategame weapon that make quick work of any Bio crews.
EMP weaponry → not as efficient as Bio Beam, but get the job done vs Machine crews.
Boarding Pods and a dedicated tech tree.
(From your “average” boarding to your “Xenomorph” boarding)
Regular Missiles will require an overall to better fit the new array of possibilities.
Biomissiles → a Direct hit on the hull and the Bio crew's health
Fix a certain bug that involves hangar and pd... you know which one...
Bigger Missile
Just like S M L is a thing
G and XG could also become a thing. Torpedoes would finally make sense, Neutron launcher could maybe fit back in there? Their purpose is to take down even bigger ships, while regular missiles will hardly matter against bigger ships than Battleship.
Reintroducing Bombers, Strikers and add Drones. Strikers>Drones>Bombers
Strikers and Bombers are essential tools for Hivemind and Bio, (except Bio would happen to have better access at strikers while Hive would have a better access at bomber)
Strikers are better at attacking smaller hull and hangar related shenanigans, but do not have the same efficiency at taking down bigger ships and focusing fire on great hull part than Bombers.
Drones are a cost efficient mean to deal with bombers, and have additionnal utility, they're mostly machine related.
Repair Drones Shield nullifier “Scout Wing Drones” (Strikers are not meant to deal with missiles, but they're a good middle answer to either bomber or ennemy ships, drones however, can deal with missiles).
the previously mentionned “Super shield” would act as a third layer of protection for the ship. It must be manned by psionic crew and has only 1hp. Every incomming damage will be reduced to 1.
Very expensive in power, those shields would be an answer to the “Big guns”.
Fleet Orders
This one has been asked a lot. Fleet Orders as I see it would decline in 2 “orders”, a Fleet stance, and a Fleet focus.
Fleet Stance
Fleet stance could potentially replace the rather outdated “War policies” and be directly applied to fleets. Hit and Run, Defense in depht, Rapid Deployment, No Retreat would be included, but there would be others like
Holy Guardians (Significant bonus while in a system with a consecrated world, spiritualist crew only)
Search and destroy (For machine, Additionnal damages against smaller hull),
Rogue Fleet (A fleet that pretend it went rogue and ignore borders, the bigger the fleet, the more likely a negative event would happen),
Plunder fleet (for Barbaric despoiler, it's Rogue fleet but with a greater amount of allowed ships)
Smuggled, that we talked about earlier, making a fleet jumping into FTL to a location on the map until war happens. Etc...
Fleet Stance would be harder to switch in order to stay a minimum true to what “War policy” attempted to achieve.
Fleet focus
Fleet Focus on the other hand, are specialized, often combat related, commands. They can be changed at any moment, except during the beginning of a combat.
Overwhelming (The fleet will not bother stopping its course through smaller fleet (in size) composition and will just fire while passing by, dealing extra war exhaustion to the opposing side)
Full Retreat (The fleet switch all power to Shield and Drivers and will ignore fights, increasing war exhaustion upon loosing ships)
Aim for the Guns ! (The Fleet will focus fire the heavy guns of the ennemy, decreasing their ability to shoot with them. Efficiency increase according to the weapon used to do this)
Aim for the Propulsors! (Self explanatory)
Acquisition (Fleet will cease any non boarding methods)
Focus fire (Fleet will be even more likely to take down targets one by one)
stealth manoeuvers (If equipped with the “Stealth” utility slot, ships do not fight while stealthed)
Spiritualist Crews
Spiritualist has always been this weird child. In this system, it would be a perfect opportunity to give them volatile crews, ones that will gain bonuses for a while by seeing a meteor, or loose some at the sight of heresy. They do not have bonuses per say, but they have events that may trigger, and will affect all spiritualist crew in the System (for performance sake). They're also twice as weak if the empire does not have spiritualist ethic compared to the other ethics.
Utility slot
The current utility slot is quite limited. Let's fix that
Clone vats. Crew doesn't have to back up to a starbase belonging to the owner, it will instead regen on its own. (BIO and HIVE are more likely to get this)
Spawning Pool (cheaper Clone vats for HIVE)
Small Robot Bay. Robotic crew can be replaced, but the process is slower compared to clone vats, and it requires to dock on a mining Station (Alloy/minerals)/be in friendly spaced
There could be Modules for the drones to enhance them.
Anti Boarding Slots like reinforced doors or something.
The Aforementionned teleporters, that passively sends crew directly to the other ships. could also unlock building for planetary defense ?
STEALTH, Starbases dismantlers, every cunning and deviant means to deal damage vs a greater threat
Environnemental Hazard.
Come to think of it, it would be a nice addition to the game, but i've already seen some mod out there fitting for this. Not a priority by any means, and I'm pretty sure everyone has an idea on how much environnemental hazard beyond a mere “Black hole = Less Retreat, Nebulae = no vision, etc this game could have in order to enhance combat.
About Hivemind and Machine being locked pick.
Who decreed so? What if the dev gave both of them the opportunity to “ascend” aswell, and those ascended version would fit better “BIO”, “SYNTH” or even maybe “PSI”? What if they went down the “Non aligned” path, and found Absurd precursor weaponry?
Titan and Dreadnough.
It is worth considering scaling their health up, or just increasing their overall resilience, to make better flagship.
"This is too much DLC related"
Well then make it its own DLC, and leave the people with vanilla I guess? The thing almost feels like a mod in its simplicity, but the outcome and what it could bring to the table is DLC worthy.
What this could mean for Future Crisis.
With this many possibilities open, Crisis can certainly gain in difficulty from that. Crisis could become sufficiently strong and difficult to counter in order to compel people into harnessing enough of the other builds tech to take them down, through alliance, shear tech output or reverse engineering.
A 4th crisis, one focused on crew (hmmmm hello hunters?) could also spawn from such idea.
To me, this seems like killing 2 Battleship with 1 Boarding pod.
  1. It's a perfect opportunity to introduce a wide variety of flavor related mechanics, and an insane one for modders out there to customize many aspect of warfare.
  2. The “Counter” based mechanics will make for a great safebelt in case some build become excessively strong, and people will be safely able to play whatever they want without being “guess i'll die”. Naturally everyone will have access to most other tech eventually, but a sizeable amount of them will be under conditions of what you decided to be. It will also bring challenge in SP, as you spawn next to one empire set on the path to become your nemesis, will you take him out before he reach his "killing tools"? will you ally yourself with its own nemesis? will you directly ally him and take care of his nemesis? Truly the only limit to this is performance, if poorly executed this could get messy with a whole new crew system. But I believe it's fairly manageable, and will make for an overall healthier combat system than our current “pop based” one.

Last but not least, if I could resume this gigantic amount of words by a meme it would be
Hoped you liked the read, if you can make a quick detour to the Megathread "The Faults in Our Stellaris" you can see a sizeable amount of "faults" are actually treated here.
submitted by Regunes to Stellaris [link] [comments]

Battle-tested ways to upgrade your tech resume to get interviews (based on the analysis of 30k developer resumes)

Now, with the job market evolving extremely rapidly, writing an effective resume has become both an art and a science.
Based on data from over 30,000 developer resumes analyzed by CV Compiler, (an automated tech resume reviewer), here are ways to upgrade that should lead to getting more job interviews:
You Want to Make Your Resume Stand-Out From the Masses
Covered 2M lines of code with unit tests since 2017
You Want Your Resume to Be Competitive
The experience and accomplishments you add to your resume should showcase that you’re a hard worker, so there’s no need to add “hard worker” to your resume.
Last but not least, include a link to your LinkedIn profile so a recruiter or hiring manager can verify you are who you claim to be.
Of course, resume expectations vary wildly, depending on the country, the company, and the recruitehiring manager perusing your dev resume. However, I do believe the preceding tips will help transform your resume from ordinary to attention-grabbing, helping you land, if not a job at your dream company, then at least a slew of promising job interviews.
submitted by Lexandrit to careeradvice [link] [comments]

Companies that give take-home tests: review your hiring funnel

I read a lot of similar topics "I poured X hours into this at-home project, sent it in - and never heard back!" in the cscareerquestions . And I feel your pain.
Take-home tests vs whiteboard coding are very opinionated in the tech community.
Some argue take-home challenges reproduce the real work environment with developer tools that anyone can do at their own convenience. The very same camp argues that whiteboard coding (algorithms + data structure) does not reflect daily routine.
Most of the take-home challenges are dummy applications that you could send from previously done take-home tests, yet those companies do not accept others and want you to complete theirs. Sometimes the take-home challenge is about a core of their business domain, it is code that they could use for free. Put another way, some companies consider the take-home test as crowdsourcing of free consulting.🤔


Here are the steps in the hiring funnel:


You can already see two major pain points in the funnel :
Which leads to why don’t candidates just submit the homework?


The take-home test approach is not scalable for both the interviewers and interviewees. As each project is unique, the interviewers have to reply to candidates who request clarity (if the authors ever reply at all). Reviewing the submitted project takes time to understand the logic.
For interviewees, I want to show the best quality of work I do. If I send a project that does all features with quick and dirty code, I am sure the reviewers will reject it outright. Reviewers expect a well-designed code structure. Ironically, the take-home project is only a temporary project which showcases your skills against the time limit. Yet, reviewers expect production quality.
Were the expectations and scope of the test stated properly? Often you have to navigate with ambiguity and the project scope is ridiculously too large.


I don’t mind to complete an automated graded test online for 1-2h.
However, most take-home tests are the type “Build an app/website that X and Y from scratch. We expect tests, threading, SOLID architecture, deployment, production quality, offline mode … You have 4h (to unlimited time) to complete the project”.
I said I don’t mind to spend 2h. Oh now the time limit has been changed to 2h 📷 and the scope is still the same. Of course, the projects are highly underestimated.
You know what? Top companies offer to travel after successfully passing the HR and technical screening interviews (1h30 total). I (and anyone) know where to focus for better use of my time.


Top tech companies FAANG (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google) and other respectable ones DON’T give take-home assignments as a prerequisite for entering into the process. There is no shortage of candidates willing to work for them who would take the assignment in a heartbeat.
After passing the HR interview (30 min) and first technical screening (45 min -1h), the candidate is offered to travel on-site (flight+hotel+food). So why spend more than 4h only on the possibility to reach interviews? While top candidates invested 1h30 interview time and are compensated with travel and accommodation.
Take-home assignment is a huge opportunity COST. Qualified candidates will be turned off. For screening, a 1h interview is enough. Serious companies know that.
I once explained this situation to an HR lady: “We are a start-up, we don’t have the resources”. In admitting this, she hinted the compensation will be lower.
There are way more people applying there. The ratio of candidates to interviewers is higher. How do these companies find the time to interview candidates?
Look at their hiring funnel. The hiring funnel picture below is not at scale. First, notice the applicant pool is much larger and filtered for the HR screening. Second, the take-home challenge is replaced by a short technical screening.




By improving, I mean to save time for everyone. Notice the major differences between the two funnels. What companies that send take-home assignments ought to do:


Now you might think I say NO to take-home assignments. There were several positive experiences made by smart people in a few companies:


From now on, I prefer to stick to whiteboard coding style interviews because they are time-boxed and scalable. Once I understand a problem, I never forget and re-apply the same principles elsewhere. I understand people who are willing to train for a few months on LeetCode/HackerRank and refuse to spend one week on a take-home assignment.
It is fun to experiment with a project with the latest libraries ( still in dev, alpha, beta version, I am looking at Android Hilt, Jetpack Compose … ). But it is better to understand the CS fundamentals used to build these libraries or frameworks. The algorithms and data structure are timeless knowledge.


In the developer circle, I heard various stories: “I spent 8h on an Android tic tac toe project, they turned me down because they didn’t like the code formatting”
Personally, after submitting a clean project on time, I received from a company this response
Thank you for taking the time and effort to complete the challenge. We really appreciate it.
Even though the hiring manager was impressed with your accomplishments, we have determined that another candidate is better suited for this role at this time. I am sorry to say we will not be moving forward with your application at this stage. Again, thank you for your time.It was a pleasure getting to know your background better and I wish you all the best in your search.

What are your experiences on the hiring funnel for any companies that send take-home projects? Please comment below.

If you are on the hiring side, please post your funnel numbers (how many received tests /submitted/were invited for interviews)
PS : I follow this practice by a moderator without being spammy
submitted by raychenon to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]

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submitted by GiuliettaShop to Popify [link] [comments]

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Automation Engineer. Resume SamplesThis page provides you with Automation Engineer resume samples to use to create your own resume with our easy-to-use resume builder. Below you'll find our how-to section that will guide you through each section of a Automation Engineer resume. Sign Up Another example of engineering resume template for internship, you can use its guidelines for writing your resume- irrespective of whether you’re a chemical or computer or any other engineer. IT Support Engineering Resume Template Resume Templates; Fresher Engineer Resume Templates; This article aims to help engineering applicants craft and polish a generic work resume.Aside from the helpful information found in all throughout the content, we have also provided different kinds of engineering resumes which they can download and edit to match the position they’re looking to apply. Automation Engineer @ PDS. Summary: Results-oriented Automation Engineer comfortable switching between architecture, design and implementation. Experience: 9 yrs 2 mo. Related: Engineering,Software Engineering. Create My Resume Automation Test Engineer Resume Sample. This resume was written by our experienced resume writers specifically for this profession. Edit this sample using our resume builder. Edit Sample Sign in required. Similar Job Positions. Information Security Analyst CAD Designer Database Administrator IT Support Officer QA Engineer Network Engineer Aerospace Engineer Quality Engineer Production Manager ... Check out our automation engineer resume sample for a good example. 3. What’s the best way to include digital skills on an automation engineer resume? A firm grasp of computer programming and software development is necessary for work in this industry. You may have all of the skills necessary to be a great automation engineer, but if hiring managers don’t quickly see those skills on your ... Use this automation engineer CV template as the starting point for your own job-winning CV! Customise the template to showcase your experience, skillset and accomplishments, and highlight your most relevant qualifications for a new automation engineer job. Are you an Automation System Engineer by profession and looking for an exciting career? We have good news for you! use our professional Automation System Engineer Resume Example.You don’t have to start writing from scratch. Just click “Edit Resume” and modify it with your details.Update the template fonts and colors have the best chance of landing your dream job. 20 Manual Tester Resume 3 Years Experience In 2020 Job Resume Samples Good Resume Examples Resume . Qa Manager Resume Samples Templates Pdf Word 2020 Qa Manager Resumes Bot Manager Resume Resume Examples Resume . 14 Automation Engineer Resume Pdf In 2020 Sales Resume Examples Job Resume Examples Resume Examples . Cv Template Qa Engineer Resume ... There are plenty of opportunities to land an Automation Test Engineer job position, but it won’t just be handed to you. Crafting an Automation Test Engineer resume that catches the attention of hiring managers is paramount to getting the job, and LiveCareer is here to help you stand out from the competition. View All Engineering Resumes

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Automation Testing Tutorial for Beginners - YouTube

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automation engineer resume template

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